Water-tolerant legume nodulation
Capoen, Ward; Goormachtig, Sofie; Holsters, Marcelle
African legumes: a vital but under-utilized resource
Sprent, Janet I.; Odee, David W.; Dakora, Felix D.
An artificial solar spectrum substantially alters plant development compared with usual climate room irradiance spectra
Hogewoning, Sander W.; Douwstra, Peter; Trouwborst, Govert; van Ieperen, Wim; Harbinson, Jeremy
Co-ordination of developmental processes by small RNAs during leaf development
Pulido, Amada; Laufs, Patrick
Terrestrial plant production and climate change
Friend, Andrew D.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Cleome gynandra L., a C4 dicotyledon that is closely related to Arabidopsis thaliana
Newell, Christine A.; Brown, Naomi J.; Liu, Zheng; Pflug, Alexander; Gowik, Udo; Westhoff, Peter; Hibberd, Julian M.
Metabolic profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana epidermal cells
Ebert, Berit; Zller, Daniela; Erban, Alexander; Fehrle, Ines; Hartmann, Jrgen; Niehl, Annette; Kopka, Joachim; Fisahn, Joachim
SRD1 is involved in the auxin-mediated initial thickening growth of storage root by enhancing proliferation of metaxylem and cambium cells in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas)
Noh, Seol Ah; Lee, Haeng-Soon; Huh, Eun Joo; Huh, Gyung Hye; Paek, Kyung-Hee; Shin, Jeong Sheop; Bae, Jung Myung
Molecular analysis of SCARECROW genes expressed in white lupin cluster roots
Sbabou, Laila; Bucciarelli, Bruna; Miller, Susan; Liu, Junqi; Berhada, Fatiha; Filali-Maltouf, Abdelkarim; Allan, Deborah; Vance, Carroll
Ion fluxes across the pitcher walls of three Bornean Nepenthes pitcher plant species: flux rates and gland distribution patterns reflect nitrogen sequestration strategies
Moran, Jonathan A.; Hawkins, Barbara J.; Gowen, Brent E.; Robbins, Samantha L.
Contribution of carbon fixed by Rubisco and PEPC to phloem export in the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Kalancho daigremontiana
Wild, Birgit; Wanek, Wolfgang; Postl, Wolfgang; Richter, Andreas
Air-coupled broadband ultrasonic spectroscopy as a new non-invasive and non-contact method for the determination of leaf water status
Sancho-Knapik, Domingo; Gmez lvarez-Arenas, Toms; Peguero-Pina, Jos Javier; Gil-Pelegrn, Eustaquio
Metabolic networking in Brunfelsia calycina petals after flower opening
Bar-Akiva, Ayelet; Ovadia, Rinat; Rogachev, Ilana; Bar-Or, Carmiya; Bar, Einat; Freiman, Zohar; Nissim-Levi, Ada; Gollop, Natan; Lewinsohn, Efraim; Aharoni, Asaph; Weiss, David; Koltai, Hinanit; Oren-Shamir, Michal
Mechanisms of ozone tolerance in rice: characterization of two QTLs affecting leaf bronzing by gene expression profiling and biochemical analyses
Frei, Michael; Tanaka, Juan Pariasca; Chen, Charles P.; Wissuwa, Matthias
Auxin response factor 2 (ARF2) plays a major role in regulating auxin-mediated leaf longevity
Lim, Pyung Ok; Lee, In Chul; Kim, Junyoung; Kim, Hyo Jung; Ryu, Jong Sang; Woo, Hye Ryun; Nam, Hong Gil
Terminal drought-tolerant pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] have high leaf ABA and limit transpiration at high vapour pressure deficit
Kholov, Jana; Hash, C. T.; Kumar, P. Lava; Yadav, Rattan S.; Koov, Marie; Vadez, Vincent
The proteome map of spinach leaf peroxisomes indicates partial compartmentalization of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) biosynthesis in plant peroxisomes
Babujee, Lavanya; Wurtz, Virginie; Ma, Changle; Lueder, Franziska; Soni, Pradeep; van Dorsselaer, Alain; Reumann, Sigrun
HvALMT1 from barley is involved in the transport of organic anions
Gruber, Benjamin D.; Ryan, Peter R.; Richardson, Alan E.; Tyerman, Stephen D.; Ramesh, Sunita; Hebb, Diane M.; Howitt, Susan M.; Delhaize, Emmanuel
Control of starch branching in barley defined through differential RNAi suppression of starch branching enzyme IIa and IIb
Regina, Ahmed; Kosar-Hashemi, Behjat; Ling, Samuel; Li, Zhongyi; Rahman, Sadequr; Morell, Matthew
Identification of a Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase homologue, EaZIP, differentially expressed in variegated Epipremnum aureum Golden Pothos is achieved through a unique method of comparative study using tissue regenerated plants
Hung, Chiu-Yueh; Sun, Ying-Hsuan; Chen, Jianjun; Darlington, Diane E.; Williams, Alfred L.; Burkey, Kent O.; Xie, Jiahua
Regulation of tissue-specific expression of SPATULA, a bHLH gene involved in carpel development, seedling germination, and lateral organ growth in Arabidopsis
Groszmann, Michael; Bylstra, Yasmin; Lampugnani, Edwin R.; Smyth, David R.
Characterization of plant sulfiredoxin and role of sulphinic form of 2-Cys peroxiredoxin
Iglesias-Baena, Ivn; Barranco-Medina, Sergio; Lzaro-Payo, Alfonso; Lpez-Jaramillo, Francisco Javier; Sevilla, Francisca; Lzaro, Juan-Jos
The regulation of MADS-box gene expression during ripening of banana and their regulatory interaction with ethylene
Elitzur, Tomer; Vrebalov, Julia; Giovannoni, James J.; Goldschmidt, Eliezer E.; Friedman, Haya
Identification and localization of a caleosin in olive (Olea europaea L.) pollen during in vitro germination
Zienkiewicz, Krzysztof; Castro, Antonio J.; Alch, Juan de Dios; Zienkiewicz, Agnieszka; Surez, Cynthia; Rodrguez-Garca, Mara Isabel
Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (6), 2010
Tocochromanol functions in plants: antioxidation and beyond
Falk, Jon; Munn-Bosch, Sergi
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum cv Stewart) with improved efficiency
He, Y.; Jones, H. D.; Chen, S.; Chen, X. M.; Wang, D. W.; Li, K. X.; Wang, D. S.; Xia, L. Q.
Elevation of night-time temperature increases terpenoid emissions from Betula pendula and Populus tremula
Ibrahim, Mohamed A.; Menp, Maarit; Hassinen, Viivi; Kontunen-Soppela, Sari; Malec, Luk; Rousi, Matti; Pietikinen, Liisa; Tervahauta, Arja; Krenlampi, Sirpa; Holopainen, Jarmo K.; Oksanen, Elina J.
Aluminium reduces sugar uptake in tobacco cell cultures: a potential cause of inhibited elongation but not of toxicity
Abdel-Basset, Refat; Ozuka, Shotaro; Demiral, Tijen; Furuichi, Takuya; Sawatani, Ikuo; Baskin, Tobias I.; Matsumoto, Hideaki; Yamamoto, Yoko
Temporal analysis of natural variation for the rate of leaf production and its relationship with flowering initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Mndez-Vigo, Beln; de Andrs, M. Teresa; Ramiro, Mercedes; Martnez-Zapater, Jos M.; Alonso-Blanco, Carlos
Glyoxylate rather than ascorbate is an efficient precursor for oxalate biosynthesis in rice
Yu, Le; Jiang, Jingzhe; Zhang, Chan; Jiang, Linrong; Ye, Nenghui; Lu, Yusheng; Yang, Guozheng; Liu, Ee; Peng, Changlian; He, Zhenghui; Peng, Xinxiang
Cloning and expression analysis of the Ccrboh gene encoding respiratory burst oxidase in Citrullus colocynthis and grafting onto Citrullus lanatus (watermelon)
Si, Ying; Dane, Fenny; Rashotte, Aaron; Kang, Kwonkyoo; Singh, Narendra K.
Synergic effect of salinity and CO2 enrichment on growth and photosynthetic responses of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora
Mateos-Naranjo, Enrique; Redondo-Gmez, Susana; lvarez, Rosario; Cambroll, Jess; Gandullo, Jacinto; Figueroa, M. Enrique
cpSecA, a thylakoid protein translocase subunit, is essential for photosynthetic development in Arabidopsis
Liu, Dong; Gong, Qingqiu; Ma, Yuanyuan; Li, Pengli; Li, Jinping; Yang, Shuhua; Yuan, Lingling; Yu, Yunqing; Pan, Dadi; Xu, Fan; Wang, Ning Ning
PtAAP11, a high affinity amino acid transporter specifically expressed in differentiating xylem cells of poplar
Couturier, Jrmy; de Fa, Elisabeth; Fitz, Michael; Wipf, Daniel; Blaudez, Damien; Chalot, Michel
Removing the mustard oil bomb from seeds: transgenic ablation of myrosin cells in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) produces MINELESS seeds
Borgen, Birgit Hafeld; Thangstad, Ole Petter; Ahuja, Ishita; Rossiter, John Trevor; Bones, Atle Magnar
Association between winter anthocyanin production and drought stress in angiosperm evergreen species
Hughes, Nicole M.; Reinhardt, Keith; Feild, Taylor S.; Gerardi, Anthony R.; Smith, William K.
Accumulation of xylem transported protein at pit membranes and associated reductions in hydraulic conductance
Neumann, Peter M.; Weissman, Rachel; Stefano, Giovanni; Mancuso, Stefano
A transcriptomic study of grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon) interaction with the vascular ascomycete fungus Eutypa lata
Camps, Cline; Kappel, Christian; Lecomte, Pascal; Lon, Cline; Goms, Eric; Coutos-Thvenot, Pierre; Delrot, Serge
A tomato strigolactone-impaired mutant displays aberrant shoot morphology and plant interactions
Koltai, Hinanit; LekKala, Sivarama P.; Bhattacharya, Chaitali; Mayzlish-Gati, Einav; Resnick, Nathalie; Wininger, Smadar; Dor, Evgenya; Yoneyama, Kaori; Yoneyama, Koichi; Hershenhorn, Joseph; Joel, Daniel M.; Kapulnik, Yoram
Diel time-courses of leaf growth in monocot and dicot species: endogenous rhythms and temperature effects
Poir, Richard; Wiese-Klinkenberg, Anika; Parent, Boris; Mielewczik, Michael; Schurr, Ulrich; Tardieu, Franois; Walter, Achim
Regulation of two germin-like protein genes during plum fruit development
El-Sharkawy, I.; Mila, I.; Bouzayen, M.; Jayasankar, S.
Brachypodium distachyon grain: identification and subcellular localization of storage proteins
Larr, C.; Penninck, S.; Bouchet, B.; Lollier, V.; Tranquet, O.; Denery-Papini, S.; Guillon, F.; Rogniaux, H.
Phloem sap and leaf 13C, carbohydrates, and amino acid concentrations in Eucalyptus globulus change systematically according to flooding and water deficit treatment
Merchant, Andrew; Peuke, Andreas D.; Keitel, Claudia; Macfarlane, Craig; Warren, Charles R.; Adams, Mark A.
Functional diversification of AGAMOUS lineage genes in regulating tomato flower and fruit development
Pan, Irvin L.; McQuinn, Ryan; Giovannoni, James J.; Irish, Vivian F.
Ergosterol triggers characteristic elicitation steps in Beta vulgaris leaf tissues
Rossard, Stphanie; Roblin, Gabriel; Atanassova, Rossitza
BrFLC2 (FLOWERING LOCUS C) as a candidate gene for a vernalization response QTL in Brassica rapa
Zhao, Jianjun; Kulkarni, Vani; Liu, Nini; Pino Del Carpio, Dunia; Bucher, Johan; Bonnema, Guusje
Identification and functional analysis of the genes encoding 6-desaturase from Ribes nigrum
Song, Li-Ying; Lu, Wan-Xiang; Hu, Jun; Zhang, Yan; Yin, Wei-Bo; Chen, Yu-Hong; Hao, Shan-Ting; Wang, Bai-Lin; Wang, Richard R-C; Hu, Zan-Min
Silencing of the HvCKX1 gene decreases the cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase level in barley and leads to higher plant productivity
Zalewski, Wojciech; Galuszka, Petr; Gasparis, Sebastian; Orczyk, Wacaw; Nadolska-Orczyk, Anna
Auxin polar transport is essential for the development of zygote and embryo in Nicotiana tabacum L. and correlated with ABP1 and PM H+-ATPase activities
Chen, Dan; Ren, Yujun; Deng, Yingtian; Zhao, Jie
Specific expression of apomixis-linked alleles revealed by comparative transcriptomic analysis of sexual and apomictic Paspalum simplex Morong flowers
Polegri, Livia; Calderini, Ornella; Arcioni, Sergio; Pupilli, Fulvio
Overexpression of Osta-siR2141 caused abnormal polarity establishment and retarded growth in rice
Wang, Jiang; Gao, Xiaoyan; Li, Lin; Shi, Xiangyi; Zhang, Jingliu; Shi, Zhenying
Hernandez, Mercedes; Fernandez-Garcia, Nieves; Diaz-Vivancos, Pedro; Olmos, Enrique
Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (7), 2010
McClure, Bruce; Franklin-Tong, Noni
A transgenic self-incompatible Arabidopsis thaliana model for evolutionary and mechanistic studies of crucifer self-incompatibility
Rea, Anne C.; Liu, Pei; Nasrallah, June B.
The pollen tube journey in the pistil and imaging the in vivo process by two-photon microscopy
Cheung, Alice Y.; Boavida, Leonor C.; Aggarwal, Mini; Wu, Hen-Ming; Feij, Jos A.
Physcomitrella patens: a model to investigate the role of RAC/ROP GTPase signalling in tip growth
Eklund, D. Magnus; Svensson, Emma M.; Kost, Benedikt
Spatial and temporal integration of signalling networks regulating pollen tube growth
Zonia, Laura
Temperature stress and plant sexual reproduction: uncovering the weakest links
Zinn, Kelly E.; Tunc-Ozdemir, Meral; Harper, Jeffrey F.
Regulation of actin dynamics by actin-binding proteins in pollen
Staiger, Christopher J.; Poulter, Natalie S.; Henty, Jessica L.; Franklin-Tong, Vernonica E.; Blanchoin, Laurent
Pollenpistil interactions regulating successful fertilization in the Brassicaceae
Chapman, Laura A.; Goring, Daphne R.
Pollenpistil interactions and the endomembrane system
Kumar, Aruna; McClure, Bruce
The pollen S-determinant in Papaver: comparisons with known plant receptors and protein ligand partners
Wheeler, Michael J.; Vatovec, Sabina; Franklin-Tong, Vernonica E.
A life or death decision for pollen tubes in S-RNase-based self-incompatibility
Chen, Guang; Zhang, Bin; Zhao, Zhonghua; Sui, Zhenhua; Zhang, Hui; Xue, Yongbiao
Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (8), 2010
Why work and discuss the basic principles of plant modelling 50 years after the first plant models?
Tardieu, Francois
A method to construct doseresponse curves for a wide range of environmental factors and plant traits by means of a meta-analysis of phenotypic data
Poorter, Hendrik; Niinemets, lo; Walter, Achim; Fiorani, Fabio; Schurr, Uli
Modelling temperature-compensated physiological rates, based on the co-ordination of responses to temperature of developmental processes
Parent, B.; Turc, O.; Gibon, Y.; Stitt, M.; Tardieu, F.
A model for gas transport in pear fruit at multiple scales
Ho, Q. Tri; Verboven, Pieter; Verlinden, Bert E.; Nicola, Bart M.
Development and verification of a water and sugar transport model using measured stem diameter variations
De Schepper, Veerle; Steppe, Kathy
Functionalstructural plant modelling: a new versatile tool in crop science
Vos, J.; Evers, J. B.; Buck-Sorlin, G. H.; Andrieu, B.; Chelle, M.; de Visser, P. H. B.
Constraints of space in plant development
Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw; Barbier de Reuille, Pierre
Root growth models: towards a new generation of continuous approaches
Dupuy, Lionel; Gregory, Peter J.; Bengough, A. Glyn
Model-assisted integration of physiological and environmental constraints affecting the dynamic and spatial patterns of root water uptake from soils
Draye, Xavier; Kim, Yangmin; Lobet, Guillaume; Javaux, Mathieu
To what extent may changes in the root system architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana grown under contrasted homogenous nitrogen regimes be explained by changes in carbon supply? A modelling approach
Brun, Franois; Richard-Molard, Cline; Pags, Loc; Chelle, Michal; Ney, Bertrand
Modelling the crop: from system dynamics to systems biology
Yin, Xinyou; Struik, Paul C.
Adapting APSIM to model the physiology and genetics of complex adaptive traits in field crops
Hammer, Graeme L.; van Oosterom, Erik; McLean, Greg; Chapman, Scott C.; Broad, Ian; Harland, Peter; Muchow, Russell C.
Simulation of wheat growth and development based on organ-level photosynthesis and assimilate allocation
Evers, J. B.; Vos, J.; Yin, X.; Romero, P.; van der Putten, P. E. L.; Struik, P. C.
Improving the use of modelling for projections of climate change impacts on crops and pastures
Soussana, Jean-Franois; Graux, Anne-Isabelle; Tubiello, Francesco N.
Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (9), 2010
microRNA, seeds, and Darwin?: diverse function of miRNA in seed biology and plant responses to stress
Martin, Ruth C.; Liu, Po-Pu; Goloviznina, Natalya A.; Nonogaki, Hiroyuki
Inflorescence development in petunia: through the maze of botanical terminology
Castel, Rob; Kusters, Elske; Koes, Ronald
Regulation and function of SOC1, a flowering pathway integrator
Lee, Jungeun; Lee, Ilha
Haem oxygenase (HO): an overlooked enzyme of plant metabolism and defence
Shekhawat, G. S.; Verma, Kusum
Methodological framework for functional characterization of plant microRNAs
Chen, Ming; Meng, Yijun; Mao, Chuanzao; Chen, Dijun; Wu, Ping
The importance of nodule CO2 fixation for the efficiency of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pea at vegetative growth and during pod formation
Fischinger, Stephanie Anastasia; Schulze, Joachim
Natural variation of nitrate uptake and nitrogen use efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana cultivated with limiting and ample nitrogen supply
Chardon, Fabien; Barthlmy, Julien; Daniel-Vedele, Franoise; Masclaux-Daubresse, Cline
Competition between uptake of ammonium and potassium in barley and Arabidopsis roots: molecular mechanisms and physiological consequences
Hoopen, Floor ten; Cuin, Tracey Ann; Pedas, Pai; Hegelund, Josefine N.; Shabala, Sergey; Schjoerring, Jan K.; Jahn, Thomas P.
Glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins are functionally conserved in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa during cold adaptation process
Kim, Joo Yeol; Kim, Won Yong; Kwak, Kyung Jin; Oh, Seung Han; Han, Yeon Soo; Kang, Hunseung
Identification of drought-responsive compounds in potato through a combined transcriptomic and targeted metabolite approach
Evers, Danile; Lefvre, Isabelle; Legay, Sylvain; Lamoureux, Didier; Hausman, Jean-Franois; Rosales, Raymundo Oscar Gutierrez; Marca, Luz Rosalina Tincopa; Hoffmann, Lucien; Bonierbale, Merideth; Schafleitner, Roland
Differential expression of genes identified by suppression subtractive hybridization in petals of opening carnation flowers
Harada, Taro; Torii, Yuka; Morita, Shigeto; Masumura, Takehiro; Satoh, Shigeru
Rubisco activities, properties, and regulation in three different C4 grasses under drought
Carmo-Silva, A. Elizabete; Keys, Alfred J.; Andralojc, P. John; Powers, Stephen J.; Arrabaa, M. Celeste; Parry, Martin A. J.
Proteome profiling of early seed development in Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook
Shi, Jisen; Zhen, Yan; Zheng, Ren-Hua
Importance of the C-helix in the cyclic nucleotide binding domain for the stable channel regulation and function of cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels in Arabidopsis
Chin, Kimberley; Moeder, Wolfgang; Abdel-Hamid, Huda; Shahinas, Dea; Gupta, Deepali; Yoshioka, Keiko
Recondensation level of repetitive sequences in the plant protoplast nucleus is limited by oxidative stress
Ondej, Vladan; Navrtilov, Boena; Protivnkov, Iva; Piterkov, Jana; Sedlov, Michaela; Luhov, Lenka; Lebeda, Ale
Acclimation kinetics of physiological and molecular responses of plants to multiple mechanical loadings
Martin, Ludovic; Leblanc-Fournier, Nathalie; Julien, Jean-Louis; Moulia, Bruno; Coutand, Catherine
Characteristics of the tomato chromoplast revealed by proteomic analysis
Barsan, Cristina; Sanchez-Bel, Paloma; Rombaldi, Cesar; Egea, Isabel; Rossignol, Michel; Kuntz, Marcel; Zouine, Mohamed; Latch, Alain; Bouzayen, Mondher; Pech, Jean-Claude
Comparative transcriptome analysis of green/white variegated sectors in Arabidopsis yellow variegated2: responses to oxidative and other stresses in white sectors
Miura, Eiko; Kato, Yusuke; Sakamoto, Wataru
Proteomic analysis of the effects of ABA treatments on ripening Vitis vinifera berries
Giribaldi, Marzia; Gny, Laurence; Delrot, Serge; Schubert, Andrea
Analysis of five novel putative constitutive gene promoters in transgenic rice plants
Park, Su-Hyun; Yi, Nari; Kim, Youn Shic; Jeong, Min-Ho; Bang, Seung-Woon; Choi, Yang Do; Kim, Ju-Kon
Light controls phospholipase A2? and ß gene expression in Citrus sinensis
Liao, Hui-Ling; Burns, Jacqueline K.
Phenotypic plasticity in cell walls of maize brown midrib mutants is limited by lignin composition
Vermerris, Wilfred; Sherman, Debra M.; McIntyre, Lauren M.
An appraisal of the electrical resistance method for assessing root surface area
Cao, Yang; Repo, Tapani; Silvennoinen, Raimo; Lehto, Tarja; Pelkonen, Paavo
Tobacco seeds simultaneously over-expressing Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase display enhanced seed longevity and germination rates under stress conditions
Lee, Young Pyo; Baek, Kwang-Hyun; Lee, Haeng-Soon; Kwak, Sang-Soo; Bang, Jae-Woog; Kwon, Suk-Yoon
The surface charge density of plant cell membranes (): an attempt to resolve conflicting values for intrinsic
Kinraide, Thomas B.; Wang, Peng
GsCBRLK, a calcium/calmodulin-binding receptor-like kinase, is a positive regulator of plant tolerance to salt and ABA stress
Yang, Liang; Ji, Wei; Zhu, Yanming; Gao, Peng; Li, Yong; Cai, Hua; Bai, Xi; Guo, Dianjing
Journal of Experimental Botany - 61 (10), 2010
Mechanisms for maintenance, replication, and repair of the chloroplast genome in plants
Nielsen, Brent L.; Cupp, John D.; Brammer, Jeffrey
Intersections between immune responses and morphological regulation in plants
Uchida, Naoyuki; Tasaka, Masao
Precocious flowering in trees: the FLOWERING LOCUS T gene as a research and breeding tool in Populus
Zhang, Huanling; Harry, David E.; Ma, Cathleen; Yuceer, Cetin; Hsu, Chuan-Yu; Vikram, Vikas; Shevchenko, Olga; Etherington, Elizabeth; Strauss, Steven H.
The application of the yeast N-acetyltransferase MPR1 gene and the proline analogue L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid as a selectable marker system for plant transformation
Tsai, Fei-Yi; Zhang, Xing-Hai; Ulanov, Alexander; Widholm, Jack M.
RecA maintains the integrity of chloroplast DNA molecules in Arabidopsis
Rowan, Beth A.; Oldenburg, Delene J.; Bendich, Arnold J.
Hormonal and transcriptional profiles highlight common and differential host responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the regulation of the oxylipin pathway
Lopez-Rez, Juan A.; Verhage, Adriaan; Fernadez, Ivn; Garca, Juan M.; Azacan-Aguilar, Concepcin; Flors, Victor; Pozo, Mara J.
Inhibition of Golgi function causes plastid starch accumulation
Hummel, Eric; Osterrieder, Anne; Robinson, David G.; Hawes, Chris
Reduced expression of the v-SNAREs AtVAMP71/AtVAMP7C gene family in Arabidopsis reduces drought tolerance by suppression of abscisic acid-dependent stomatal closure
Leshem, Yehoram; Golani, Yael; Kaye, Yuval; Levine, Alex
Dosage effect of the short arm of chromosome 1 of rye on root morphology and anatomy in bread wheat
Sharma, Sundrish; DeMason, Darleen A.; Ehdaie, Bahman; Lukaszewski, Adam J.; Waines, J. Giles
Effect of mineral sulphur availability on nitrogen and sulphur uptake and remobilization during the vegetative growth of Brassica napus L.
Abdallah, M.; Dubousset, L.; Meuriot, F.; Etienne, P.; Avice, J-C.; Ourry, A.
Genome-wide identification, classification, and expression analysis of the arabinogalactan protein gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Ma, Haoli; Zhao, Jie
The physiological importance of photosynthetic ferredoxin NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) isoforms in wheat
Moolna, Adam; Bowsher, Caroline G.
Two solanesyl diphosphate synthases with different subcellular localizations and their respective physiological roles in Oryza sativa
Ohara, Kazuaki; Sasaki, Kanako; Yazaki, Kazufumi
Anther-specific carbohydrate supply and restoration of metabolically engineered male sterility
Engelke, T.; Hirsche, J.; Roitsch, T.
Why some stems are red: cauline anthocyanins shield photosystem II against high light stress
Gould, Kevin S.; Dudle, Dana A.; Neufeld, Howard S.
Putrescine differently influences the effect of salt stress on polyamine metabolism and ethylene synthesis in rice cultivars differing in salt resistance
Quinet, Muriel; Ndayiragije, Alexis; Lefvre, Isabelle; Lambillotte, Batrice; Dupont-Gillain, Christine C.; Lutts, Stanley
Functional analysis of a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase involved in lignin biosynthesis in wheat
Ma, Qing-Hu
Genotype effects on internal gas gradients in apple fruit
Ho, Q. Tri; Verboven, Pieter; Verlinden, Bert E.; Schenk, Ann; Delele, Mulugeta A.; Rolletschek, Hardy; Vercammen, Jef; Nicola, Bart M.
Classification and quantification of leaf curvature
Liu, Zhongyuan; Jia, Liguo; Mao, Yanfei; He, Yuke
Contrasting drought tolerance strategies in two desert annuals of hybrid origin
Rosenthal, David M.; Stiller, Volker; Sperry, John S.; Donovan, Lisa A.
Depletion of cellular brassinolide decreases embryo production and disrupts the architecture of the apical meristems in Brassica napus microspore-derived embryos
Belmonte, Mark; Elhiti, Mohamed; Waldner, Blaine; Stasolla, Claudio
What determines the complex kinetics of stomatal conductance under blueless PAR in Festuca arundinacea? Subsequent effects on leaf transpiration
Barillot, Romain; Frak, Ela; Combes, Didier; Durand, Jean-Louis; Escobar-Gutirrez, Abraham J.
Functional analysis of a novel Cys2/His2-type zinc finger protein involved in salt tolerance in rice
Sun, Shu-Jing; Guo, Shu-Qiao; Yang, Xia; Bao, Yong-Mei; Tang, Hai-Juan; Sun, Hui; Huang, Ji; Zhang, Hong-Sheng
Involvement of phospholipase D and phosphatidic acid in the light-dependent up-regulation of sorghum leaf phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase-kinase
Monreal, Jos Antonio; Lpez-Baena, Francisco Javier; Vidal, Jean; Echevarra, Cristina; Garca-Maurio, Sofa
Identification and differential expression dynamics of peach small GTPases encoding genes during fruit development and ripening
Falchi, Rachele; Cipriani, Guido; Marrazzo, Teresa; Nonis, Alberto; Vizzotto, Giannina; Ruperti, Benedetto
Recovery of heat shock-triggered released apoplastic Ca2 accompanied by pectin methylesterase activity is required for thermotolerance in soybean seedlings
Wu, Hui-Chen; Hsu, Shih-Feng; Luo, Dan-Li; Chen, Shiang-Jiuun; Huang, Wen-Dar; Lur, Huu-Sheng; Jinn, Tsung-Luo




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