czwartek, 31 stycznia 2013
Hasło ogrodnicze - 9-12, 2011
Hasło ogrodnicze - 9, 2011
W numerze
Kolejny mokry rok - Anita Łukawska
Interesujące odmiany - Jan Frąk, Mateusz Nowakowski,Szymon Nowakowski, Grzegorz Pagacz,
Zdrowotność materiału szkółkarskiego - mgr Ireneusz Bloch
Ceny warzyw i owoców na rynkach – Polska - dr inż. Wiesław Siutaj
Polepszyć jakość jabłek i gruszek - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Dzień Borówkowy (cz. II). Sterowanie dojrzewaniem i zbyt owoców - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Moim zdaniem: Finał skupu owoców jagodowych - prof. dr hab. Eberhard Makosz
Mocznik jesienią - dr Beata Meszka
Truskawkowo w Górze Puławskiej po raz pierwszy! - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Pomidorowe rozmaitości z Rzeczycy - Katarzyna Ziółkowska
Marchew, rzodkiewka i papryka w uczniowskim menu - Joanna Klepacz-Baniak
Czosnek–dochodowe warzywo - Łukasz Knafel
Główne zagrożenia po wschodach cebuli ozimej - dr Wojciech Matuszak
Problemy na plantacjach cebuli w bieżącym sezonie - Piotr Borczyński
Szparagi nie tylko na królewskie stoły - Aleksandra Czerwińska-Nowak
Wczesne pory w Złotnikach - Joanna Klepacz-Baniak
O ogórkach pod Łęczną - Adela Maziarz
Kolekcja sałat w Witkach - Aleksandra Andrzejewska
Juki (cz. II) - prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Czekalski
Hasło ogrodnicze - 10, 2011
W numerze
Jak powstaje podłoże w Gandawie - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Czy warto szczepić? - dr Marta Repelewicz-Szybkowska
Typy rozsady szczepionej pomidora - dr Włodzimierz Oświecimski, Hans van Herk
Jak produkować zdrową rozsadę warzyw - prof. dr hab. Józef Robak
Szkodniki w rozsadzie warzyw - dr inż. Maria Rogowska
Środowisko naturalne - Joanna Klepacz-Baniak
Nawożenie po zbiorach - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury, Anita Łukawska
Platformy sadownicze - Anita Łukawska, Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Rynny – sposobem na atrakcyjne truskawki - Katarzyna Kupczak
Francuskie kreacje odmianowe - Marcin Bartczak
Pomidory mięsiste w Ludwinie - Anna Maciejuk
Papryki z Kecskemet - Adela Maziarz
Nowe podłoża i nowatorskie rozwiązania (cz. I) - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Kombajn do zbioru warzyw liściowych - Aleksandra Andrzejewska
Uprawa pierwiosnków bezłodygowych w doniczkach (cz. I) - dr inż. Agnieszka Zawadzińska, dr inż. Dorota Janicka
Hasło ogrodnicze - 11, 2011
W numerze
Polskie odmiany - mgr Agnieszka Orzeł
Systemy produkcji i problemy - dr Katarzyna Król
Fertygacja maliny „powtarzającej” - dr Paweł Krawiec
Technika opryskiwania plantacji malin - dr Grzegorz Doruchowski
Choroby maliny „powtarzającej” - Dr Beata Meszka
Wdziorek jeżyniak - Katarzyna Król
Szkodniki maliny „powtarzającej” - Dr hab. Barbara H. Łabanowska
Zwalczanie gryzoni w przechowalniach - prof. dr hab. Stanisław Ignatowicz
Borówka wysoka – spełnieniem marzeń - Katarzyna Kupczak
Okiem doradcy - Anita Łukawska
Nowe podłoża i nowatorskie rozwiązania (cz. II) - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Święto cebuli w Henrykowie - Aleksandra Czerwińska-Nowak
Cebula do długiego przechowywania - Anna Maciejuk
Chryzantemy nie tylko na jesień - mgr Mariusz Podymniak
Uprawa pierwiosnków bezłodygowych w doniczkach (cz. II) - dr inż. Agnieszka Zawadzińska
Hasło ogrodnicze - 12, 2011
W numerze
Spożycie warzyw i przetworów warzywnych - Mgr inż. Irena Strojewska
Przeciąganie liny - Dr Grzegorz Klimek
Pomyśleć o odmianie - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Choroby kory i drewna - Prof. dr hab. Marek Grabowski
Nowości przeciwko zwójkówkom - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
W Gołuchowie dla sadownictwa (cz. II) - Katarzyna Kupczak, Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Czym skorupka za młodu….- Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Hołownick
Suszone owoce wiśni i czarnych porzeczek - Dr inż. Dorota Konopacka, Dr inż. Katarzyna Jesionkowska
Białe truskawki - Dorota Łabanowska-Bury
Dezynfekcja pomieszczeń uprawowych - Dr hab. Natasza Borodynko
Ściółkowanie gleby - Mgr Artur Kowalski
Święto kapusty w Charsznicy - Joanna Klepacz-Baniak
W pomidorowym zagłębiu - Piotr Borczyński
Odmiany fasoli szparagowej do przemysłu - Anna Maciejuk
Rosnąca podaż hipeastrum - Ilona Sprzączka
Hipeastrum w doniczkach – świąteczna gwiazda (cz. I) - Dr inż. Barbara Marcinek
środa, 30 stycznia 2013
Forest Pathology - 42 (6), 2012
Issue Information (page I)
Presence of fungi in Scots pine needles found to correlate with air quality as measured by bioindicators in northern Spain (pages 443–453)
C. Romeralo, J. J. Diez and N. F. Santiago
Inhibition of Armillaria and Heterobasidion growth by Penicillium adametzii isolated from Pinus sylvestris forest soil (pages 454–466)
L. Szwajkowska-Michałek, H. Kwaśna, P. Łakomy and J. Perkowski
Isolation and characterization of pathogen defence-related class I chitinase from the actinorhizal tree Casuarina equisetifolia (pages 467–480)
R. Veluthakkal and M. G. Dasgupta
Pathogenicity and virulence of Armillaria sinapina and host response to infection in Douglas-fir, western hemlock and western redcedar in the southern Interior of British Columbia (pages 481–491)
M. R. Cleary, B. J. van der Kamp and D. J. Morrison
Root-colonizing ophiostomatoid fungi associated with dying and dead young Scots pine in Poland (pages 492–500)
R. Jankowiak, P. Bilański, M. Kolařík and D. Wasiuta
Detecting asymptomatic ink-diseased chestnut trees by the composition of the ectomycorrhizal community (pages 501–509)
L. Scattolin, E. Dal Maso, S. Mutto Accordi, L. Sella and L. Montecchio
Canker and dieback on Platanus x acerifolia caused by Diaporthe scabra (pages 510–513)
F. M. Grasso, M. Marini, A. Vitale, G. Firrao and G. Granata
Root and butt rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum in Atlantic coniferous ecosystems of Spain (pages 514–520)
N. Mesanza and E. Iturritxa
Pine wilt disease: detection of the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) as a tool for a pine breeding programme (pages 521–525)
B. Ribeiro, M. Espada, T. Vu, F. Nóbrega, M. Mota and I. Carrasquinho
wtorek, 29 stycznia 2013
Forest Pathology - 42 (5), 2012
Issue Information (page I)
Brown root rot of trees caused by Phellinus noxius in the Ryukyu Islands, subtropical areas of Japan (pages 353–361)
N. Sahashi, M. Akiba, M. Ishihara, Y. Ota and N. Kanzaki
Behaviour and survival of Phytophthora cambivora inoculum in soil-like substrate under different water regimes (pages 362–370)
A. Vannini, M. Breccia, N. Bruni, A. Tomassini and A.M. Vettraino
A new phytoplasma associated with witches’-broom on Japanese maple in China (pages 371–376)
Z.-N. Li, L. Zhang, L. Zhao and Y.-F. Wu
Involvement of Phytophthora spp. in chestnut decline in the Black Sea region of Turkey (pages 377–386)
S. Akilli, Ç. U. Serçe, Y. Z. Kati rcioglu and S. Maden
Discoloration and associated fungi in stems of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) following logging damage (pages 387–392)
R. Vasaitis, R. Bakys and A. Vasiliauskas
Effects of salicylic acid, 1-aminocyclopropan-1-carboxylic acid and methyl jasmonate on the frequencies of endophytic fungi in Quercus serrata leaves (pages 393–396)
D. Kusumoto and E. Matsumura
Chestnut blight in south-western Germany: multiple introductions of Cryphonectria parasitica and slow hypovirus spread (pages 397–404)
F. S. Peters, C. L. Holweg, D. Rigling and B. Metzler
Development and evaluation of a real-time PCR seed lot screening method for Fusarium circinatum, causal agent of pitch canker disease (pages 405–411)
T. J. Dreaden, J. A. Smith, E. L. Barnard and G. Blakeslee
Diversity of Cryphonectria parasitica in western Spain and identification of hypovirus-infected isolates (pages 412–419)
P. Zamora, A. B. Martín, D. Rigling and J. J. Diez
The effect of Phlebiopsis gigantea and urea stump treatment against spore infection of Heterobasidion spp. on hybrid larch (Larix × eurolepis) in southern Sweden (pages 420–428)
L.Y Wang, H. Palsson, E. Ek and J. Rönnberg
Molecular phylogeny of Ganoderma lucidum isolates collected from northern India (pages 429–436)
P. S. Mohanty, N. S. K. Harsh and A. Pandey
First report of Mycosphaerella dearnessii on Pinus nigra var. nigra in Austria (pages 437–440)
M. Hintsteiner, T. L. Cech, E. Halmschlager, C. Stauffer and T. Kirisits
Edwin Donaubauer, 1932–2012 (pages 441–442)
E. Halmschlager, T. Kirisits, T. L. Cech and C. Tomiczek
poniedziałek, 28 stycznia 2013
Forest Pathology - 42 (4), 2012
Forest Pathology - 42 (4), 2012
Issue Information (page I)
Tree chitinases – stress- and developmental-driven gene regulation (pages 271–278)
R. Veluthakkal, B. Karpaga Raja Sundari and M. Ghosh Dasgupta
Molecular cloning and gene transcription analyses of barwin-type PR-4 genes from Phellinus sulphurascens-infected Douglas-fir seedlings (pages 279–288)
M. A. Islam, R. N. Sturrock and A. K. M. Ekramoddoullah
Pathogenicity of Phytophthora multivora to Eucalyptus gomphocephala and Eucalyptus marginata (pages 289–298)
P. M. Scott, T. Jung, B. L. Shearer, P. A. Barber, M. Calver and G. E. St. J. Hardy
Phytophthora citrophthora, a new pathogen causing decline on horse chestnut in Turkey (pages 299–304)
S. Akilli, Ç. Ulubas Serçe, Y. Katircioglu and S. Maden
Potential susceptibility of Australian flora to a NA2 isolate of Phytophthora ramorum and pathogen sporulation potential (pages 305–320)
K. B. Ireland, D. Hüberli, B. Dell, I. W. Smith, D. M. Rizzo and G. E. St. J. Hardy
Eucalyptus wood decay: effects on productivity and quality of cellulose (pages 321–329)
R. G. Mafia, P. C. Santos, B. J. Demuner, A. Massoquete and R. C. Sartório
The effects of Arceuthobium sichuanense infection on needles and current-year shoots of mature and young Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) trees (pages 330–337)
B. Xia, C.-M. Tian, Y.-Q. Luo, L.-Y. Liu, D.-Z. Cairang, J.-H. Ma and F.-Z. Han
Comparison of colonization capacity by asexual spores of Heterobasidion species in Norway spruce wood (pages 338–344)
A. Gunulf, J. Rönnberg and M. Berglund
Susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi of the commonest morphotypes of Holm oak in southern Spain (pages 345–347)
M. S. Serrano, P. De Vita, M. D. Carbonero, F. Fernández, P. Fernández-Rebollo and M. E. Sánchez
Alder rust, Melampsoridium hiratsukanum Ito, identified from Wales, UK and British Columbia, Canada (pages 348–350)
J. Hantula, R. Nigel Stringer, A. Lilja and T. Kurkela
G. L Schumann; C. J D'Arcy, 2012: Hungry Plant: Stories of Plant Disease. St. Paul, MN: The American Phytopathological Society, ISBN: 978-0-89054-399-3; ix + 294 pp. Additional resources available at: (page 351)
Steve Woodward
Corrigendum (page 352)
Cryptic speciation in Hymenoscyphus albidus
niedziela, 27 stycznia 2013
Forest Pathology - 42 (3), 2012
Issue Information (page I)
Mycobiota in needles of Abies alba with and without symptoms of Herpotrichia needle browning (pages 183–190)
T. Kowalski and K. Andruch
Evaluating the efficacy of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil treatment for Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. against Pycnoporus sanguineus (L. ex Fr.) Murr. using static bending strength properties (pages 191–198)
A. A. Erakhrumen
Relationships among beech bark disease, climate, radial growth response and mortality of American beech in northern Maine, USA (pages 199–212)
M. T. Kasson and W. H. Livingston
Pathogenicity testing of four Bursaphelenchus species on conifer seedlings under greenhouse conditions (pages 213–219)
M. Dayi and S. Akbulut
Virulence of Fusarium oxysporum and F. commune to Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) seedlings (pages 220–228)
J. E. Stewart, Z. Abdo, R. K. Dumroese, N. B. Klopfenstein and M.-S. Kim
Development and verification of a diagnostic assay based on EF-1 ? for the identification of Armillaria species in Northern Europe (pages 229–238)
V. Mulholland, G. A. MacAskill, B. E. Laue, H. Steele, D. Kenyon and S. Green
Impact of laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola, on xylem function in avocado, Persea americana (pages 239–245)
S. A. Inch and R. C. Ploetz
Leptoglossus occidentalis and Diplodia pinea: a new insect-fungus association in Mediterranean forests (pages 246–251)
N. Luchi, V. Mancini, M. Feducci, A. Santini and P. Capretti
A molecular toolkit for population genetic investigations of the ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (pages 252–264)
A. Gross, C. R. Grünig, V. Queloz and O. Holdenrieder
First report of Curvularia leaf spot, caused by Curvularia affinis on Dalbergia sissoo (pages 265–266)
P. Sharma, N. Singh and O.P. Verma
Armillaria ostoyae associated with dying 60-year-old Scots pines in northern Turkey (pages 267–269)
A. Lehtijärvi, H. T. Dogmuş -Lehtijärvi and A. G. Aday
sobota, 26 stycznia 2013
Forest Pathology - 42 (2), 2012
Issue Information (pages I–II)
Insect vectors of the pinewood nematode: a review of the biology and ecology of Monochamus species (pages 89–99)
S. Akbulut and W. T. Stamps
Effects of wounding and fungal infection with Armillaria ostoyae in three conifer species. I. Host response to abiotic wounding in non-infected roots (pages 100–108)
M. R. Cleary, B. J. van der Kamp and D. J. Morrison
Effects of wounding and fungal infection with Armillaria ostoyae in three conifer species. II. Host response to the pathogen (pages 109–123)
M. R. Cleary, B. J. van der Kamp and D. J. Morrison
Lophodermium needle cast, insect defoliation and growth responses of young Scots pines in Estonia (pages 124–135)
M. Hanso and R. Drenkhan
Isolation of Phytophthora lateralis from Chamaecyparis foliage in Taiwan (pages 136–143)
J. F. Webber, A. M. Vettraino, T. T. Chang, S.E. Bellgard, C. M. Brasier and A. Vannini
Presence of Heterobasidion infections in Norway spruce stumps 6 years after treatment with Phlebiopsis gigantea (pages 144–149)
J. Rönnberg and M. R. Cleary
Phytophthora ramorum in England and Wales: which environmental variables predict county disease incidence? (pages 150–159)
V. Chadfield and M. Pautasso
Relationship of site and stand characteristics to Armillaria root disease incidence on ponderosa pine in the Black Hills, South Dakota (pages 160–170)
J. G. Klutsch, M. A. Kallas-Richlefs, R. M. Reich, J. L. Harris and W. R. Jacobi
‘Morfeo’ Elm: a new variety resistant to Dutch elm disease (pages 171–176)
A. Santini, F. Pecori, A. Pepori and A. Brookes
The Royal Entomological Society Book of British Insects (page 177)
Nick Littlewood
OBITUARY (pages 178–179)
Detlev Vogler and Robert Scharpf
OBITUARY (pages 180–181)
Detlev Vogler and Thomas Harrington
piątek, 25 stycznia 2013
Forest Pathology - 42 (1), 2012
Issue Information (page i)
The role of catechin and epicatechin in chemical defense against damping-off fungi of current-year Fagus crenata seedlings in natural forest (pages 1–7)
K. Yamaji and Y. Ichihara
Phytophthora ramorum is a generalist plant pathogen with differences in virulence between isolates from infectious and dead-end hosts (pages 8–13)
D. Hüberli and M. Garbelotto
Detection of mRNA by reverse-transcription PCR as an indicator of viability in Phytophthora ramorum (pages 14–21)
A. Chimento, S. O. Cacciola and M. Garbelotto
PCR–DGGE method for in planta detection and identification of Phytophthora species (pages 22–27)
A. Rytkönen, A. Lilja and J. Hantula
The long-term survival of Phytophthora cinnamomi in mature Banksia grandis killed by the pathogen (pages 28–36)
S. Collins, J. A. McComb, K. Howard, B. L. Shearer, I. J. Colquhoun and G. E. St. J. Hardy
Root lesions in large loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) following inoculation with four root-inhabiting ophiostomatoid fungi (pages 37–43)
G. Matusick, G. L. Somers and L. G. Eckhardt
Survival of southern pine seedlings after inoculations with Pythium and cold storage in the presence of peat moss (pages 44–51)
D. P. Jackson, S. A. Enebak and D. B. South
Beech bark disease: an evaluation of the predisposition hypothesis in an aftermath forest (pages 52–56)
J. A. Cale, S. K. Letkowski, S. A. Teale and J. D. Castello
Modelling the incidence of Heterobasidion annosum butt rots and related economic losses in alpine mixed naturally regenerated forests of northern Italy (pages 57–68)
P. Gonthier, F. Brun, G. Lione and G. Nicolotti
Genetic resistance to Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus limits fungal growth and symptom occurrence in Fraxinus excelsior (pages 69–74)
L. V. McKinney, I. M. Thomsen, E. D. Kjar and L. R. Nielsen
Trichoderma atroviride promotes growth and enhances systemic resistance to Diplodia pinea in radiata pine (Pinus radiata) seedlings (pages 75–78)
T. Regliński, N. Rodenburg, J. T. Taylor, G. L. Northcott, A. Ah Chee , T. M. Spiers and R. A. Hill
Distribution and genetic diversity of the root-rot pathogen Neonectria macrodidyma in a forest nursery (pages 79–83)
A. Menkis and D. Burokiene
Molecular characterization of Apple scar skin viroid from Himalayan wild cherry (pages 84–87)
Y. Walia, S. Dhir, S. Bhadoria, V. Hallan and A. A. Zaidi
czwartek, 24 stycznia 2013
Flora Montiberica - 53, 2012
JAIME LORÉN, J.M. de – Breve análisis bibliométrico de Flora Montiberica
ALEJANDRE SÁENZ, J.A., J.J. BARREDO PÉREZ, J. BENITO AYUSO, M.J. ESCALANTE RUIZ, J.M. GARCÍA-LÓPEZ, G. MATEO SANZ, C. MOLINA MARTÍN, G. MONTAMARTA PRIETO & M.Á. PINTO CEBRIÁN – Festuca eskia Ramond ex DC. en el macizo del Castro Valnera (extremo oriental de la Cordillera Cantábrica). Corrección de un error que quiere ser además un homenaje
GÓMEZ, & J.B. PERIS – Sobre el complejo taxonómico de Teucrium gnaphalodes
l’Hér. (sect. Polium,
Lamiaceae) y algunos de los híbridos en los que interviene
CRESPO VILLALBA, M.B. – Nomenclatural types of iberian Irises (Iris and related genera, Iridaceae)
OLTRA BENAVENT, J.E., A. CONCA FERRÚS & I. GARRIDO BENAVENT – Aportaciones a la flora de la comarca de La Vall d’Albaida (Valencia)
FERRÁNDEZ PALACIO, J.V. – Arabis soyeri Reuter ex Huet subsp. soyeri (Brassicaceae) en el Pirineo aragonés
FERRER GALLEGO, P.P., R. ROSELLÓ, A. NAVARRO, J.B. peris, J. GÓMEZ, A. GUILLÉN & E. LAGUNA – Tipificación y estatus taxonómico de Centaurea resupinata subsp. virens (sect. Willkommia Blanca, Asteraceae)
SÁNCHEZ-BALIBREA, J., L. AZNAR MORELL, M. FERRÁNDEZ SEMPERE, P. P. FERRER GALLEGO & E. LAGUNA LUMBRERAS - Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. (Rhamnaceae) en la provincia de Alicante
MATEO SANZ, G. & F. del EGIDO MAZUELAS – Novedades del género Pilosella Hill (Compositae) en los montes astur-leoneses, V,
PUENTE CABEZA, J. – Algunas plantas interesantes para la flora de Aragón, IV
JAIME LORÉN, J.M. de & P. de JAIME RUIZ – Las plantas melíferas espanolas según los escritores apícolas
środa, 23 stycznia 2013
Flora Montiberica - 52, 2012
AGUILELLA PALASÍ, A. – Catálogo florístico del término de Ladrunán (Castellote, Maestrazgo, Teruel)
FERRER GALLEGO, P.P.; E. LAGUNA LUMBRERAS, C. FABREGAT LLUECA, S. LÓPEZ UDIAS & F. LLAMAS GARCÍA – Nuevos datos sobre la presencia de Ajuga pyramidalis (Lamiaceae) en la Comunidad Valenciana
MATEO SANZ, G.; F. DEL EGIDO MAZUELAS & J.A. ALEJANDRE SÁEZ – Novedades y consideraciones sobre el género Hieracium en la Cordillera Cantábrica, VIII
JAIME LORÉN, J.M. DE – Artículos humanísticos en Flora Montiberica (1-50)
FERRER GALLEGO, P.P. & E. LAGUNA LUMBRERAS – Nuevos híbridos en el género Cistus L. (Cistaceae)
OLTRA BENAVENT, J.E. – Ferulago ternatifolia (Umbelliferae) en la provincia de Valencia
CRESPO VILLALBA, M.B.; J. LÓPEZ ALVARADO, Ll. SÁEZ GONALONS & G. MATEO SANZ – Sobre la circunscripción y posición taxonómica de Centaurea caballeroi (Compositae)
MATEO SANZ, G. & F. DEL EGIDO MAZUELAS – Novedades del género Pilosella Hill (Compositae) en los montes astur-leoneses, IV
FERRER GALLEGO, P.P. – Correspondencia epistolar de Carlos Vicioso a Carlos Pau durante su estancia en Bicorp (Valencia)

wtorek, 22 stycznia 2013
Flora Montiberica - 51, 2012
LÁZARO BELLO, J.A. – Contribución al conocimiento de la flora alóctona abulense (Ávila, Espana)
RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, A. & S. ORECA ÁLVARO – Contribuciones a la flora de Palencia (Espana)
LOZANO TERRAZAS, J.L.; A. ALCOCER CORDELLAT & C. ACEDO CASADO – Aportaciones a la corología del género Quercus en el Sistema Ibérico meridional
EGIDO MAZUELAS, F. del; M. FERNÁNDEZ CANEDO, E. PUENTE GARCÍA & M.J. LÓPEZ PACHECO – Notas sobre flora leonesa amenzada
MATEO SANZ, G. – Aportaciones al conocimiento del género Hieracium L. en Espana,
SERRA LALIGA, L.; R. GARCÍA PEREIRA & H. PEDAUYÉ – Situación actual de Rumex roseus L. en la Comunidad Valenciana
FERRER, P.P.; M. PIERA, J. GÓMEZ, J.E. OLTRA, A. NAVARRO & E. LAGUNA – Nuevas aportaciones florísticas de interés para la Comunidad Valenciana
MATEO SANZ, G. – Sobre “Pilosella anchusoides” y especies peninsulares afines
LAGUNA LUMBRERAS, E. & P.P. FERRER GALLEGO – Nuevas plantas alóctonas relevantes para la Comunidad Valenciana
ARAGONESES LORITE, I.; F. MARTÍNEZ FLORES, M.Á. ALONSO VARGAS & M.B. CRESPO VILLALBA – Nuevos datos sobre Ferula loscosii (Lange) Willk. (Apiaceae) en la provincia de Alicante
TEJEDOR SIGNES, P.; S. CATALÁ GARCÍA & J. SOSPEDRA CÍSCAR – Un nuevo híbrido del género Ophrys L. (Orchidaceae) en el litoral valenciano
SERRA, L.; J.E. OLTRA, A. CONCA, J.X. SOLER & J.R. NEBOT – Catálogo de la flora del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola (Alicante-Valencia)
PÉREZ DACOSTA, J.M. – Cinco híbridos nuevos para la flora valenciana
OLIVARES, A. & J. MONEDERO – Vitaliana primuliflora subsp. assoana. Nueva cita para la Comunidad Valenciana
LÓPEZ ESPINOSA, J.A. & Ó. SÁNCHEZ PEDRAJA – Dos nuevas especies del género Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) para la Región de Murcia
poniedziałek, 21 stycznia 2013
Flora Montiberica - 50, 2012
PEDAUYÉ ARMENGOL, H.; J.M. PÉREZ-GARCÍA & A. SAMPER LOZANO – Novedades orquidológicas para la comarca del Bajo Segura (Alicante)
MARTÍNEZ FLORES, F.; M.B. CRESPO VILLALBA & F. MARTÍNEZ RIPOLL – Oenothera laciniata Hill (Onagraceae) en la Comunidad Valenciana
Gómez Navarro, J.; R. Roselló Gimeno; J.B. Peris Gisbert; A. Valdés Franzi & E. Sanchis Duato – Phelipanche lainzii, nueva orobancácea para la Península Ibérica
MATEO SANZ, G. – Nuevos taxones del género Helianthemum Mill. en la zona oriental de la Península Ibérica, I
PÉREZ DACOSTA, J.M. & G. MATEO SANZ – Nuevos taxones del género Helianthemum Mill. en la zona oriental de la Península Ibérica,
FERRÁNDEZ PALACIO, J.V. – Senecio auricula subsp. sicoricus (O. Bolos & Vigo) Ascaso & Pedrol (Asteraceae) en el Prepirineo aragonés
MATEO SANZ, G. – Diferencias florísticas entre las sierras de Albarracín, Gúdar y Javalambre (Teruel)
CRESPO VILLALBA M.B. & J.C. CRISTÓBAL – Híbridos ibéricos de Helianthemum viscarium (Cistaceae)
FERRER-GALLEGO, P.P.; E. LAGUNA LUMBRERAS; R. ROSELLÓ GIMENO; J. GÓMEZ NAVARRO & J.B. PERIS GISBERT – Tipificación de Limonium furfuraceum (Lag.) Kuntze (Plumbaginaceae)
BENITO ALONSO, J.L. – Una mirada retrospectiva a los 50 números publicados de la revista Flora Montiberica
niedziela, 20 stycznia 2013
Flora Montiberica - 49, 2011
FERRER GALLEGO, P.P. & R. ROSELLÓ GIMENO – Nueva localidad valenciana de Puccinellia hispanica Julia & J.M. Montserrat (Poaceae)
GÓMEZ SERRANO, M.Á. & E. LAGUNA LUMBRERAS – Euphorbia stenoclada, nueva especies alóctona para la Península Ibérica
MATEO SANZ, G. – De flora valentina, XI
GÓMEZ SERRANO, M.Á. & E. LAGUNA LUMBRERAS – Potentilla fruticosa L. en el Sistema Ibérico,
MATEO SANZ, G. & J.L. LOZANO TERRAZAS – Adiciones a la flora de las sierras de Gúdar y Javalambre (Teruel), VIII,
CORONADO MARTÍNEZ, A. & O. GARCÍA CARDO – Ophioglossum azoricum C. Presl (Ophioglossaceae) En la provincia de Cuenca,
CERESUELA SORIA, J.L. & E. SANCHIS DUATO – Dorycnium pentaphyllum subsp. lagunae (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae), nueva subespecie para la flora espanola,
CRESPO VILLALBA M.B. – Chamaeris, an earlier name for Xyridion (Iridoideae, Iridaceae),
GARCÍA CARDO, O. & A. CORONADO MARTÍNEZ – Nuevos datos sobre la flora de la provincia de Cuenca, V,
MATEO SANZ, G., J.M. PISCO GARCÍA & J. MARTÍN MONGE – Aportaciones a la flora cesaraugustana, XI,
ALEJANDRE SÁENZ, J.A., M.J. ESCALANTE RUIZ, J.M. GARCÍA-LÓPEZ & G. MATEO SANZ – Sedum villosum L. subsp. pentandrum. Propuesta de combinación y estatus nuevo,
LÓPEZ UDIAS, S. & C. FABREGAT LLUECA – Nuevos datos para la flora de Aragón,
sobota, 19 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 189 (2), 2013
Isolation and characterization of a stress responsive small GTP-binding protein AhRabG3b in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Jiong-Ming Sui, Rui Li, Qian-Cheng Fan, Lin Song, Chun-Hua Zheng
Gametophytic selection for wilt resistance and its impact on the segregation of wilt resistance alleles in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
R. L. Ravikumar, G. N. Chaitra, Anilkumar M. Choukimath, C. D. Soregaon
Allele-specific amplification for the detection of ascochyta blight resistance in chickpea
E. Madrid, W. Chen, P. N. Rajesh, P. Castro, T. Millán, J. Gil
Genetic inheritance of resistance to cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in cowpea
Martin Orawu, Rob Melis, Mark Laing, John Derera
Sources of high tolerance to salinity in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
A. Leonforte, J. W. Forster, R. J. Redden, M. E. Nicolas, P. A. Salisbury
QTL mapping of pod tenderness and total soluble solid in yardlong bean [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. subsp. unguiculata cv.-gr. sesquipedalis]
Alisa Kongjaimun, Prakit Somta, Norihiko Tomooka, Akito Kaga
Applications of multi-trait selection in common bean using real and simulated experiments
Márcio Balestre, Paula Pereira Torga, Renzo Garcia Von Pinho
Interaction of common beans cultivars of the black group with years, locations and sowing seasons
Paula Pereira Torga, Patrícia Guimaraes Santos Melo, Helton Santos Pereira
Identification of QTL underlying mass filling rate at different developmental stages of soybean seed
Zhenfeng Jiang, Junjie Ding, Yingpeng Han, Weili Teng, Zhongchen Zhang
Evaluation and QTL mapping of phosphorus concentration in soybean seed
Keith E. King, Nick Lauter, Shun Fu Lin, M. Paul Scott, Randy C. Shoemaker
Screening of pea germplasm for resistance to powdery mildew
J. C. Rana, D. K. Banyal, K. D. Sharma, Manish K. Sharma, S. K. Gupta
Simultaneous selection for resistance to five bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases in three Andean × Middle American inter-gene pool common bean populations
Henry Terán, Carlos Jara, George Mahuku, Stephen Beebe, Shree P. Singh
Development of a chromosome segment substitution line population with wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.) as donor parent
Wubin Wang, Qingyuan He, Hongyan Yang, Shihua Xiang, Tuanjie Zhao, Junyi Gai
A new gene that controls seed coat wrinkling in soybean
Hirut Kebede, James R. Smith, Jeffery D. Ray
piątek, 18 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 189 (1), 2013
Development and characterization of synthetic amphiploid (AABB) between Oryza sativa and Oryza punctata
Aiyun Wang, Xianhua Zhang, Chunhua Yang, Zhaojian Song, Chaoqun Du
Genetic analysis and phenotypic associations for drought tolerance in Hordeum spontaneum introgression lines using SSR and SNP markers
Berhane Lakew, Robert J. Henry, Salvatore Ceccarelli, Stefania Grando
Meta-analysis of QTL associated with tolerance to abiotic stresses in barley
Wei-Tao Li, Chunji Liu, Ya-Xi Liu, Zhi-En Pu, Shou-Fen Dai, Ji-Rui Wang
Mapping QTLs for seedling root traits in a doubled haploid wheat population under different water regimes
Xiulin Liu, Runzhi Li, Xiaoping Chang, Ruilian Jing
Detection of exotic QTLs controlling nitrogen stress tolerance among wild barley introgression lines
Florian Schnaithmann, Klaus Pillen
Generation mean analysis of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings tolerant to high levels of manganese
J. S. Moroni, K. G. Briggs, P. V. Blenis, G. J. Taylor
Physiological responses and tolerance to NaCl stress in different biotypes of Malus prunifolia
Mingyang Fu, Chao Li, Fengwang Ma
Generation mean analysis of leaf chlorophyll concentration from mid-silking to physiological maturity in some tropical maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes under low and high nitrogen dosages
A. A. Mushongi, J. Derera, P. Tongoona, N. G. Lyimo
Genotypic variation and relationships between seedling and adult plant traits in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines grown under contrasting nitrogen levels
Adel H. Abdel-Ghani, Bharath Kumar, Jenaro Reyes-Matamoros
Evaluation of genetic diversity and root traits of sea beet accessions of the Adriatic Sea coast
Piergiorgio Stevanato, Daniele Trebbi, Enrico Biancardi, Giovanni Cacco
Estimation of salt tolerance in Andrographis paniculata accessions using multiple regression model
Daryush Talei, Alireza Valdiani, Mohd Khanif Yusop, Mohd Puad
czwartek, 17 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 188 (3), 2012
Phenotypic and genotypic variation in flowering time in Ethiopian barleys
Yemane Tsehaye, Asmund Bjornstad, Fetien Abay
Correlation between NIRS generated and chemically measured feed quality data in barley (Hordeum vulgare), and potential use in QTL analysis identification
Peter W. Gous, Anke Martin, Wendy Lawson, Alison Kelly, Glen P. Fox
Maternal inheritance of sugars and acids in peach (P. persica (L.) Batsch) fruit
B. H. Wu, J. B. Zhao, J. Chen, H. F. Xi, Q. Jiang, S. H. Li
Construction of a linkage map for quantitative trait loci associated with economically important traits in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.)
Tifu Zhang, Min Ge, Xiaoqing Ye, Suleiman S. Bughrara, Han Zhao
Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with maintenance of wheat (Triticum aestivum Desf.) quality characteristics under heat stress conditions
Francis W. Beecher, Esten Mason, Suchismita Mondal, Joseph Awika, Dirk Hays
Molecular marker-based genetic linkage map of a diploid banana population (Musa acuminata Colla)
Edwige Gaby Nkouaya Mbanjo, François Tchoumbougnang, Albert Sone Mouelle
QTL-based analysis of heterosis for number of grains per spike in wheat using DH and immortalized F 2 populations
Qianqian Yuan, Zhiying Deng, Tao Peng, Jichun Tian P
Inheritance of rol-genes from Agrobacterium rhizogenes through two generations in Kalanchoë
Henrik Lütken, Sabá Victoria Wallström, Erik Bjorn Jensen, Brian Christensen
An association mapping analysis of dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting in wheat
M. A. Rehman Arif, K. Neumann, M. Nagel, B. Kobiljski, U. Lohwasser, A. Börner
Dry matter yield combining ability among nine sources of orchardgrass germplasm
Joseph G. Robins, B. Shaun Bushman, Kevin B. Jensen
Development and characterisation of structural changes in chromosome 3Hch from Hordeum chilense in common wheat and their use in physical mapping
Mahmoud Said, Rocío Recio, Adoración Cabrera
QTL detection for node of first fruiting branch and its height in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Chengqi Li, Changbiao Wang, Na Dong, Xiaoyun Wang, Haihong Zhao
QTL analysis for gossypol and protein contents in upland cottonseeds with two different genetic systems across environments
H. Y. Liu, A. Quampah, J. H. Chen, J. R. Li, Z. R. Huang, Q. L. He, C. H. Shi
środa, 16 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 188 (2), 2012
Screening and selection of lentil (Lens Miller) germplasm resistant to seed bruchids (Bruchus spp.)
Irene Laserna-Ruiz, Marcelino De-Los-Mozos-Pascual, Omar Santana-Méridas
Development of genic molecular markers linked to a rust resistance gene in cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Suvendu Mondal, A. M. Badigannavar, S. F. D’Souza
Development of AFLP-derived SCAR markers associated with resistance to two races of southern root-knot nematode in sweetpotato
Hiroki Nakayama, Masaru Tanaka, Yasuhiro Takahata, Katsuhiro Matsui
Beta vulgaris L. serine proteinase inhibitor gene expression in insect resistant sugar beet
Jelena M. Savić, Ann C. Smigocki
A wheat–Thinopyrum ponticum–rye trigeneric germplasm line with resistance to powdery mildew and stripe rust
Jun Ji, Aimin Zhang, Zhiguo Wang, Jing Wang, Wei Zhang, Dongcheng Liu…
Inheritance of resistance to root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus) in five doubled-haploid populations of wheat
John P. Thompson, Rebecca S. Zwart, David Butler
Identification of dominant and recessive genes for resistance to Fusarium wilt in pigeonpea and their implication in breeding hybrids
K. B. Saxena, R. V. Kumar, R. K. Saxena, M. Sharma, R. K. Srivastava…
Identification and characterization of resistance to rust (Uromyces ciceris-arietini (Grognot) Jacz. & Boyd) in a germplasm collection of Cicer spp.
Josefina C. Sillero, Inmaculada Moreno-Alías, Diego Rubiales
Mapping resistance genes conferring tolerance to RWA (Diuraphis noxia) in barley (Hordeum vulgare)
E. Tocho, M. Ricci, M. S. Tacaliti, D. O. Giménez, A. Acevedo, U. Lohwasser
Inheritance and general combining ability studies of detached pod, leaf disc and natural field resistance to Phytophthora palmivora and Phytophthora megakarya in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)
D. Nyadanu, R. Akromah, B. Adomako, C. Kwoseh, S. T. Lowor, H. Dzahini-Obiatey
SSR markers associated for late leaf spot disease resistance by bulked segregant analysis in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
D. Shoba, N. Manivannan, P. Vindhiyavarman, S. N. Nigam
Venturia inaequalis resistance in local Spanish cider apple germplasm under controlled and field conditions
Alejandro Martínez-Bilbao, Amaya Ortiz-Barredo, Emilio Montesinos…
AFLP data suggest a potential role for the low genetic diversity of acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) in Oman in the outbreak of witches’ broom disease of lime
A. M. Al-Sadi, H. S. Al-Moqbali, R. A. Al-Yahyai, F. A. Al-Said
Sclerotinia resistance in sunflower. II. Combining ability and midparent heterosis for reaction to ascospore infections at flowering
Marcela Godoy, Fernando Castano, José Ré, Raúl Rodríguez
wtorek, 15 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 188 (1), 2012
Pre-harvest sprouting in cereals
Joseph M. Nyachiro
Developing standardized methods for breeding preharvest sprouting resistant wheat, challenges and successes in Canadian wheat
R. M. DePauw, R. E. Knox, A. K. Singh, S. L. Fox, D. G. Humphreys, P. Hucl
Determination of the influence of climate on falling number of winter wheat in the dryland production areas of the Free State Province of South Africa
Annelie Barnard, Marie F. Smith
The effect of germination temperature on seed dormancy in Croatian-grown winter wheats
I. Ikić, M. Maričević, S. Tomasović, J. Gunjača, Z. Šatović, H. Šarčević
Wheat ABA-insensitive mutants result in reduced grain dormancy
Elizabeth C. Schramm, Sven K. Nelson, Camille M. Steber
Effects of exogenous abscisic acid and gibberellic acid on pre-maturity alfa-amylase formation in wheat grains
K. R. Kondhare, P. S. Kettlewell, A. D. Farrell, P. Hedden, J. M. Monaghan
Vp1 expression profiles during kernel development in six genotypes of wheat, triticale and rye
Sarah De Laethauwer, Dirk Reheul, Jan De Riek, Geert Haesaert
Isolation and characterization of Viviparous-1 haplotypes in wheat related species
Y. W. Sun, Y. Yang, P. R. Shewry, H. D. Jones, L. Q. Xia
Integration of marker-assisted selection for resistance to pre-harvest sprouting with selection for grain-filling rate in breeding of white-kernelled wheat for the Chinese environment
Shi-He Xiao, Hai-Ping Zhang, Guang-Xia You, Xiu-Ying Zhang, Chang-Sheng Yan
Association mapping for pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
V. Jaiswal, R. R. Mir, A. Mohan, H. S. Balyan, P. K. Gupta
Comparative analysis of Australian and Canadian barleys for seed dormancy and malting quality
Xiao-Qi Zhang, Sharon Westcott, Joe Panozzo, Mehmet Cakir, Stefan Harasymow
Grain dormancy QTL identified in a doubled haploid barley population derived from two non-dormant parents
L. T. Hickey, W. Lawson, V. N. Arief, G. Fox, J. Franckowiak, M. J. Dieters
Seed development-related expression of ARGONAUTE4_9 class of genes in barley: possible role in seed dormancy
Manjit Singh, Jaswinder Singh
Stability of genome-wide QTL effects on malt ?-amylase activity in a barley doubled-haploid population
R.-C. Yang, B. J. Ham
Ant28 gene for proanthocyanidin synthesis encoding the R2R3 MYB domain protein (Hvmyb10) highly affects grain dormancy in barley
Eiko Himi, Yuko Yamashita, Naoto Haruyama, Takashi Yanagisawa
poniedziałek, 14 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 187 (3), 2012
Characterization and molecular mapping of RsrR, a resistant gene to maize head smut
W. H. Li, X. D. Xu, G. Li, L. Q. Guo, S. W. Wu, Y. Jiang, H. Y. Dong
Introgression of bacterial leaf blight resistance and aroma genes using functional marker-assisted selection in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
R. K. Salgotra, B. B. Gupta, Reginald J. Millwood, Muthukumar Balasubramaniam
Identification and functional analysis of alleles for productivity in two sets of chromosome segment substitution lines of rice
Kazuhiro Ujiie, Takayuki Kashiwagi, Ken Ishimaru
A new gene controlling hybrid sterility between Oryza sativa and Oryza longistaminata
Jiying Zhao, Jing Li, Peng Xu, Jiawu Zhou, Fengyi Hu, Xianneng Deng, Wei Deng
Identification of QTL for zinc and iron concentration in maize kernel and cob
Hongni Qin, Yilin Cai, Zhizhai Liu, Guoqiang Wang, Jiuguang Wang, Ying Guo
Evidence for second division restitution as the basis for 2n + n maternal chromosome transmission in a sugarcane cross
S. R. Hermann, K. S. Aitken, P. A. Jackson, A. W. George, N. Piperidis, X. Wei
Detection and integration of gene mapping of downy mildew resistance in maize inbred lines though linkage and association
Chalermpol Phumichai, Julapark Chunwongse, Sansern Jampatong, Pichet Grudloyma
Heterotic orientation of tropical maize inbred lines towards populations ZM523 and Suwan-1 under downy mildew infestation
Pedro Fato, John Derera, Pangirayi Tongoona, Itai Makanda, Julia Sibiya
Mapping and marker-assisted breeding of a gene allelic to the major Asian rice gall midge resistance gene Gm8
V. S. A. K. Sama, K. Himabindu, S. Bhaskar Naik, R. M. Sundaram
SSR markers linked to kernel weight and tiller number in sorghum identified by association mapping
Hari D. Upadhyaya, Yi-Hong Wang, Shivali Sharma, Sube Singh
Quantitative trait locus analysis for days-to-heading and morphological traits in an RIL population derived from an extremely late flowering F1 hybrid of sorghum
Tomoyuki Takai, Jun-ichi Yonemaru, Hirokazu Kaidai, Shigemitsu Kasuga
Fine mapping of Rf3 and Rf4 fertility restorer loci of WA-CMS of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and validation of the developed marker system for identification of restorer lines
P. Balaji Suresh, B. Srikanth, V. Hemanth Kishore, I. Subhakara Rao
Identification of origin and analysis of population structure of field-selected imidazolinone-herbicide resistant red rice (Oryza sativa)
Ives Clayton Gomes dos Reis Goulart, Marcelo Teixeira Pacheco
Introgression of bacterial blight resistance genes Xa7, Xa21, Xa22 and Xa23 into hybrid rice restorer lines by molecular marker-assisted selection
B. Huang, J. Y. Xu, M. S. Hou, J. Ali, T. M. Mou
Identification and molecular cytology analysis of cold tolerance introgression lines derived from Oryza sativa L. mating with O. rufipogon Griff.
Xiang-Dong Luo, Liang-Fang Dai, Juan-Fang Cao, Shui-Rong Jian, Ya-Ling Chen
niedziela, 13 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 187 (2), 2012
Germplasm evaluation and transfer of Verticillium wilt resistance from Pima (Gossypium barbadense) to Upland cotton (G. hirsutum)
Jinfa Zhang, S. Sanogo, R. Flynn, Jit B. Baral, S. Bajaj, S. E. Hughs
Genetic effects of nine Gossypium barbadense L. chromosome substitution lines in top crosses with five elite Upland cotton G. hirsutum L. cultivars
Johnie N. Jenkins, Jack C. McCarty Jr., Jixiang Wu, Russell Hayes
QTL identification for molecular breeding of fibre yield and fibre quality traits in jute
Moumita Das, Sumana Banerjee, Niladri Topdar, Avijit Kundu, Reyazul Rouf Mir
Mapping quantitative trait loci for cottonseed oil, protein and gossypol content in a Gossypium hirsutum × Gossypium barbadense backcross inbred line population
Jiwen Yu, Shuxun Yu, Shuli Fan, Meizhen Song, Honghong Zhai, Xingli Li
Development of a core set of SSR markers for the characterization of Gossypium germplasm
John Z. Yu, David D. Fang, Russell J. Kohel, Mauricio Ulloa, Lori L. Hinze
Physiological and biochemical dissection of fiber development in colored cotton
Shuna Yuan, Shuijin Hua, Waqas Malik, Noreen Bibi, Xuede Wang
Analysis of QTL for yield-related traits in cassava using an F1 population from non-inbred parents
Xin Chen, Yuhua Fu, Zhiqiang Xia, Li Jie, Haiyan Wang, Cheng Lu, Wenquan Wang
Cytological and genetic analysis of a virescent mutant in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Meizhen Song, Zhaoguang Yang, Shuli Fan, Haiyong Zhu, Chaoyou Pang
Germplasm for genetic improvement of lint yield in Upland cotton: genetic analysis of lint yield with yield components
Linghe Zeng, Jixiang Wu
Genome-wide selection in cassava
Eder Jorge de Oliveira, Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende
Diallel analysis of field resistance to brown streak disease in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) landraces from Tanzania
H. P. Kulembeka, M. Ferguson, L. Herselman, E. Kanju, G. Mkamilo, E. Masumba
Detecting epistatic effects associated with cotton traits by a modified MDR approach
Jixiang Wu, Johnie N. Jenkins, Jack C. McCarty, Karl Glover
sobota, 12 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 187 (1), 2012
Analysis of RAPD and AFLP markers linked to resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae race 2 in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Daisuke Aruga, Nobuaki Tsuchiya, Hideo Matsumura, Etsuo Matsumoto
Stability analysis of yield and capsaicinoids content in chili (Capsicum spp.) grown across six environments
Tulsi Gurung, Suchila Techawongstien, Bhalang Suriharn, Sungcom Techawongstien
Development of PCR-based markers for the identification of the S-RNase alleles in wild potato species
Olga Marcellán, Alberto Acevedo
Resistance to Bemisia tabaci in tomato wild relatives
Syarifin Firdaus, Adriaan W. van Heusden, Nurul Hidayati
Efficient production of callus-derived doubled haploids through isolated microspore culture in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Patricia Corral-Martínez, José M. Seguí-Simarro
Selective genotyping to identify late blight resistance genes in an accession of the tomato wild species Solanum pimpinellifolium
Heather L. Merk, Hamid Ashrafi, Majid R. Foolad
Genotype by environment interaction effects on fibre components in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Stephanie Bach, Rickey Y. Yada, Benoit Bizimungu, J. Alan Sullivan
Genetic diversity and relationships in accessions from different cultivar groups and origins in the tree tomato (Solanum betaceum Cav.)
Pablo G. Acosta-Quezada, Santiago Vilanova, Juan B. Martínez-Laborde
Anatomical and biochemical trait network underlying genetic variations in tomato fruit texture
Rémy Aurand, Mireille Faurobert, David Page, Jean-François Maingonnat
Prediction of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) flavor over different harvests
P. M. Eggink, C. Maliepaard, Y. Tikunov, J. P. W. Haanstra
Mapping of a gene that confers short lateral branching (slb) in melon (Cucumis melo L.)
N. Fukino, T. Ohara, M. Sugiyama, N. Kubo, M. Hirai, Y. Sakata, S. Matsumoto
Erratum to: Mapping of a gene that confers short lateral branching (slb) in melon (Cucumis melo L.)
N. Fukino, T. Ohara, M. Sugiyama, N. Kubo, M. Hirai, Y. Sakata, S. Matsumoto
piątek, 11 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 186 (3), 2012
The twenty-first century, the century of plant breeding
Peter Stamp, Richard Visser
Marker assisted selection (MAS) for developing powdery mildew resistant pea cultivars
Abdul Ghafoor, Kevin McPhee
Faba bean genomics: current status and future prospects
Salem S. Alghamdi, Hussein M. Migdadi, Megahed H. Ammar, Jeffrey G. Paull
Temporal stability of vigor in rubber tree genotypes in the pre- and post-tapping phases using different methods
Lígia Regina Lima Gouvea, Guilherme Augusto Peres Silva
Resistance and virulence in the soybean-Aphis glycines interaction
C. B. Hill, A. Chirumamilla, G. L. Hartman
Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus): Is there a case for further crop improvement?
R. J. Hillocks, M. N. Maruthi
Application of multi-phase experiments in plant pathology to identify genetic resistance to Diaporthe toxica in Lupinus albus
R. B. Cowley, G. J. Ash, J. D. I. Harper, A. B. Smith, B. R. Cullis
Selection of pea genotypes with partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum across a wide range of temperatures and periods of high relative humidity
Lyndon Porter
Identification of QTLs associated with limited leaf hydraulic conductance in soybean
V. Carpentieri-Pipolo, A. E. Pipolo, H. Abdel-Haleem, H. R. Boerma
Sensory changes related to breeding for plant architecture and resistance to viruses and anthracnose in bean market class Fabada (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
J. J. Ferreira, Romero R. del Castillo, E. Perez-Vega, M. Plans, J. Simó
Identification of Ascochyta rabiei disease resistance in chickpea genotypes
Wenhua Du, Xiaochun Zhao, Tokachichu Raju, Phil Davies, Richard Trethowan
Genetic analysis of yield and quantitative traits in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.)
B. C. Ajay, B. N. Gnanesh, K. N. Ganapathy, M. Byre Gowda, P. S. Prasad
Phenotypic evaluation of interspecific recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Phaseolus species for aluminium resistance and shoot and root growth response to aluminium–toxic acid soil
Louis Butare, Idupulapati Rao, Philippe Lepoivre, César Cajiao, José Polania
Variation of DNA methylation and phenotypic traits following unilateral sexual polyploidization in Medicago
Riccardo Aversano, Stefano Capomaccio, Domenico Carputo, Fabio Veronesi
Development and initial evaluation of diversity array technology for soybean and mungbean
T. T. Hang Vu, R. J. Lawn, L. M. Bielig, S. J. Molnar, L. Xia, A. Kilian
Epistasis in an Andean × Mesoamerican cross of common bean
Alexsander Luís Moreto, Magno Antonio Patto Ramalho, Adriano Teodoro Bruzi
Functional markers delimiting a Medicago orthologue of pea symbiotic gene NOD3
Karel Novák, Eva Biedermannová, Josef Vondrys
QTL mapping for the cooking time of common beans
Robertha Augusta Vasconcelos Garcia, Priscila Nascimento Rangel
Up-regulation of resistance gene analogs (RGA) in chickpea in the early response to Fusarium wilt
N. Gutierrez, M. J. Giménez, A. M. Torres, S. G. Atienza, C. M. Avila
Identification of quantitative trait loci involved in resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Sara Fondevilla, Alberto Martín-Sanz, Zlatko Satovic…
Evidence of a unique inter-allelic epistatic interaction for seed coat color in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]
K. B. Saxena, R. K. Saxena, R. V. Kumar, R. K. Varshney
Genetic characterization and gene flow in different geographical-distance neighbouring natural populations of wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.) and implications for protection from GM soybeans
Ke-Jing Wang, Xiang-Hua Li
Variation in tolerance to radiant frost at reproductive stages in field pea germplasm
Shaista Shafiq, Diane E. Mather, Maqbool Ahmad, Jeffrey G. Paull
Effect of day and night temperature on the expression of male sterility of nuclear male-sterile (ms8ms8) soybean
P. T. Perez-Sackett, R. G. Palmer
Development of a coupling-phase SCAR marker linked to the powdery mildew resistance gene ‘er1’ in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Rakesh K. Srivastava, Shashi K. Mishra, Ashok K. Singh, Trilochan Mohapatra
Genetic control of resistance to Meloidogyne incognita race 1 in the Brazilian common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Aporé
Sindynara Ferreira, Luiz Antonio Augusto Gomes, Wilson Roberto Maluf
Genetic resistance to powdery mildew in common bean
N. Trabanco, E. Pérez-Vega, A. Campa, D. Rubiales, J. J. Ferreira
Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt and yield traits in pigeonpea
A. G. Changaya, R. Melis, J. Derera, M. Laing, V. W. Saka
Resistance against broomrapes (Orobanche and Phelipanche spp.) in faba bean (Vicia faba) based in low induction of broomrape seed germination
M. Fernández-Aparicio, A. Moral, M. Kharrat, D. Rubiales
Bayesian mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling soybean cyst nematode resistant
Osvin Arriagada, Freddy Mora, Joaquín C. Dellarossa, Marcia F. S. Ferreira
Genome-wide association analysis detecting significant single nucleotide polymorphisms for chlorophyll and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in soybean (Glycine max) landraces
Derong Hao, Maoni Chao, Zhitong Yin, Deyue Yu
Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL-by-environment interactions for seed coat cracking in soybeans
Bo-Keun Ha, Hyeun-Kyeung Kim, Sung-Taeg Kang
czwartek, 10 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 186 (2), 2012
A new method for producing allohexaploid Brassica through unreduced gametes
Annaliese S. Mason, Guijun Yan, Wallace A. Cowling, Matthew N. Nelson
Allocation patterns and phenology in wild and selected accessions of annual and perennial Physaria (Lesquerella, Brassicaceae)
Luciana González-Paleo, Damián A. Ravetta
Estimation of genetic parameters and gains for color traits of strawberry
Tomas Hasing, Luis F. Osorio, Vance M. Whitaker
Genetic and cytological analysis of a new spontaneous male sterility in radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Zhi-Wei Wang, Lei Gao, Hai Zhou Liu, Shi Yong Mei, Yuan Zhou, Chang Ping Xiang
Nicotiana debneyi has a single dominant gene causing hybrid lethality in crosses with N. tabacum
Takahiro Iizuka, Tsutomu Kuboyama, Wataru Marubashi, Masayuki Oda
Identification and validation of a core set of microsatellite markers for genetic diversity analysis in watermelon, Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Matsum. & Nakai
Haiying Zhang, Hui Wang, Shaogui Guo, Yi Ren, Guoyi Gong, Yiqun Weng, Yong Xu
Inheritance of anthocyanin content in the ripe berries of a tetraploid × diploid grape cross population
Zhenchang Liang, Min Sang, Benhong Wu, Aihong Ma, Shengjian Zhao
Genotypic and bio-agronomical characterization of an early Sicilian landrace of globe artichoke
Rosario Paolo Mauro, Ezio Portis, Sergio Lanteri, Giovanni Mauromicale
Study on inheritance of seed technological characteristics in sugar beet
Valiollah Yousefabadi, Abazar Rajabi
Diploid and tetraploid progenitors of wheat are valuable sources of resistance to the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei
J. G. Sheedy, J. P. Thompson, A. Kelly
Phenotypic segregation and relationships of agronomic traits in Monastrell × Syrah wine grape progeny
Almudena Bayo-Canha, José Ignacio Fernández-Fernández
Genetic effect on phytoaccumulation of arsenic in Brassica juncea L
Moupia Rahman, Nazmul Haq, Ian D. Williams
Assessment of the uniformity and stability of grapevine cultivars using a set of microsatellite markers
M. Dolores Vélez, Javier Ibánez
Characterization of Italian spring globe artichoke germplasm: morphological and molecular profiles
Anna Ciancolini, Nestor Alonso Rey, Mario Augusto Pagnotta, Paola Crino
Improved S-genotyping and new incompatibility groups in Japanese plum
María E. Guerra, Margarita López-Corrales, Ana Wünsch
Mapping of the ms8 male sterility gene in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) on the chromosome P4 using PCR-based markers useful for breeding programmes
Grzegorz Bartoszewski, Cezary Waszczak, Piotr Gawroński, Iwona Stępień
Prediction of breeding values for average fruit weight in mango using a multivariate individual mixed model
C. M. Hardner, I. S. E. Bally, C. L. Wright
Induction and identification of hexadecaploid of Pinellia ternate
LiangYan He, Zhishan Ding, Fusheng Jiang, Bo Jin, Weiping Li, Xinghong Ding
Effect of region on the uncertainty in crop variety trial programs with a reduced number of trials
Johannes Forkman, Saeid Amiri, Dietrich von Rosen
A limited set of starch related genes explain several interrelated traits in potato
Jeroen S. Werij, Heleen Furrer, Herman J. van Eck, Richard G. F. Visser
środa, 9 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 186 (1), 2012
Genetic studies of seed longevity in hexaploid wheat using segregation and association mapping approaches
M. A. Rehman Arif, M. Nagel, K. Neumann, B. Kobiljski, U. Lohwasser, A. Börner
Seedling resistance to stem rust race Ug99 and marker analysis for Sr2, Sr24 and Sr31 in South African wheat cultivars and lines
Z. A. Pretorius, Y. Jin, C. M. Bender, L. Herselman, R. Prins
Haplotype analysis of Viviparous-1 gene in CIMMYT elite bread wheat germplasm
Y. W. Sun, H. D. Jones, Y. Yang, S. Dreisigacker, S. M. Li, X. M. Chen
Molecular cytogenetic characterization and SSR marker analysis of a leaf rust resistant wheat line carrying a 6G(6B) substitution from Triticum timopheevii (Zhuk.)
Andrea Uhrin, Éva Szakács, László Láng, Zoltán Bedő, Márta Molnár-Láng
Positive or negative effects on dough strength in large-scale group-1 chromosome deletion lines of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Hiroyuki Tanaka, Hisashi Tsujimoto
Enhancing Fusarium crown rot resistance of durum wheat by introgressing chromosome segments from hexaploid wheat
J. Ma, C. Y. Zhang, Y. X. Liu, G. J. Yan, C. J. Liu
Resistance spectra of wheat genotypes and virulence patterns of Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates in Iran
Masoud Abrinbana, Javad Mozafari, Masoud Shams-bakhsh, Rahim Mehrabi
A QTL on chromosome 2DS of ‘Sumai 3’ increases susceptibility to Fusarium head blight in wheat
Bhoja R. Basnet, Karl D. Glover, Amir M. H. Ibrahim, Yang Yen, Shiaoman Chao
Gene expression analysis of four WIR1-like genes in floret tissues of European winter wheat after challenge with G. zeae
M. Diethelm, M. Rhiel, C. Wagner, S. Mikolajewski, J. Groth, L. Hartl
Optimizing phenotypic and genotypic selection for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat
Andres M. Agostinelli, Anthony J. Clark, Gina Brown-Guedira
QTL analysis for thousand-grain weight under terminal drought stress in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Khalil Zaynali Nezhad, W. E. Weber, M. S. Röder, S. Sharma, U. Lohwasser
Assessment of the spatial genotypic and phenotypic diversity present in the various winter wheat breeding programs in Southeast Europe
I. Karsai, Gy. Vida, S. Petrovics, E. Petcu, B. Kobiljski, S. Ivanovska
Mineral bioavailability in grains of Pakistani bread wheat declines from old to current cultivars
Shahid Hussain, Muhammad Aamer Maqsood, Zed Rengel, Muhammad Khawar Khan Pages
Characterization and molecular mapping of EMS-induced brittle culm mutants of diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum L.)
Mohd. Javed Ansari, Rahul Kumar, Kuldeep Singh, Harcharan S. Dhaliwal
QTL detection of seven spike-related traits and their genetic correlations in wheat using two related RIL populations
Fa Cui, Anming Ding, Jun Li, Chunhua Zhao, Lin Wang, Xiuqin Wang, Xiaolei Qi
Enhancing the identification of genetic loci and transgressive segregants for preharvest sprouting resistance in a durum wheat population
R. E. Knox, F. R. Clarke, J. M. Clarke, S. L. Fox, R. M. DePauw, A. K. Singh
Discrimination of alleles and copy numbers at the Q locus in hexaploid wheat using quantitative pyrosequencing
Sebastian Förster, Erika Schumann, W. Eberhard Weber, Klaus Pillen
Root system plasticity to drought influences grain yield in bread wheat
Bahman Ehdaie, Andrew P. Layne, J. Giles Waines
Mapping QTLs with epistatic effects and QTL × treatment interactions for salt tolerance at seedling stage of wheat
Yun-Feng Xu, Diao-Guo An, Dong-Cheng Liu, Ai-Min Zhang, Hong-Xing Xu, Bin Li
Molecular detection of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromatin in wheat line 07jian126 (Triticum aestivum L.) and its association to wheat powdery mildew resistance
Shuiyang Yu, Hai Long, Hong Yang, Jie Zhang, Guangbing Deng, Zhifen Pan
wtorek, 8 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 185 (3), 2012
The breeding possibilities and genetic parameters of maize resistance to foliar diseases
Rafael Augusto Vieira, Carlos Alberto Scapim, Lia Mara Moterle
Combining ability of popcorn lines for seed quality and agronomic traits
Lia Mara Moterle, Alessandro de Lucca e Braccini, Carlos Alberto Scapim
Genetic analysis and genotype × environment (G × E) for grey leaf spot disease resistance in elite African maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm
Julia Sibiya, Pangirayi Tongoona, John Derera, Neil van Rij
Algorithmic models of seed yield and its components in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis L.) via large sample size under field conditions
Quanzhen Wang, Jian Cui, Xianguo Wang, Tiejun Zhang, He Zhou, Tianming Hu
Genotype × environment interactions in populations possessing Ga1-s and ga1 alleles for cross incompatibility in maize
Moisés D. González, Linda M. Pollak, A. Susana Goggi
Genetic effects and genetic relationships among shrunken (sh2) sweet corn lines and F1 hybrids
K. F. Solomon, I. Martin, A. Zeppa Pages
Trends of grain yield and plant traits in Chinese maize cultivars from the 1950s to the 2000s
Xiaoke Ci, Mingshun Li, Jiashun Xu, Zhenyu Lu, Pengfei Bai, Gaolin Ru
Effect of recombination in the maize breeding population with exotic germplasm on the yield stability
Tomislav Živanović, Gordana Branković, Miroslav Zorić
Genetic analysis of kernel oil content in tropical maize with design III and QTL mapping
Gustavo Vitti Môro, Mateus Figueiredo Santos, Dyeme Antônio Vieira Bento
Quantitative trait loci associated with grain moisture at harvest for line per se and testcross performance in maize: a meta-analysis
Rodrigo G. Sala, Fernando H. Andrade, Julio C. Cerono
Variation and covariation for Gibberella ear rot resistance and agronomic traits in testcrosses of doubled haploid maize lines
Matthias Martin, Wolfgang Schipprack, Thomas Miedaner, Baldev S. Dhillon
Doubled haploids in tropical maize: II. Quantitative genetic parameters for testcross performance
Vanessa Prigge, Raman Babu, Biswanath Das, M. Hernández Rodriguez
GGE biplot analysis to evaluate genotype, environment and their interactions in sorghum multi-location data
Sujay Rakshit, K. N. Ganapathy, S. S. Gomashe, A. Rathore, R. B. Ghorade
Development of in vivo haploid inducers for tropical maize breeding programs
Vanessa Prigge, Wolfgang Schipprack, George Mahuku, Gary N. Atlin
Genetic diversity assessment and genotype identification in sugarcane based on DNA markers and morphological traits
M. F. Perera, M. E. Arias, D. Costilla, A. C. Luque, M. B. García
Genome size variation in three Saccharum species
Jisen Zhang, Chifumi Nagai, Qingyi Yu, Yong-Bao Pan, Tomas Ayala-Silva
QTL underlying field grain drying rate after physiological maturity in maize (Zea Mays L.)
Zhenhua Wang, Xia Wang, Lin Zhang, Xianjun Liu, Hong Di, Tingfeng Li
Combining ability of low phytic acid (lpa1-1) and quality protein maize (QPM) lines for seed germination and vigour under stress and non-stress conditions
R. Naidoo, P. Tongoona, J. Derera, M. D. Laing, G. M. F. Watson
From sugar industry to cane industry: investigations on multivariate data analysis techniques in the identification of different high biomass sugarcane varieties
Deepack Santchurn, Kishore Ramdoyal, Mohammad Goolam Houssen Badaloo
poniedziałek, 7 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 185 (2), 2012
Comparison of MdMYB1 sequences and expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic and regulatory genes between Malus domestica Borkh. cultivar ‘Ralls’ and its blushed sport
Yuting Xu, Shouqian Feng, Qiqing Jiao, Chaochao Liu, Weiwei Zhang, Weiyi Chen
Texture analysis in an apple progeny through instrumental, sensory and histological phenotyping
Didiana Gálvez-López, François Laurens, Marie Françoise Devaux, Marc Lahaye
Identification of markers linked to major gene loci involved in determination of fruit shape index of apples (Malus domestica)
Huan Huan Sun, Yong Bo Zhao, Chun Min Li, Dong Mei Chen, Yi Wang
Evaluation of genetic diversity among commercial cultivars, hybrids and local mango (Mangifera indica L.) genotypes of India using cumulative RAPD and ISSR markers
K. C. Samal, R. C. Jena, S. S. Swain, B. K. Das, P. K. Chand
Development of mulberry varieties for sustainable growth and leaf yield in temperate and subtropical regions of India
S. Gandhi Doss, S. P. Chakraborti, S. Roychowdhuri, N. K. Das, K. Vijayan
Data to the sex determination in Pistacia species using molecular markers
B. Esfandiyari, G. H. Davarynejad, F. Shahriari, M. Kiani, A. Mathe
Resistance screening of Coffea spp. accessions for Pratylenchus coffeae and Radopholus arabocoffeae in Vietnam
Phap Q. Trinh, Wim M.L. Wesemael, Hung A. Tran, Chau N. Nguyen, Maurice Moens
Estimates of genotypic and yearly variations on fruit quality and functional traits for tetraploid table grape breeding
Mikio Shiraishi, Hiroyuki Fujishima, Hiroyuki Chijiwa, Koji Muramoto
Selection of morpho-agronomic descriptors for characterization of papaya cultivars
Eder Jorge de Oliveira, Nágela Lazare Pereira Dias, Jorge Luiz Loyola Dantas
Influence of year and genetic factors on chilling injury susceptibility in peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch)
Pedro J. Martínez-García, Cameron P. Peace, Dan E. Parfitt
Genetic diversity of red-fleshed apples (Malus)
Steven van Nocker, Garrett Berry, James Najdowski, Roberto Michelutti
Estimating genetic effects in maternal and paternal half-sibs from tetraploid-diploid crosses in Musa spp.
Abdou Tenkouano, Rodomiro Ortiz, Dirk Vuylsteke
Increased storage protein from interspecific F1 hybrids between cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and its wild progenitor (M. esculenta ssp. flabellifolia)
Olalekan Akinbo, Maryke Labuschagne, Martin Fregene
Pericarps retained in the tree canopy and stomatal abundance are components of resistance to husk spot caused by Pseudocercospora macadamiae in macadamia
Olufemi A. Akinsanmi, Bruce Topp, Andre Drenth
Malus domestica,
Manihot esculenta,
Prunus persica,
Pseudocercospora macadamiae,
texture analisis
niedziela, 6 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 185 (1), 2012
Can Mediterranean durum wheat landraces contribute to improved grain quality attributes in modern cultivars?
Ruyman Nazco, Dolors Villegas, Karim Ammar, Roberto Javier Pena, Marc Moragues
Mapping stripe rust resistance gene YrSph derived from Tritium sphaerococcum Perc. with SSR, SRAP, and TRAP markers
Shi-Sheng Chen, Guo-Yue Chen, Hua Chen, Yu-Ming Wei, Wei Li, Ya-Xi Liu
AFLP genetic diversity analysis in Russian wheat aphid resistant wheat accessions
G. Srinivas, Yinghua Huang, Brett F. Carver, Do Mornhinweg Pages
QTL associated with barley (Hordeum vulgare) feed quality traits measured through in situ digestion
Peter W. Gous, Anke Martin, Wendy Lawson, Alison Kelly, Glen P. Fox
Molecular mapping of partial resistance to powdery mildew in winter wheat cultivar Folke
Morten Lillemo, Asmund Bjornstad, Helge Skinnes
Elite durum wheat genetic map and recombination rate variation in a multiparental connected design
Laurence Vaissayre, Morgane Ardisson, Christiane Borries, Sylvain Santoni
QTL analysis of main and epistatic effects for flour color traits in durum wheat
Pablo F. Roncallo, Gerardo L. Cervigni, Carlos Jensen, Rubén Miranda
Quantitative trait loci for resistance to Fusarium head blight in the Chinese wheat landrace Huangfangzhu
Tao Li, Guihua Bai, Shuangye Wu, Shiliang Gu
Selection of genetically diverse sea oats lines with improved performance for coastal restoration in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Sarah E. Bertrand-Garcia, Carrie A. Knott, Niranjan Baisakh
Agronomic effects of a reciprocal translocation in a widely grown Spanish barley variety
A. Farré, A. Visioni, I. Lacasa-Benito, L. Cistué, J. Jansen, I. Romagosa
Effects of inter-varietal diversity, biotic stresses and environmental productivity on grain yield of spring barley variety mixtures
Lars P. Kiar, Ib M. Skovgaard, Hanne Ostergard
Combining ability for grain chemistry quality traits in a white oat diallelic cross
Maraisa Crestani, Solange Ferreira da Silveira Silveira
sobota, 5 stycznia 2013
Euphytica - 184 (1-3), 2012
Euphytica - 184 (1), 2012
Mapping of QTLs associated with important agronomic traits using three populations derived from a super hybrid rice Xieyou9308
Yongshu Liang, Xiaodeng Zhan, Zhiqiang Gao, Zechuan Lin, Zhanlie Yang
A new gene controlling hybrid sterility in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Mingjiang Chen, Zhigang Zhao, Ling Jiang, Jianmin Wan
Sheath-blight resistance QTLS in japonica rice germplasm
J. C. Nelson, J. H. Oard, D. Groth, H. S. Utomo, Y. Jia, G. Liu
Analysis of rice blast resistance gene Pi-z in rice germplasm using pathogenicity assays and DNA markers
Moytri RoyChowdhury, Yulin Jia, Aaron Jackson, Melissa H. Jia
Genetic basis of control of Rhynchosporium secalis infection and symptom expression in barley
M. E. Looseley, A. C. Newton, S. D. Atkins, B. D. L. Fitt, B. A. Fraaije
Fine mapping of a major quantitative trait locus, qFLL6.2, controlling flag leaf length and yield traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Bo Shen, Wei-Dong Yu, Yu-Jun Zhu, Ye-Yang Fan, Jie-Yun Zhuang
A novel frameshift mutant allele, fzp-10, affecting the panicle architecture of rice
Tsuneo Kato, Akira Horibata
Sequence variation in the barley genes encoding sucrose synthase I and sucrose phosphate synthase II, and its association with variation in grain traits and malting quality
Inge E. Matthies, Shailendra Sharma, Stephan Weise, Marion S. Röder
Agronomic diversity of naked barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): a potential resource for breeding new food barley for Europe
Edward Dickin, Katherine Steele, Gareth Edwards-Jones, David Wright
Identification of quantitative trait loci for seedling cold tolerance using RILs derived from a cross between japonica and tropical japonica rice cultivars
J. P. Suh, C. K. Lee, J. H. Lee, J. J. Kim, S. M. Kim, Y. C. Cho, S. H. Park
Genetic and physical mapping of qHY-8, a pleiotropic QTL for heading date and yield-related traits in rice
Hai-Ya Cai, Shu Diao, Yong-Gang He, Li-Pan Zhang, Shao-Jia Liu, Ying-Guo Zhu
Genetic diversity in blast resistance of Bhutan rice landraces
Bhim Bahadur Ghaley, Jorgen Lindskrog Christiansen, Sven Bode Andersen
Relationships among seed quality characteristics in a collection of western wheatgrass germplasms
Joseph G. Robins, Kishor Bhattarai, B. Shaun Bushman, Steven R. Larson
Substitution mapping of QTLs for blast resistance with SSSLs in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Yuexiong Zhang, Jianyuan Yang, Zelin Shan, Shen Chen, Weihua Qiao
Euphytica - 184 (2), 2012
Genetic dissection of intersubgenomic heterosis in Brassica napus carrying genomic components of B. rapa
Donghui Fu, Wei Qian, Jun Zou, Jinling Meng
A reexamination of molecular markers for use in marker-assisted breeding in tomato
Dilip R. Panthee, Majid R. Foolad
Are specific testing protocols required for organic onion varieties? Analysis of onion variety testing under conventional and organic growing conditions
E. T. Lammerts van Bueren, A. M. Osman, M. Tiemens-Hulscher, P. C. Struik
Quantitative genetic analysis of condensed tannins in oilseed rape meal
Florin Daniel Lipsa, Rod Snowdon, Wolfgang Friedt
Harnessing mutant donor plants for microspore culture in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss]
Deepak Prem, Kadambari Gupta, Abha Agnihotri
Fine mapping of two major QTLs conferring resistance to powdery mildew in tomato
Luigi Faino, Shiva Azizinia, Benyamin Houshyani Hassanzadeh, Estelle Verzaux
Influence of the stage for anther excision and heterostyly in embryogenesis induction from eggplant anther cultures
Pablo Salas, Alba Rivas-Sendra, Jaime Prohens, José M. Seguí-Simarro
Analysis of the genetic control of ß-carotene and l-ascorbic acid accumulation in an orange-brownish wild cherry tomato accession
Ana Maria Adalid, Salvador Roselló, Mercedes Valcárcel, Fernando Nuez
Genetic combining ability for concentration of mineral elements in cabbage head (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
B. K. Singh, S. R. Sharma, B. Singh
Kale population improvement and cultivar production
John E. Bradshaw, Ralph N. Wilson
Euphytica - 184 (3), 2012
Architectural and genetic characterization of Hydrangea aspera subsp. aspera Kawakami group, H. aspera subsp. sargentiana and their hybrids
Laurent Crespel, Philippe Morel, Gilles Galopin
Heritability and genetic correlation in daylily selection
L. A. Fogaça, R. A. Oliveira, F. L. Cuquel, J. C. B. Filho, W. A. Vendrame
Morphology and SSR fingerprinting of newly developed Cynara cardunculus genotypes exploitable as ornamentals
Sergio Lanteri, Ezio Portis, Alberto Acquadro, Rosario P. Mauro
Reproductive biology of three commercially valuable Santalum species: development of flowers and inflorescences, breeding systems, and interspecific crossability
H. T. Tamla, J. P. Cornelius, T. Page
Development of DNA markers that discriminate between white- and blue-flowers in Japanese gentian plants
Takashi Nakatsuka, Misa Saito, Yuka Sato-Ushiku, Eri Yamada, Takashi Nakasato
Morphological changes and self-incompatibility breakdown associated with autopolyploidization in Hylocereus species (Cactaceae)
Hagai Cohen, Noemi Tel-Zur
Genetic variability of banana with ornamental potential
Everton Hilo de Souza, Maria Angélica Pereira de Carvalho Costa
The plant size and the spine characteristics of the first generation progeny obtained through the cross-pollination of different genotypes of Cactaceae
Lucica Mihalte, Radu E. Sestras
The carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 4 (CmCCD4a) gene family encodes a key regulator of petal color mutation in chrysanthemum
Satoshi Yoshioka, Ryutaro Aida, Chihiro Yamamizo, Michio Shibata, Akemi Ohmiya
Confirmation and characterization of interspecific hybrids of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) for ornamental use
Eileen Azevedo Santos, Margarete Magalhaes Souza, Priscilla Patrocínio Abreu
Analysis of endosperm development of allotriploid × diploid/tetraploid crosses in Lilium
Shujun Zhou, Kehu Li, Guixue Zhou
Construction of a genetic linkage map with SSR, AFLP and morphological markers to locate QTLs controlling pathotype-specific powdery mildew resistance in diploid roses
Hossein Hosseini Moghaddam, Leen Leus, Jan De Riek, Johan Van Huylenbroeck
Anthocyanin and carotenoid pigmentation in flowers of section Mina, subgenus Quamoclit, genus Ipomoea
Chihiro Yamamizo, Naonobu Noda, Akemi Ohmiya
piątek, 4 stycznia 2013
Edinburgh Journal of Botany - 69 (3), 2012
A. R. Sivu, M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, N. S. Pradeep, N. Anil Kumar and A. G. Pandurangan
M. Bhaumik
P. C. van Welzen
T. M. Misiewicz and N. C. Zerega
A. A. Anna Ancy and S. Nampy
B. Adhikari, C. A. Pendry, R. T. Pennington and R. I. Milne
czwartek, 3 stycznia 2013
Edinburgh Journal of Botany - 69 (2), 2012
R. J. Gornall, D. S. Rawat and Zhuoxin Zhang
R. Watling
H. A. Mews, B. S. Marimon and J. A. Ratter
P. S. Udayan, Regy Yohannan, M. S. Devipriya, V. Devipriya and A. K. Pradeep
R. M. Prickett, E. N. Honorio C., Y. Baba, H. M. Baden, C. M. Alvez V. and C. A. Quesada
M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, K. A. Sujana, V. Balakrishnan, R. Meera Raj and N. Anil Kumar
T. Phutthai, M. Hughes and K. Sridith
C. M. Wilmot-Dear and I. Friis
C. M. Wilmot-Dear and I. Friis
V. P. Thomas and M. Sabu
F. Christie, S. Barber and M. Möller
G. Orel, P. G. Wilson, A. S. Curry and Luu Hong Truong
A. Kartonegoro
Book Reviews
John Ray’s Cambridge Catalogue (1660). Translated and edited by P. H. Oswald & C. D. Preston. Ray Society publication no. 173. London: The Ray Society. 2011. ix + 612 pp., 1 colour and 33 b/w plates, 1 map. ISBN 0 903874 3 1. L75.
H. J. Noltie
Flora of Nepal Volume 3. M. F. Watson, S. Akiyama, H. Ikeda, C. A. Pendry, K. R. Rajbhandari & K. R. Shrestha. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 2011. ISBN 978 1 906129 78 1. L87.
John R. I. Wood
An Introduction to the Trees from the North of the Republic of Congo. David Harris, Jean-Marie Moutsamboté, Emile Kami, Jacques Florence, Samuel Bridgewater & Alexandra Wortley. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 2011. 208 pp., 93 colour plates. ISBN 978 1 906129 80 4. L20.
Marc Sosef
środa, 2 stycznia 2013
Edinburgh Journal of Botany - 69 (1), 2012
A. V. Neri, C. E. G. R. Schaefer, A. F. Silva, A. L. Souza, W. G. Ferreira-Junior and J. A. A. Meira-Neto
G. C. O. Menino, Y. R. F. Nunes, R. M. Santos, G. W. Fernandes and L. A. Fernandes
K. Kougioumoutzis, A. Tiniakou, T. Georgiadis and O. Georgiou
M. Rodda
I. M. Turner
V. Lamxay and M. F. Newman
Book Review
Atlas of the Potential Vegetation of Ethiopia. Ib Friis, Sebsebe Demissew & Paulo van Breugel. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in Biologiske Skrifter 58. 2010. 307 pp. including 29 colour map plates (1:2 000 000). ISSN 0366 3612, ISBN 97887 7304 347 9. 400 DKK (approx. L46) paperback.
Paul Scholte
wtorek, 1 stycznia 2013
Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics - 43, 2012
Scaling Up in Ecology: Mechanistic Approaches
Mark Denny and Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi
Adaptive Genetic Variation on the Landscape: Methods and Cases
Sean D. Schoville, Aurélie Bonin, Olivier François, Stéphane Lobreaux, Christelle Melodelima, and Stéphanie Manel
Endogenous Plant Cell Wall Digestion: A Key Mechanism in Insect Evolution
Nancy Calderón-Cortés, Mauricio Quesada, Hirofumi Watanabe, Horacio Cano-Camacho, and Ken Oyama
New Insights into Pelagic Migrations: Implications for Ecology and Conservation
Daniel P. Costa, Greg A. Breed, and Patrick W. Robinson
The Biogeography of Marine Invertebrate Life Histories
Dustin J. Marshall, Patrick J. Krug, Elena K. Kupriyanova, Maria Byrne, and Richard B. Emlet
Mutation Load: The Fitness of Individuals in Populations Where Deleterious Alleles Are Abundant
Aneil F. Agrawal and Michael C. Whitlock
From Animalcules to an Ecosystem: Application of Ecological Concepts to the Human Microbiome
Noah Fierer, Scott Ferrenberg, Gilberto E. Flores, Antonio González, Jordan Kueneman, Teresa Legg, Ryan C. Lynch, Daniel McDonald, Joseph R. Mihaljevic, Sean P. O'Neill, Matthew E. Rhodes, Se Jin Song, and William A. Walters
Effects of Host Diversity on Infectious Disease
Richard S. Ostfeld and Felicia Keesing
Coextinction and Persistence of Dependent Species in a Changing World
Robert K. Colwell, Robert R. Dunn, and Nyeema C. Harris
Functional and Phylogenetic Approaches to Forecasting Species' Responses to Climate Change
Lauren B. Buckley and Joel G. Kingsolver
Rethinking Community Assembly through the Lens of Coexistence Theory
J. HilleRisLambers, P.B. Adler, W.S. Harpole, J.M. Levine, and M.M. Mayfield
The Role of Mountain Ranges in the Diversification of Birds
Jon Fjeldsa, Rauri C.K. Bowie, and Carsten Rahbek
Evolutionary Inferences from Phylogenies: A Review of Methods
Brian C. O'Meara
A Guide to Sexual Selection Theory
Bram Kuijper, Ido Pen, and Franz J. Weissing
Ecoenzymatic Stoichiometry and Ecological Theory
Robert L. Sinsabaugh and Jennifer J. Follstad Shah
Origins of New Genes and Evolution of Their Novel Functions
Yun Ding, Qi Zhou, and Wen Wang
Climate Change, Aboveground-Belowground Interactions, and Species' Range Shifts
Wim H. Van der Putten
Inflammation: Mechanisms, Costs, and Natural Variation
Noah T. Ashley, Zachary M. Weil, and Randy J. Nelson
New Pathways and Processes in the Global Nitrogen Cycle
Bo Thamdrup
Beyond the Plankton Ecology Group (PEG) Model: Mechanisms Driving Plankton Succession
Ulrich Sommer, Rita Adrian, Lisette De Senerpont Domis, James J. Elser, Ursula Gaedke, Bas Ibelings, Erik Jeppesen, Miquel Lürling, Juan Carlos Molinero, Wolf M. Mooij, Ellen van Donk, and Monika Winder
Global Introductions of Crayfishes: Evaluating the Impact of Species Invasions on Ecosystem Services
David M. Lodge, Andrew Deines, Francesca Gherardi, Darren C.J. Yeo, Tracy Arcella, Ashley K. Baldridge, Matthew A. Barnes, W. Lindsay Chadderton, Jeffrey L. Feder, Crysta A. Gantz, Geoffrey W. Howard, Christopher L. Jerde, Brett W. Peters, Jody A. Peters, Lindsey W. Sargent, Cameron R. Turner, Marion E. Wittmann, and Yiwen Zeng
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