środa, 20 maja 2020

Cephalocereus parvispinus sp. nov.

A new species of Cephalocereus (Cactaceae) from southern Mexico
Phytotaxa, vol. 392 no. 2  February 2019

Cephalocereus parvispinussp. nov. (Cactaceae) from the Mixtecan region (Oaxaca state, Mexico) is described and illustrated. The morphological and molecular evidence support its recognition as a distinct species within the genus Cephalocereus. The new species is characterized by arborescent habit up to 8 m in height, acrotonic branching, stems with 15−23 ribs; flowers 3.5−4 cm long, pericarpel and receptacular tube without podaria nor spines; fruit 1.7−2.2 cm long, dark red, with white flesh; seeds ca. 1.4 ×0.6 mm, dark brown, with a rugose micro-relief. The phylogenetic analysis usingseven cpDNA markers,shows that C. parvispinusis the sister species of C. polylophusand C. euphorbioides.

sobota, 20 kwietnia 2019

Rhizomyces forcipatus sp. nov., Rhizomyces ramosus sp. nov., Rhizomyces tschirnhausii sp. nov.

Walter ROSSI, Hans R. FEIJEN
New species of Rhizomyces (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) parasitic on African stalk-eyed flies (Diptera, Diopsidae)
European Journal of Taxonomy
Three new species of Rhizomyces Thaxt., parasitic on African stalk-eyed flies, are described. These are R. forcipatus W.Rossi & Feijen sp. nov., parasitic on various species of Centrioncus Speiser from Ivory Coast, Kenya and Malawi and Teloglabrus Feijen from South Africa; R. ramosus W.Rossi & Feijen sp. nov., parasitic on Diopsina nitida (Adams, 1903) from Uganda; R. tschirnhausii W.Rossi & Feijen sp. nov., parasitic on Diopsina africana (Shillito, 1940) from Uganda. All previous records of species of Rhizomyces are presented in tabulated form with updated host names. A key is presented to all species of Rhizomyces. The occurrence of Rhizomyces and other taxa of the Laboulbeniales Lindau in the genera of the Diopsidae Billberg is discussed.

sobota, 2 marca 2019

Agapetes yingjiangensis (Ericaceae) new species from Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China

Yi‐Hua Tong Bing‐Mou Wang Nian‐He Xia
Agapetes yingjiangensis (Ericaceae), a new epiphytic species of A. ser. Longifiles from Yunnan, China
Nordic Journal of Botany, 8 February 2019: e02171


Agapetes yingjiangensis (Ericaceae), a new species from Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. This new species is somewhat similar to A. mannii Hemsl., but differs in having brown‐hirsute young branches, acute mucronate apex of the leaf blade and sparsely hirsute pedicel, calyx tube and corolla. A key to Chinese species with small (less than 2.5 cm) entire leaves in Agapetes sect. Agapetes ser. Longifiles is included.

piątek, 1 marca 2019

Fouquieria splendens - new article

Keith T. Killingbeck
Stem succulence controls flower and fruit production but not stem growth in the desert shrub ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens)
American Journal of Botany, 106 (2), 2019


Premise of the Study

The C3 desert shrub ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) completely lacks xeromorphic leaves but is uncommonly both stem succulent and repetitively drought deciduous (documented to have produced many foliation–defoliation cycles during a growing season). Both adaptations conserve water in this xerophyte, but are the roles of succulence and deciduousness merely redundant? The observation that year‐to‐year reproductive effort was relatively consistent while vegetative growth was not offered a critical clue that, coupled with long‐term precipitation data, helped answer this question.


At two sites in the Chihuahuan Desert in southern New Mexico, United States, 22 ocotillos were studied annually for more than two decades to explore the relationships among reproductive effort, vegetative stem growth, and patterns of precipitation.

Key Results

Vegetative stem growth occurred in mid‐ to late summer (July–September), the season of maximum precipitation in the Chihuahuan Desert, and was significantly related to summer precipitation received in the year of growth. Reproductive effort occurred in early to late spring (April–June), which with winter account for minimum precipitation during the year, but was significantly related to summer precipitation received in the previous year, suggesting the importance of stem succulence and stored water.


While highly variable summer precipitation was responsible for enormous fluctuations in annual ocotillo stem growth, stem succulence insulated reproductive effort from such immense variability. Stem‐stored water allowed the production of flowers and fruits to proceed relatively consistently during the driest years and during the driest time of year in the Chihuahuan Desert.

czwartek, 28 lutego 2019

Cocconeis magnoareolata Al-Handal, Riaux-Gob., R.Jahn & A.K.Wulff sp. nov and Cocconeis vrangoensis Al-Handal & Riaux-Gob. sp. nov

Adil Y. Al-Handal, Catherine Riaux-Gobin, Regine Jahn, Angela Katarina Wulff, Alison Minerovic
Two new marine species of Cocconeis (Bacillariophyceae) from the west coast of Sweden
European Journal of Taxonomy 497, 2019

This paper is part of a project of studying benthic diatom biodiversity on marine coastal regions of Sweden with focus on rare and less known species. Two new species of Cocconeis Ehrenb. are described from Vrångö, a small island in the west coast of Sweden. Both species were found as epiphytic on the green alga Ulva intestinalis L. Cocconeis magnoareolata Al-Handal, Riaux-Gob., R.Jahn & A.K.Wulff sp. nov. is a small species not exceeding 9 µm in length and characterized by having large subquadrangular areolae on the sternum valve. Cocconeis vrangoensis Al-Handal & Riaux-Gob. sp. nov. appears similar to some taxa of the ‘Cocconeis scutellum complex’, but differs by its stria density on both valves and variable features of the areola and valvocopula ultrastructure. Detailed descriptions based on light and electron microscopy examination, a comparison with closely related taxa, as well as a description of the habitat of both species are here presented.

środa, 27 lutego 2019

Alergeny zapachowe w wybranych kosmetykach perfumeryjnych

Halina Bojarowicz, Karolina Okoniewicz, Jerzy Krysiński
Alergeny zapachowe w wybranych kosmetykach perfumeryjnych.

Polish Journal of Cosmetology 21(3), 2018

Produkty perfumeryjne to bardzo bogate kompozycje składające się z różnych substancji zapachowych, naturalnych i syntetycznych, należących do wielu grup chemicznych. Substancje zapachowe mogą być przyczyną pokrzywki alergicznej, kontaktowego zapalenia skóry, reakcji fotouczulających czy odczynów fotoalergicznych. Zgodnie z obowiązującymi wymaganiami UE na opakowaniu kosmetyku perfumeryjnego muszą być wyszczególnione składniki zapachowe należące do 26 potencjalnych alergenów.
Analiza składu wybranych produktów perfumeryjnych damskich oraz męskich pod kątem występowania alergenów zapachowych.
Materiały i metody.
Analizowano skład (wg INCI) wybranych 16 najlepiej oraz 16 najgorzej ocenianych, przez użytkowników portalu internetowego (wizaz.pl), wód toaletowych (Eau de toilette) dla kobiet oraz dla mężczyzn.
Większość produktów perfumeryjnych zawiera co najmniej kilka potencjalnych alergenów. Nieco więcej jest ich w wodach toaletowych dla mężczyzn niż w produktach dla kobiet. Najczęściej występującym alergenem zapachowym w damskich wodach toaletowych jest Limonene oraz Alpha-isomethyl ionone, a w męskich - Linalool oraz Limonene. Liczba alergenów zapachowych nie ma wpływu na ocenę konsumentów.
Większość kosmetyków perfumeryjnych zawiera co najmniej kilka potencjalnych alergenów zapachowych, ale są dostępne także produkty bez takich komponentów.

Więcej można przeczytać kupując artykuł lub czasopismo na stronie Polish Journal of Cosmetology.

wtorek, 26 lutego 2019

Populus primaveralepensis sp. nov

Populus primaveralepensis sp. nov. (Salicaceae, Malpighiales), a new species of white poplar from the Bosque La Primavera Biosphere Reserve in western Mexico.
European Journal of Taxonomy, No 498 (2019)


Populus primaveralepensis A.Vázquez, Muñiz-Castro & Zuno sp. nov., a new species from relict gallery cloud forest in Bosque La Primavera Biosphere Reserve (Mexico), is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to P. subsect. Tomentosae Hart., and is morphologically similar to P. luziarum A.Vázquez, Muñiz-Castro & Padilla-Lepe, but differs from it in having taller trees without root suckers, white and ringed young stems and branches, a branching angle of ca 45º, leaves with higher blade to petiole ratio, leafs frequently elliptic or ovate to widely ovate (vs widely ovate to ovate-deltoid), denser inflorescences, and shorter capsules. The conservation status of the species was assessed as Critically Endangered (CR).

poniedziałek, 25 lutego 2019

Charakterystyka gum roślinnych, ich zastosowanie w kosmetologii oraz roślinne źródła ich pozyskiwania

Halina Ekiert, Natalia Morawska, Karolina Stańczyk, Agnieszka Szopa
Charakterystyka gum roślinnych, ich zastosowanie w kosmetologii oraz roślinne źródła ich pozyskiwania

Polish Journal of Cosmetology 21 (3), 2018

W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące gum roślinnych - ich chemizmu, właściwości fizyko-chemicznych, lokalizacji w roślinach oraz ich rozpowszechnienia w świecie roślin. Podkreślono ważną pozycję tej grupy surowców bezpostaciowych w produkcji kosmetyków, leków i środków spożywczych. Zasadniczą częścią pracy jest szczegółowa charakterystyka botaniczno-chemiczna ośmiu gum roślinnych oraz gatunków roślin będących ich źródłem. W przeglądzie uwzględniono zarówno gatunki roślin będące źródłem gum, które są surowcami farmakopealnymi (Acacia sp., Astragalus sp., Cyamopsis tetragonolobus), jak i liczne inne gatunki dostarczające gum ważnych w produkcji kosmetyków oraz środków spożywczych.

sobota, 23 lutego 2019

Ther influence of biostimulants on the ...


Małgorzata Głosek-Sobieraj, Bożena Cwalina-Ambroziak, Jadwiga Wierzbowska, Agnieszka Waśkiewicz

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum: Hortorum Cultus (Ogrodnictwo), 17(6) 2018, 37–48

The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  determine  the  influence  of  biostimulants  on  the  content  of  selected microelements  in  the  skin  and  flesh  of  potato  tubers.  Five  potato  cultivars  were  grown:  Irga,  Satina  (with cream-and  yellow-colored  flesh),  Valfi,  Blaue  St.  Galler  (with  purple-colored  flesh)  and  Highland Burgundy Red -HB Red (with red-colored flesh). Potatoes were treated with thefollowing biostimulants: Asahi  SL,  Bio-Algeen  S  90,  Kelpak  SL  and  Trifender  WP.Control  plants  were  not  treated  with biostimulants. Samples of potato tubers were analyzed immediately after the harvest and after 5 months of storage (4°C).The highest content of micronutrients in the skin and flesh of potato tubers was determined at harvest in the driest 2015 year. In all years of the experiment, micronutrient concentrations were lower in the flesh than in the skin of potato tubers, and the greatest differences were noted in the content of Fe. The concentrations of Zn, Mn and Fe in the skin and flesh of potato tubers increased as a response to the Bio-Algeen S 90 biostimulant, and the content of Fe was also higher in the skin of potatoes treated with Kelpak SL. In general, the skin and flesh of potatoes cvs. Valfi, Blaue St. Galler and HB Red were more abundant in microelements than cvs. Irga and Satina potatoes. Content of Zn and Mn increased and the content of Cu and  Fe  decreased  (excluding  the  first  year  ofthe  study)  in  the  skin  and  flesh  of  stored  potatoes.  The  skin and  flesh  of  stored  potato  tubers  treated  with  biostimulants  were  characterized  by  Mn  concentrations  that were higher or similar to those recorded in the control treatment (excluding the skin of potatoes treated with Bio-Algeen S 90) and a smaller decrease in Cu content.

Sumptuastic - Za jeden uśmiech Twój

czwartek, 21 lutego 2019

Epipactis albensis

Epipactis albensis (Orchidaceae) in Transcarpathia
Ljubka T.T.
Ukrainian Botanical Journal 2018, 75(6): 533–537

Data on Epipactis albensis (Orchidaceae), a species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, is analyzed. The information on this species given in the Red Data Book of Ukraine is considered. A distribution map of all currently known localities of the species is provided; in particular, its distribution within the Cis-Tisza lowland (Transcarpathian Region, Ukraine) is discussed. A new locality of the species found in 2018 in vicinity of Pritysianske village (Vynohradiv District), near the Tisza River in the Salici-Populetum association, is reported. Original photographs of the species are presented since in the Red Data Book of Ukraine for E. albensis a photo of another species is provided.

 Andrzej Piaseczny - Niecierpliwi