Polish Journal of Ecology
vol.57 (3) 2009
Spis treści:
JASSER I., KOSTRZEWSKA-SZLAKOWSKA I., EJSMONT-KARABIN J., KALINOWSKA K., WĘGLEŃSKA T. - Autotrophic versus heterotrophic production and components of trophic chain in humic lakes: the role of microbial communities .
CHENG D.-L., WANG G.-X., ZHONG Q.-L. - Age-related relationship between annual productivity and body size of trees: testing the metabolic theory
DUAN R.-Y., WANG X.-A., TU Y.-B., HUANG M.-Y., WANG C., ZHU H., GUO H. -
Recruitment pattern of tree populations along an altitudinal gradient:
Larix chinensis Beissn in Qinling Mountains (China)
BARNA M., SCHIEBER B., CIĆAK A. - Effects of post-cutting changes in site conditions on the morphology and phenology of naturally regenerated beech seedlings (
Fagus sylvatica L.)
KOSIŃSKI I., GALERA H., CHWEDORZEWSKA K. - The morphological variability of
Convallaria majalis L. in natural and cultivated populations in three regions of Poland .
YAO X., LIU Q. - Photosynthetic and physiological responses of
Swida hemsleyi (C.K. Schneid et Wangerin) Soják (Cornaceae) subjected to enhanced UV-B radiation and to nitrogen supply .
LI S., WANG Q., JING Z., WANG W. - The effects of protective enclosure on vegetation diversity and productivity of degraded alpine
Kobresia meadow (Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau)
RYCHERT K. - Planktonic ciliates in the coastal medium-size river: diversity and productivity
TISCHER S. - Earthworms (Lumbricidae) as bioindicators: the relationship between in-soil and in-tissue heavy metal content
distribution of wintering terrestrial snails in forest site - relation to habitat conditions .
KRALJ J., ĆIKOVIĆ D., DUMBOVIĆ V., DOLENEC Z., TUTIŠ V. - Habitat preferences of the Collared Flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis (Temm.) in mountains of continental Croatia
WALCZAK M., SWIONTEK BRZEZINSKA M. - The impact of UV mediated hydrogen peroxide on culturable bacteria in the surface microlayer of eutrophic lake .
BŁASZAK M., BIEŃKOWSKA D. - Effect of soil pollution on bacterial resistance to lead ions: an experimental approach
SKÓRCZEWSKI P., MUDRYK Z.J. - Culturable proteolytic bacteria and the activity of leucine aminopeptidase in river ecosystem
BORATYŃSKI A., JASIŃSKA A., BORATYŃSKA K., ISZKUŁO G., PIÓRKOWSKA M. - Life span of needles of Pinus mugo Turra: effect of altitude and species origin
LIU B., LUO Y. - Relationship between seed size and plant abundance in an alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau .
MIRSKI P. - Selection of nesting and foraging habitat by the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina (Brehm) in the Knyszyńska Forest (NE Poland) .
KOPIJ G. - Segregation in sympatrically nesting Red-winged Starling nychognathus morio (L.) and European Starling Sturnus vulgaris L.
SKÓRKA P., LENDA M., SKÓRKA J. - Supermarkets - a wintering habitat for House Sparrow Passer domesticus L.
DE MIGUEL F.J., VALENCIA A., ARROYO M., MONCLÚS R. - Spatial distribution of scent marks in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.): do red foxes select certain plants as signal posts?
DOLENEC Z., DOLENEC P., KRALJ J., KIŠ-NOVAK D. - Long-term trend in timing of breeding of the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica (L.) in Croatia