
środa, 10 sierpnia 2011

Webbia - 65 (1), 2010


VICIANI D., GONNELLI V., SIROTTI M., AGOSTINI N., An annotated check-list of the vascular flora of the “Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Ca- sentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna” (Northern Apennines, Central Italy. - 65(1): 3-131. Abstract

VERLOVE F., Studies in Italian Cyperaceae 1. Eleocharis pellucida, new to Europe, naturalised in Piemonte (Italy).

TIMUKHIN I., TUNIYEV, LEVICHEV I.G., Gagea spathacea (Liliaceae) on the Black Sea slope of the Caucasus.

LASTRUCCI L., FRIGNANI F., KAPLAN Z., Potamogeton schweinfurtii and similar broad-leaved species in Italy.

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