
środa, 10 sierpnia 2011

Taiwania - 56 (2), 2011


Above – Ground Standing Biomass and Carbon Stock Dynamics under a Varied Degree of Anthropogenic Pressure in Tropical Rain Forests of Uttara Kannada District, Western Ghats, India
D. M. Bhat and N. H. Ravindranath

Glossogyne Tenuifolia Enhances Posttranslational S-Nitrosylation of Proteins in Vascular Endothelial Cells
Chao-Ping Wang, Jer-Yiing Houng, Hsia-Fen Hsu, Han-Jung Chen, Bin Huang, Wei-Chin Hung, Teng-Hung Yu, Cheng-An Chiu, Li-Fen Lu and Chia-Chang Hsu

Application of CHD1 Gene and EE0.6 Sequences to Identify Sexes of Several Protected Bird Species in Taiwan
E.-C. Lin, H.-A. Hsu, M.-C. Chao, F.-T. Chan, L.-M. Wang, H.-S. Tsao, C.-H. Chang, P.-Y. Lin, B.-J. Wang, H.-W. Yuan, S.-T. Ding and P.-H. Wang

Microstegium glabratum (Brongn.) A. Camus (Poaceae, Andropogoneae), a New Record for Japan, China, and Taiwan, Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence
Chih-Hui Chen, Jan Frits Veldkamp and Chang-Sheng Kuoh

Myxomycetes of Taiwan XXI. The genus Diderma
Chin-Hui Liu and Jong-How Chang

A new species Cotoneaster chingshuiensis (Rosaceae) from Taiwan
Kun-Cheng Chang, Chiu-Mei Wang, Shu-Lin Deng and Chih-Chiang Wang

Chiritopsis hezhouensis (Gesneriaceae) from Karst Caves in Guangxi, China
Wang-Hui Wu, Wei-Bin Xu and Lei Wu

Thismia huangii (Thismiaceae), a New Species from Taiwan
Po-Yi Chiang and Tsung-Hsin Hsieh

Peliosanthes yunnanensis and Trichosma yanshanensis - New Additions to the Flora of Vietnam
Leonid V. Averyano

Lectotypification and Recollection of Rochelia laxa I. M. Johnst. (Boraginaceae) from Type Locality after the Lapse of Forty Years
S. K. Srivastava and Kumar Ambrish

Lectotypification in Zeuxine Lindl. (Orchidaceae)
Avishek Bhattacharjee, H. J. Chowdhery and R. K. Bhakat

Huperzia squarrosa (G. Forst.) Trev. (Lycopodiaceae) in Manipur: Taxonomy and Biological Aspects
S. D. Yumkham and P. K. Singh

Pycnolejeunea grandiocellata Steph. (Family Lejeuneaceae), a Generic and Species Record New to Liverwort Flora of Taiwan
Jia-Dong Yang and Shan-Hsiung Lin

A Newly Naturalized Species in Taiwan: Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. (Apocynaceae)
Yung-Nan Ko, Fu-Shan Chou and Chun-Kuei Liao

Pectis L. (Asteraceae), a Newly Recorded Genus to the Flora of Taiwan
Ming-Jer Jung, Chun-Wan Hsien, Yui-Ching Kao and Ching-Long Yeh

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