
środa, 10 sierpnia 2011

Webbia - 65 (2), 2010 a w niej opis nowej hoi


VAN DER MAESEN L.J.G., Novitates Gabonenses 75: note on Platysepalum (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) in Gabon.

RODDA M., SIMONSSON N., Hoya minutiflora sp. nov. (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new small-flowered Hoya species, and taxonomic notes on Hoya ruscifolia Decaisne.

DUNKEL F.G., The Ranunculus auricomus L. complex (Ranunculaceae) in Northern Italy.

CUSMA VELARI T., FEOLI CHIAPELLA L., KOSOVEL V., Karyological Diversity of Adenocarpus DC. (Fabaceae-Cytiseae).

BALLELLI S., TARDELLA F.M., ORSOMANDO E., CATORCI A., The vascular flora of the “Altipiani di Colfiorito” (Umbria-Marches Apennines, Central Italy).

GAROFALO R., APRILE G.G., MINGO A., CATALANO I., RICCIARDI M., The Lichens of the Sorrento peninsula (Campania-Southern Italy).

BALDINI R.M., Review .

Index of new taxa.


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