
sobota, 22 grudnia 2012

Crop & Pasture Science - 63 (1), 2012


Break-crop benefits to wheat in Western Australia – insights from over three decades of research

Mark Seymour, John A. Kirkegaard, Mark B. Peoples, Peter F. White and Robert J. French

Yield performance of late-maturing winter canola (Brassica napus L.) types in the High Rainfall Zone of southern Australia

Penny Riffkin, Trent Potter and Gavin Kearney

Water and thermal regimes for field pea in Australia and their implications for breeding

V. O. Sadras, L. Lake, K. Chenu, L. S. McMurray and A. Leonforte

Growth dynamics and agronomic-economic benefits of pea–oat and pea–barley intercrops

Christos A. Dordas, Dimitrios N. Vlachostergios and Anastasios S. Lithourgidis

Does phosphorus stimulate the effect of elevated [CO2] on growth and symbiotic nitrogen fixation of grain and pasture legumes?

Shu Kee Lam, Deli Chen, Rob Norton and Roger Armstrong

A modelling analysis to identify plant traits for enhanced water-use efficiency of pasture

T. A. White and V. O. Snow

Resistance of pasture production to projected climate changes in south-eastern Australia

B. R. Cullen, R. J. Eckard and R. P. Rawnsley

Seed production, mass, germinability, and subsequent seedling growth responses to parental warming environment in Leymus chinensis

Song Gao, Junfeng Wang, Zhijing Zhang, Gang Dong and Jixun Guo


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