
piątek, 21 grudnia 2012

Caryologia - 64 (4), 2011


Evaluation of genotoxic effects of aqueous extract of Croton caudatus Geiseler leaves on mice

Surendrajit Leishangthem and Bhagirath Thounaojam

Karyotypic Studies of five Paeonia ludlowii populations from China

Luo Dong, Ma Hong, Zheng-Hong Li, Xiu-Xian Liu and Yan-Li Zhang

Cytological characteristics of reciprocal interspecific F1 hybrids between the wild species Antirrhinum litigiosum Pau and Antirrhinum pulverulentum Lazaro

NikolovaVesselina and Isabel Mateu-Andrés

Gamma ray induced chromosomal aberrations and enzyme related defense mechanism in Allium cepa L.

Datta, Subodh Kumar, Debasis Chakrabarty, Arvind Kumar Verma and Biresh Kumar Banerji

Karyological studies of Clinopodium L. (Sect. Pseudomelissa) and Micromeria Benth. s. str. (Lamiaceae) from Turkey

Esra Martin, Ozlem Cetin, Tuncay Dirmenci and Hilal Ay

Cytological studies in some members of family Ranunculaceae from Western Himalayas (India)

Rani Savita, Kumar Sanjeev, Jeelani Syed Mudassir, Kumari Santosh and Gupta Raghbir Chand

Endopolyploidy in Trifolium pratense L.

Kocová Valéria, and Pavol Mártonfi

Use of FISH technique with whole chromosome painting probes for the detection of chromosomal aberrations induced by positive mutagens in bovine peripheral lymphocytes

Galdíková Martina, Katarína Šiviková, Beáta Holečková, Ján Dianovský and Martin Mesarč

Cytotaxonomic status of Schizothoracine fishes of Kashmir Hima­laya (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

Farooq, Ahmad Ganai, Abdul Rehman Yousuf, Sabzar Ahmad Dar, Narinder Kumar Tripathi and Samee Ullah Wani

Chromosome numbers in Aconitum sect. Cammarum (Ranunculaceae) from the Carpathians

Ilnicki Tomasz and Witka Józef

A chromosome study of two centromere differentiating Drosera species, D. arcturi and D. regia

Shirakawa1 Junichi, Katsuya Nagano and Yoshikazu Hoshi

Karyotype analysis of Lathyrus taxa belonging to Platystylis (=Lath­yrostylis) section (Fabaceae) from Turkey

Güneş Fatma

Post-embryonic development effect of Bisphenol A and Tributyltin effects in Ciona intestinalis

Valentina Mansueto, Maria Vittoria Cangialosi and Ali Said Faqi

Identification of Diploid and Triploid Red Tilapia by Using Erythrocyte Indices

Pradeep, Padmaja Jayaprasad, Thekkeparambil Chandrabose Srijaya, Deepak Jose, Alessio Papini, Anuar Hassan1 and Anil Kumar Chatterji


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