
piątek, 7 grudnia 2012

Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops - 2, 2012


Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Sugarcane and Nitrogen Transfer from Sugarcane to Cassava in the Intercropping System
ZHOU Xiaozhou;LI Yangrui;YANG Litao

Organic Manure Quality Evaluation of Wild Euphorbiaceae Green Manures
HUAN Hengfu;ZHOU Jiannan;LI Chunhua;LIU Guodao;HUANG Dongfen
Effects of Humic Acid on the Germination Properties of Cucumis Sativus L.Seeds under Cinnamic Acid Stress
LU Yibin;ZHANG Lina;LI Yan

The Characteristics of Lotus Seed Starch Modified by Dry Heating

A Comparison of Seasonal Ultrastructural Changes of Mesophyll Cell in 3 Cultivars of Jaminum sabac
DENG Chuanyuan;GUO Suzhi;WANG Xiangping;LAI Zhongxiong;PAN Dongming

Effects of Different Water Stress on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Areca catechu L.Seedling
CHEN Xin;LIU Beibei;HAN Bingjun;ZHOU Zhaode;PENG Lixu;YANG Fusun

Establishment and Application for Molecular Detection of Chilli ringspot Virus
WANG Jianhua;ZHANG Shaoyan;GONG Dian;ZHANG Yuliang;LIU Zhixin

Identification and Characterization of Mutator-like MITEs in Castor Bean Genome
ZHOU Xincheng;WANG Haiyan;HU Meizhen;LI Zhengxu;LU Cheng;WANG Wenquan
Sprouting Characteristics of Yellow Nutsedge ( Cyperus esculentus L.) Tubers
YANG Weibo;FU Dengqiang;LI Yan;CHEN Liangqiu;CHEN Weijun;ZHAO Songlin

Cloning and Function Analysis of Promoter AtNUDT8 in Arabidopsis thaliana
ZHANG Xiuchun;WU Kunxin;LI Wenbin;XIA Yiji;PENG Ming

Effect of La(NO3)3 on the Physiological Indices of Cold Tolerance in Livistona chinensis Seedlings
RUAN Zhiping;WANG Fenfen

Correlation and Path Analysis on Main Agronomic Characters in 11 Bottle Gourd
XU Duanxiang;GAO Shan;LIN Biying;FU Ruiqing

Occurrence Regularity and Control Technology of Cassava Major Soil Insects Grub and Dorysthenes granulosus
CHEN Qing;LU Fuping;LU Hui;XU Xuelian;JING Fulin;XIAO Ziying;LI Zhaogui;LIAO Qi;LI Kaimian

Cloning of the Gene Encoding a Unknown Protein DlUP-4 Related to Somatic Embryogenesis from Embryogenic Cultures and Its Quantitative Expression during Somatic Embryogenesis in Longan(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)
LAI Chengchun;LIN Yuling;LAI Zhongxiong

Development of SCAR Markers Based on SRAP for Rapid Identification of Pleurotus cystidiosus O.K.Miller
XIONG Fang;LIU Xinrui;DENG Youjin;XIE Baogui

Degradation of Four Pesticide Residues in Cowpea among Different Planting Patterns
LI Jianguo;HAN Bingjun;XIE Defang;Lü Daizhu;REN Hong;XU Ruyi

Effect of Nutrition Condition and Host Density on the Offspring of Asecodes hispinarum Bou(c)ek
WEI Manli;JIN Qi\'an;Lii Baoqian;WEN Haibo;CHEN Qing;PENG Zhengqiang

Identification of Root-Knot Nematode Species Parasitizing Lablab sp.and It\'s Infection Characteristics
LIU Guokun;XIAO Shun;ZHANG Shaosheng;ZHANG Dunfu;WU Qiuyue

The Present Situation and Prospect of Tropical and Subtropical Forage Germplasm Resources Investigation, Collection,Conservation and Utilization in South China
BAI Changjun;LIU Guodao;ZHANG Yu;YU Daogeng

The Cloning and Expression Analysis of Sucrose Transporter Gene ShSUT4 in Sugarcane
ZHAO Tingting;WANG Jungang;FENG Cuilian;CAI Wenwei;WANG Wenzhi;XIONG Guoru;WU Suran;YANG Benpeng;ZHANG Shuzhen

Protoplast Isolation from Seeds of Carica papaya L.
ZENG Lin;SHEN Wentao;YAN Pu;LI Xiaoying;ZHOU Peng

Analysis of Nutritional Contents in 6 Flemingia during the Growth Period
CAI Linhong;ZHOU Hanlin;LIU Guodao;HUAN Hengfu;LI Mao

The Rheological Properties of Olive Concentrated Juice
CHEN Jie;Guo Zebin;ZHANG Fan;ZHENG Baodong

Identification of Genes Associated with Tapping Panel Dryness in Hevea brasiliensis Using Oligonucleotide Microarrays
QIN Bi;LIU Xianghong;DENG Zhi;LI Dejun

Allelopathy of Orchard Grass Debris Extracts on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Borreria latifolia
LI Falin;ZHENG Yuru;LIN Xiaolan;ZHANG Jintao;HUANG Yanhe;WU Ying;ZHENG Tao;LIN Yangchun;XIE Nansong;LIN Zhiming

Adaptability Test of New Lines of Dual-purpose Type Peanut in South Fujian Area
ZENG Riqiu;HONG Jianji;XU Guozhong;YAO Yunfa

Optimization for Chemical Degumming Technology of Raw Banana Fiber
SHENG Zhanwu;GAO Jinhe;WANG Pei;SHI Ruicheng;ZHENG Lili

The Application of Fuzzy Reasoning in Disease and Pest Diagnosis Expert System
HUANG Guangkun;XIE Longlian;LIU Enping;LIANG Weihong;WEN Yansheng

Diurnal Change of Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Conyza canadensis and Eupatorium catarium at High Temperature and Illumination Stress
CHENG Hanting;LI Xiaoxia;FAN Zhiwei;HUANG Qiaoqiao;SHEN Yide;LIU Lizhen

Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) Treatment on Postharvest Physiology and Quality of ‘Younai\' Fruits
LI Hui;LIN Hetong;YUAN Fang;LIN Yifen;CHEN Yihui

Determination of Eight Kinds of Vitamins in Pineapple Fruit by HPLC
LI Miaomiao;ZHANG Xiumei;WEI Changbin;SUN Guangming

Embryo Rescue Technology of Coloured Zantedeschia hybrid

Radical Scavenging Activity of the Extraction with 50% Ethanol from Epicarp of WenYe % Coconut
JIA Yongli


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