
czwartek, 6 grudnia 2012

Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops - 1, 2012


Characterization of O-ß-glucosidase Activity in Vanilla planifolia and the change during the Curing Crocess of Vanilla Beans
WANG Qinghuang;NONG Han;CHU Zhong;TAN Lehe;ZHANG Jiaming

Analysis and Evaluation of the Nutritional Components in Aquilaria sinensis Seed
WU Jing;QIAN Dawei;DUAN Jinao;LI Xiangming;ZHANG Guobin

The Difference in the Stress to the Aluminum of Four stylosanthes Varieties
HUANG Dongfen;WANG Peng;WEN Xi;BAI Chuangjun;LIU Guodao;HUAN Hengfu

Genetic and Cytological Analysis on Male Sterile Mutant TP79 in Rice
PENG Miaomiao;DU Lei;CHEN Faju;ZHANG Dechun

Cloning and Sequence Analysis of GBSS ? and SS? from the Leaves in Musa spp.
KUANG Yunbo;LAI Zhongxiong

Oxidizable Organic Carbon and Light Fraction Organic Carbon of Artificial Plantation Land and Artificial Grassland in Hainan Province
LIN Xiaodong;QI Zhiping;TANG Shumei;MENG Lei

Protein Removal from Fortunella margarita Polysaccharides by Protease
ZHANG Yi;ZENG Hongliang;ZENG Shaoxiao;LIN Yufei;ZHENG Baodong

Cloning and Bioinformatical Analysis of Phospholipase D?1 Gene and Its Promoter in the Latex of Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.)
XIA Kecan;KANG Guijuan;LI Yu;NIE Zhiyi;DAI Longjun;DUAN Cuifang;ZENG Rizhong

Flower Characteristics of Two Cultivars of Dimocarpus longan Lour
LIU Liqin;LI Weicai;WANG Yicheng;WEI Yongzan;SHI Shengyou

Effects of Late Rice Rhizospheric Soil Characteristics on CH4 and N2O Emission from Paddy Field
FU Zhiqiang;ZHU Huawu;CHEN Can;HUANG Huang

Isolation and Expression Pattern Analysis of KcPIP2;1 from Karelinia caspica
LIU Chen;LI Huiliang;GUO Dong;WANG Minjie;PENG Shiqing

Different Bud Direction of Horizontal Planting Cutting on the Yield of Cassava
HUANG Jie;LU Xiaojing;YAN Qingxiang;XU Ruili;FAN Weifeng
Construction of OsRus1 Yeast Two-Hybrid Bait Vectors and Detection of Their Self-activated Activity
PAN Jiaqiang;HOU Xuewen

Effects of Different Modes of Planting and Feeding on Soil Nutrients in Coconut Plantations
CHEN Siting;YANG Weibo;WANG Ping;LIU Liyun;NIU Cong

Heat Tolerance of Coconut Leaf Beetle, Brontispa longissima
CHEN Qing;LU Fuping;XU Xuelian;LU Hui;JING Fulin;PENG Zhengqiang

Identification and Biological Characteristics of the Blight Pathogen of Mango Tree
HU Meijiao;YANG Dongping;YANG Bo;LI Min;GAO Zhaoyin;ZHANG Zhengke;PU Jinji

Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Chitinase Gene Upstream from Isaria fumosorosea
TANG Qiang;LIU Yujun;FANG Ling;LI Zengzhi;HUANG Bo

Establishment of an Efficient Regeneration System of Amorphophallus konijac
SUN Jihua;YANG Chao;LIU Juhua;ZHANG Jing

Preparation of Nano-crystalline Cellulose from Pineapple Leaf Fiber
CHEN Honglian;GAO Tianming;ZHENG Long;LIAO Jianhe;HUANG Maofang

Technique for Microscopical Slides of Cassava Leaf for Chromosome Observation
ZHANG Jian;GUO Junhui;CHEN Xiongting;WANG Ying;WANG Wenquan;LAI Hanggui;WU Kunxin;NI Yanyan;HUANG Qin

Antioxidant Activity of the Extractives from Coconut Testa Oil
ZHAO Xiaoli;CHEN Weijun;ZHAO Songlin;TANG Minmin

Isolation of Actinomycetes and Identification of Their Antagonistic Strains to Pathogen Causing Stem Bleeding Disease of Coconut in Soil of Cocos nucifera L.Forest
NIU Xiaoqing;YU Fengyu;BAO Shixiang;LIN Qian;TANG Qinghua;SONG Weiwei;ZHU Jun

Reproductive System, Parasitic Habits and Larval Development of Coccobius azumai Tachikawa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)
WANG Zhuhong;HUANG Jian

Estimation of Rubber Plantation Age Using Statistical and Artificial Neutral Network Approaches with Landsat TM Data
CHEN Bangqian;XIE Guishui;WANG Jikun;WU Zhixiang;CAO Jianhua

Determination of 4 Phytohormones in Latex of Hevea brasiliensis bv HPLC
WANG Bin;ZHU Junqiang;SHI Fameng;LIN Weifu

Complete Sequence of a Full-length DNA and Molecular Characterization of one Plasmid from Periwinkle Little Leaf Phytoplasma
ZHENG Wenhu;CHE Haiyan;FU Ruiyi;YANG Yi;LUO Daquan

Antibacterial Activity of Three Kinds of Molecular Weight Chitosan on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense
ZHAN Wei;ZHANG Xin;LV Yanchao;ZHANG He;WANG Fang;QIU Xiaocong;XIE Yixian

Necessity and Advantage of Pesticide Environmental Risk Assessment in Hainan Province
HUAN Zhibo;LUO Jinhui;LV Daizhu;ZHANG Yue;WU Qiong

Cloning and Expression Study of PAL in Longan Leaves
ZHENG Jiehong;QIU Dongliang

The Change of Cell Wall Enzymes and Fruit Texture during the Development and Maturation of Eriobotrya japonica
HUANG Zhiming;LIN Suying;FU Minglian;CHEN Yu;CAI Liqin;WU Yanwang;WU Lingyao;WU Jincheng

Research Progress on Heat Tolerance in Crucifer Vegetable Crops
FAN Aili;HUANG Rukui;ZHANG Lugang;XU Yujian;ZHU Lin

Studies on the Symbiotic Bacteria of Spiralling Whitefly
HUANG Wuren;NIU Liming;ZHU Wenjing;HAN Dongyin;ZHANG Fangping;FU Yueguan

Mineral Elements of Tender Coconut Meat in Four Coconut Cultivars
LI Yan;WANG Ping;CHEN Siting;LIU Liyun;DONG Zhiguo

Correlation Analysis between Color Compounds in Infusion and Chromatic Values of Green Tea
LAI Lingling;GUO Yaling

Morphological Variations of Different Phyllanthus emblica L.Provenances in Yunnan
ZHAO Qiongling;LI Li;SHA Yucang;DUAN Yuetang;YANG Zixiang;MA Kaihua

Research Progress of Postharvest Physiology of Banana Fruits
JIA Caihong;JIN Zhiqiang;LIU Juhua;ZHANG Jianbin;XU Biyu

Application of the FracRoot Model in the Root Study of Rubber Tree Species
TIAN Yaohua;YUE Hai;LONG Yunfeng;CHEN Guoyun

Effect of ENTEC Stabilized Nitrogen on the Yield and Quality of Banana under Fertigation
XIAO Yanbo;WAN Qiyu;GE Xu

Effect of Line-width and Planting Density to Sugarcane Varieties
LUO Jun;ZHANG Hua;GUO Wei;YANG Yingying;LI Wenping;LIN Zhaoli


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