
niedziela, 6 maja 2012

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology - 5 (15-18), 2011

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology - 5 (15), 2011

Research Articles

Naheed Akhter, Tahira Iqbal and Amer amil

        A gender wise study of arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) acetylation phenotyping using sulphamethazine by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay

Qiang Wu, Yunlong Hou, Bo Sun, Kun Zhuang, Haocheng Zhang and Dejun Jin

        Curcumin induce apoptosis of CNE-2z cells via caspase-dependent mitochondrial intrinsic pathway


Saleh A. Al-Suwayeh, Jia-You Fang, Ibrahim M. El-Bagory, Ehab I. Taha and Mohsen A. Bayomi

        Formulation, optimization and biopharmaceutical evaluation of the fast release tablets of nifedipine-cyclodextrin

Zhaoshuang Ping, Wu Jiao and Zhang zhong

        Sevoflurane pretreatment prevents lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury in rats through up-regulated heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression

Muhammad Akhtar, Mahmood Ahmad, Irshad Ahmad, Naveed Akhtar, Asad Ullah Madni, Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Naeem Aamir, Sonia Khiljee, Mohammad Sualeh, Shujaat Ali Khan and Muhammad Aleem

        Bioequivalence assessment of two formulations of celecoxib: Open label, single dose and two-way cross over study in healthy human male volunteers

A. Zakeri and P. Kashefi

        Comparative therapeutic efficacy of tiamulin and pulmotil in infected broiler and layer flocks with Mycoplasma gallisepticum  

Kola K. Ajibesin, Etienne E. Essien and Saburi A. Adesanya

        Antibacterial constituents of the leaves of Dacryodes edulis

Onyesom I., Agho J. E and Osioh H. E

        Levels of antioxidant vitamins in newly diagnosed cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus in South Eastern Nigeria   

Jinyu Zhang, Yuanzhong Wang, Ji Zhang, Yongli Ding, Hong Yu and Hang Jin

        Evaluation of mineral element contents in Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis from Southwest China

Kyakulaga A. Hassan, Alinda T. Brenda, Vudriko Patrick and Ogwang E. Patrick

        In vivo antidiarrheal activity of the ethanolic leaf extract of Catharanthus roseus Linn. (Apocyanaceae) in Wistar rats

Akash Yadav and Dinesh Kumar Jain

        Formulation development and characterization of propranolol hydrochloride microballoons for gastroretentive floating drug delivery

Riaz Ullah, Yousef Saleh Al-Zeghayer and Sajjad Haider

        Immunomodulatory potential of Phlomis bracteosa


African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology - 5 (16), 2011


Research Articles

Iqbal Hussain, Riaz Ullah, Naeem khan, Shabir Ahmad, Shanzeb Majed Ahmed, Pir Tariq Hasan, Farhat Ali Khan and Sultan Ayaz

        Phytochemicals and inorganic profile of Calendula officinale and Sonchus asper

S. Sasidharan, O. Jinxuan, L. Yoga Latha and S. Amutha

        In vivo toxicity study of Ganoderma boninense

Linmei Pan, Bihan Qiu, Huan Li, Mingfei Zeng, Huaxu Zhu, Qichun Zhang, Liwei Guo and Zhilei Qian

        In-vivo studies on the pharmacokinetics of berberine on middle cerebral artery occlusion rat and sham-operated rat

P. Daisy, Cecilia Edel Priya and Lily Vargese

        A study on the regenerative potential of the root and leaf extracts of Elephantopus scaber L.: An antidiabetic approachats through up-regulated heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression

Pierre Manda, Danho Pascal Abrogoua, Calixte Bahi, Djédjé Sébastien Dano, Goueh Gnahoui and Brou Jérôme Kablan

        Evaluation of the antihypertensive activity of total aqueous extract of Justicia secunda Valh (Acanthaceae)

Suwanna Semsri, Songyot Anuchapreeda, Nujeera Intasai, Tanyarat Jomgeow, Singkome Tima, Colleen Sweeney and Pornngarm Limtrakul

        Pure curcumin inhibits exogenous Wilms’ tumor (WT1) (+/+) isoform protein via degradation pathway and protein kinase C in transfected U937 cells  

Shohreh Alizadeh Shargh, Seyyed Mojtaba Mohaddes, Meral Sakizli, Jalal Gharesouran, Vahid Montazeri, Amir Vahedi and Fateme Karami

        Evaluation of methylation modification in E-cadherin gene and its application in the improvement of breast cancer

Frasia Oosthuizen, Ebrahim Dhoodhat, Shaaista Kazi, Betty Masondo, Nasreen Omarjee, Zakhira Sacoor, Faadila Shaik and Dhiren Singh

        Assessing the complexity of medicine regimens – A pilot study   

Sai Krishna Borra, Radha Krishna Lagisetty and Gowrinath Reddy Mallela

        Anti-ulcer effect of Aloe vera in non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced peptic ulcers in rats

Niala Raziq, Naveed Muhammad, Kamran Ahmad Chishti, Muhammad Saeed, Shafiqur Rahman and Haroon Khan

        Correlation of the antioxidant capacity with the phenolic contents of Hypericum monogynum and Hypericum perforatum

Taher Entezari-Maleki, Molouk Hadjibabaei, Jamshid Salamzadeh, Mohammad Reza Javadi, Gloria Shalviri and Kheirollah Gholami

        The evaluation of isotretinoin induced adverse drug reactions

Muhammad Asif Khan, Muhammad Saeed, Amir Badshah, Naveed Muhammad, Jahangir Khan, Farhat Ali Khan, Haroon Khan and Shafiq ur Rahman

        Design, formulation, optimization and evaluation of sustained release tablets of domperidone

Sayed M. Rawi, Iman M. Mourad, Nadia M. S. Arafa and Naema I. Alazabi

        Effect of ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin on some oxidative stress parameters in brain regions of male albino rats

Mohsen Mahmoud Mady and Magdy Mohamed Ghannam

        Stability of anionic liposomes in serum and plasma

Laya Farzadi, Arash Khaki, Aleih ghasemzadeh, Elaheh Ouladsahebmadarek, Elham Ghadamkheir, Sina shadfar and Amir Afshin Khaki

        Effect of rosmarinic acid on sexual behavior in diabetic male rats

Najmeh Kabiri, Sedigheh Asgary and Mahbubeh Setorki

        The effects of concurrent hydroalcoholic extract of Amaranthus caudatus L. and Hypericum perforatum L. of fatty streak formation in hypercholesterolemic animals

H. Parameshwar, B. Babu Rao, B. Ravi Kumar, Y. Narsimha Reddy and G. Krishna Mohan

        Hepatoprotective effect of methanolic extract of the leaves of Kydia calycina on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats


        Effects of acute exercise and aerobic exercise training on oxidative stress in young men and women

YE Wei-yang, LI Xiang and CHENG Jian-wei

        Screening of eleven chemical constituents from Radix isatidis for antiviral activity

Liyang Tao, Jianying Li and Jianye Zhang

        Brazilein overcame ABCB1-mediated multidrug resistance in human leukaemia K562/AO2 cells

Sonia Hamlaoui-Gasmi, Meherzia Mokni, Nadia Limam, Ferid Limam, Mohamed Amri, Ezzedine Aouani and Lamjed Marzouki

        Grape seed extract mitigates high dosage garlic-induced toxic effects on erythrocyte and plasma parameters

Parvin Mostafa Gharabaghi, Fatemeh Tabatabei, Sedigheh Abdollahi Fard, Manizheh Sayyah-Melli, Elaheh Ouladesahebmadarek, Abbas Del Azar, Simin Atash Khoei, Manizheh Mostafa Gharabaghi, Morteza Ghojazadeh and Omid Mashrabi

        Evaluation of the effect of preemptive administration of Rosa damascena extract on post-operative pain in elective cesarean sections

O. T. Oyelowo, O. L. Bolarinwa and O. A. Morenikeji

        Assessment of sperm indices and testosterone level on the effect of Trichilia monadelpha extract in male albino rats


African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology - 5 (17), 2011


Research Articles

Fatemeh Fathiazad and Sanaz Hamedeyazdan

        A review on Hyssopus officinalis L.: Composition and biological activities

Elrashid Saleh Mahdi, Azmin Mohd Noor, Mohamed Hameem Sakeena, Ghassan Z. Abdullah, Muthanna Abdulkarim and Munavvar Abdul Sattar

        Identification of phenolic compounds and assessment of in vitro antioxidants activity of 30% ethanolic extracts derived from two Phyllanthus species indigenous to Malaysia

R. M. Coopoosamy, K. K. Naidoo and N. J. Ndlazi

        Cultural importance and antibacterial activity of Ziziphus mucronata (Willd.) in the Umlazi community in Durban

A. Misra and N. K. Srivastava

        Altitude-related changes in activities of carbon metabolism enzymes and secondary plant products-menthoforon an active pharmaceutical constituents yield in pippermint (Mentha piperita L. Var. Kukarail)

K. R. Sireesha and K. Prakash

        Simultaneous determination of gatifloxacin and dexamethasone sodium phosphate in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations by HPLC

Saleh I. Alqasoumi, Hasan S. Yusufoglu and Aftab Alam

        Anti-inflammatory and wound healing activity of Fagonia schweinfurthii alcoholic extract herbal gel on albino rats


        The effects of maximal aerobic exercise on cortisol and thyroid hormones in male field hockey players

Mohsen M. Mady

        Cationic liposomes as gene delivery system

Batool Teimoori, Nahid Sakhavar, Masoome Mirteimoori and Behzad Narouie

        Nitrous oxide versus pethidine with promethasine for reducing labor pain   

Zhiquan Zhou, Yongzhong Ouyang, Xiangtai Zeng, Tingting Zhang, Bin Jia, Xinglei Zhang, Huanwen Chen and Jianhua Ding

        Differential analysis of human kidney stone samples using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry 

Rajesh Mandade, S. A. Sreenivas, D. M. Sakarkar and Avijit Choudhury

        Radical scavenging and antioxidant activity of Hibiscus rosasinensis extract

Servet Kayhan and Alper Akgüneş

        Therapeutic monitoring of isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide serum levels in the treatment of active pulmonary tuberculosis and determinants of their serum concentrations



African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology - 5 (18), 2011


Research Articles

Ebrahim Babaahmady and Afra Khosravi

        Toxicology of baytril (enrofloxacin)

Xiandong Tao, Xuewei Zhao, Tiewen Pan and Jiang Hong

        Clinical analysis of nodular ground- glass opacity appearance of lung cancer on computerized tomography (CT)

A. Baraka and M. Ghoneim

        Role of heat shock protein in renal ischemic reperfusion injury in rats

Dae-Ki Joung, Young-Hwa Kim, Hee-Joung, Da-wun Yang, Dong-Yeul Kwon, Jang-Gi Choi, Seo-Woo, Dong-Young Shin, Oh-Hyun Kweon, Kee-Tae Kweon and Dong-Won Shin

        Antibacterial effect of Euphorbia supina extracts against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus under dark and light intensity

Lidao Bao, Xianhua Ren, Yi Wang and Nan Wan

        Prophylactic use of antibiotics for clean operative procedures

Firdose R. Kolar, Vaishali S. Kamble and Ghansham B. Dixit

        Phytochemical constituents and antioxidant potential of some underused fruits

Rahmat Ali Khan, Mushtaq Ahmed, Muhammad Rashid Khan, Muhammad Yasir, Bakhtiar Muhammad and Rashid Khan

        Nutritional investigation and biological activities of Parthenium hysterophorus

Ming-Zhu Jiang, Hui Yan, Yan Wen and Xiang-Mei Li

        In vitro and in vivo studies of antioxidant activities of flavonoids from Adiantum capillus-veneris L.

Drissa Sissouma, Mahama Ouattara, Mamidou W. Koné, Hervé E. Menan, Ané Adjou and Lassina Ouattara

        Synthesis and in vitro nematicidal activity of new chalcones vectorised by imidazopyridine   

Lei Hu, Lin-hua Tan, Jia-jie Fan, Shan-shan Shi, Li-zhong Du, Long Lin and Qiang Shu

        Sildenafil up-regulates Kv1.5 mRNA expression in rats with pulmonary hypertension 

Z. K. Ge, Y. H. Luo, X. Y. Zhao, Y. J. Zhang, H. Zhang and C. C. Tian

        Simultaneous determination of ibuprofen and diphenhydramine HCl in           orally  disintegrating tablets and its dissolution by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC)

Mohamed Mohany, Gamal Badr, Inas Refaat and Mostafa El-Feki

        Immunological and histological effects of exposure to imidacloprid insecticide in male albino rats

Juncheng Cui, Zhihong Li, Wanchun Wang and Li Zeng

        Adiponectin: A new therapeutic option for periprosthetic osteolysis



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