
sobota, 5 maja 2012

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology - 5 (14), 2011


Muhammad Ihtisham Umar, Mohammad Zaini Bin Asmawi, Amirin Sadikun, Rabia Altaf and Muhammad Adnan Iqbal

        Phytochemistry and medicinal properties of Kaempferia galanga L. (Zingiberaceae) extracts

Bamigbola E. A., Ibrahim M. A., Attama A. A. and Uzondu A. L.

        In vitro-in vivo correlation of four commercial brands of aspirin tablets marketed in Nigeria

Yun Shi, Min Yao, Lian-Guo Hou, Jing Li, Hai-Bao Zhu, Jie Liu, and Ling-Ling Jiang

        Reduction of Aß by fluvastatin associates with altered levels of AßPP and of BACE1 and ADAM10 mRNA, independent of brain total cholesterol in rats

Yantao Zhao, Yongzhan Bao, Wanyu Shi, Xiaodan Wang and Xiuhui Zhong

        Protective effects of baicalin on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced  implantation failure and the uterine endometrium in mice

O. S. Olorunnisola and A. J. Afolayan

        In vivo anti-malaria activity of methanolic leaf and root extracts of  Sphenocentrum jollyanum Pierre

Ying Cui, Lingzhi Li, Jun Gu, Ting Zhang and Li Zhang

        Investigation of microemulsion system for transdermal delivery of  ligustrazine phosphate  

Danlami U., Odunola M. T., Magaji G. and Thomas S. A.

        The effect of chloroquine on the pharmacokinetics of chlorpropamide in  human volunteers

Xujuan Li, Deqiang Li, Jinfeng Duan, Junzhu Chen, Wei Cai and Voonthow Kok

        Effects of Losartan and Ramipril on the connexin expression in a rabbit  balloon injury model   

Seyda BERK, Bektas TEPE and Serdal ARSLAN

        Screening of the antioxidant, antimicrobial and DNA damage protection  potentials of the aqueous extract of Inula oculus-christi

Figueroa-Valverde L., Díaz-Cedillo F., López-Ramos M., García-Cervera E and Pool Gómez E.

        Design and synthesis of an estradiol derivative and evaluation of its inotropic  activity in isolated rat heart


Jafari Naveh H. R., Taghavi M. M., Shariati M., Vazeirnejad R. and Rezvani M. E.

        Both omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids stimulate foot wound healing in chronic diabetic rat

Barkatullah, Muhammad Ibrar and Naveed Muhammad

        Evaluation of Zanthoxylum armatum DC for in-vitro and in-vivo pharmacological screening

Antonio M. Saraiva, Ricardo H. A. Castro, Risonildo P. Cordeiro, Tadeu J. S. Peixoto Sobrinho, Valérium T. N. A. Castro, Elba L. C. Amorim, Haroudo S. Xavier and Maria N. C. Pisciottano

        In vitro evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial and toxicity properties of extracts of Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl. (Anacardiaceae)

Farhan Ahmad Khan, Sheikh Nizamuddin and Mohammad Tariq Salman

        Patterns of prescription of antimicrobial agents in the Department of  Otorhinolaryngology in a tertiary care teaching hospital



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