
czwartek, 12 stycznia 2012

Taxon - 60 (4), 2011


Molecular support for a basal grade of morphologically distinct, monotypic genera in the species-rich Vanguerieae alliance (Rubiaceae, Ixoroideae): Its systematic and conservation implications
Razafimandimbison, Sylvain G.; Kainulainen, Kent; Wong, Khoon M.; Beaver, Katy; Bremer, Birgitta

Phylogenetic relationships within Silene (Caryophyllaceae) section Physolychnis
Petri, Anna; Oxelman, Bengt

High epizoochorous specialization and low DNA sequence divergence in Mediterranean Cynoglossum (Boraginaceae): Evidence from fruit traits and ITS region
Selvi, Federico; Coppi, Andrea; Cecchi, Lorenzo

Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Lamium L. (Lamiaceae): Disentangling origins of presumed allotetraploids
Bendiksby, Mika; Brysting, Anne K.; Thorbek, Lisbeth; Gussarova, Galina; Ryding, Olof

Revisiting monophyly in Haworthia Duval (Asphodelaceae): Incongruence, hybridization and contemporary speciation
Ramdhani, Syd; Barker, Nigel P.; Cowling, Richard M.

Major speciation accompanied the dispersal of Vireya Rhododendrons (Ericaceae, Rhododendron sect. Schistanthe) through the Malayan archipelago: Evidence from nuclear gene sequences
Goetsch, Loretta A.; Craven, Lyn A.; Hall, Benjamin D.

Consolida and Aconitella are an annual clade of Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) that diversified in the Mediterranean basin and the Irano-Turanian region
Jabbour, Florian; Renner, Susanne S.

The disjointed distribution of Anacamptis longicornu in the West-Mediterranean: The role of vicariance versus long-distance seed dispersal
Zitari, Anis; Tranchida-Lombardo, Valentina; Cafasso, Donata; Helal, Ahmed Noureddine; Scopece, Giovanni; Cozzolino, Salvatore

Molecular phylogeny of the Neotropical sections of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) using nuclear and plastid spacers
Smidt, Eric C.; Borba, Eduardo L.; Gravendeel, Barbara; Fischer, Gunter A.; van den Berg, Cássio

Phylogeny of the "Ifloga clade" (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae), a lineage occurring disjointly in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, and inclusion of Trichogyne in synonymy with Ifloga
Bergh, Nicola G.; Trisos, Christopher H.; Verboom, George A.

Harperocallis is congeneric with Isidrogalvia (Tofieldiaceae, Alismatales): Evidence from comparative floral morphology
Remizowa, Margarita V.; Sokoloff, Dmitry D.; Campbell, Lisa M.; Stevenson, Dennis W.; Rudall, Paula J.

The monotypic Andean genus Fulcaldea (Compositae, Barnadesioideae) gains a new species from northeastern Brazil
Funk, Vicki A.; Roque, Nádia

Smilax ligneoriparia sp. nov.: A link between herbaceous and woody Smilax (Smilacaceae) based on morphology, karyotype and molecular phylogenetic data
Li, Pan; Qi, Zhechen; Chen, Shichao; Cameron, Kenneth M.; Fu, Chengxin

Centropodieae and Ellisochloa, a new tribe and genus in Chloridoideae (Poaceae)
Peterson, Paul M.; Romaschenko, Konstantin; Barker, Nigel P.; Linder, H. Peter

Moranopteris: A new Neotropical genus of grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae) segregated from Asian Micropolypodium
Hirai, Regina Y.; Rouhan, Germinal; Labiak, Paulo H.; Ranker, Tom A.; Prado, Jefferson

A new classification of the South African endemic family Bruniaceae based on molecular and morphological data
Claßen-Bockhoff, Regine; Oliver, Edward G.H.; Hall, Anthony V.; Quint, Marcus

Systematic position of Ivania, Scoliaxon, and Phravenia (Brassicaceae)
Warwick, Suzanne I.; Sauder, Connie A.; Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan A.

Parashorea chinensis Wang Hsie and P. chinensis var. kwangsiensis Lin Chi: Two exceptional cases of names with a corporate authorship
Shui, Yu-Min; Wen, Jun; Chen, Wen-Hong

Names of Chinese seed plants validly published in A Catalogue of Type Specimens (Cormophyta) in the Herbaria of China and its two supplements
Yu, Wen-Bin; Wang, Hong; Li, De-Zhu

Establishing dates of valid publication for Luigi Buscalioni's names in Saurauia (Actinidiaceae)
Kelly, Lawrence M.

A reassessment of the supposed Echium homonyms in the Prodromi of Burman and Thunberg with typification of their Echium names now in Lobostemon and Echiostachys
Nordenstam, Bertil; Buys, Matt H.

Valid publication of names in Astereae originally proposed in 1990 in a University of Munich dissertation
Ortiz, Santiago; Zinnecker-Wiegand, Ursula

Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi: 18
Norvell, Lorelei L.

Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Bryophyta: 11
Klazenga, Niels

Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 63
Brummitt, R.K.

Report of the General Committee: 11
Barrie, Fred R.; Secretary,

(2023) Proposal to conserve the name Curcuma euchroma against Erndlia subpersonata (Zingiberaceae)
Leong-Škorničková, Jana; Šída, Otakar; Ardiyani, Marlina

(2024) Proposal to conserve the name Solidago doronicum (Senecio doronicum) (Compositae) with a conserved type
Calvo, Joel; Álvarez, Inés; Aedo, Carlos

(2025) Proposal to conserve the name Senecio paucifolius (Compositae) with a conserved type
Calvo, Joel; Álvarez, Inés; Aedo, Carlos

(2026) Proposal to conserve the name Dehaasia (Lauraceae) with that spelling
Balakrishnan, Nambiyath P.; Chakrabarty, Tapas

(2027) Proposal to conserve the name Cheirolepidaceae (fossil Coniferales)
Paclt, Juraj

IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 11
Marhold, Karol (ed.)

Erratum to Taxon 60(3)

New names and combinations appearing in Taxon 60 (4)

Plant Systematics World

Reviews and Notices of Publications

New names and combinations appearing in Taxon 60 (4):
Audouinia esterhuyseniae (Powrie) A.V. Hall, comb. nov.
Audouinia hispida (Pillans) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Audouinia laevis (Pillans) A.V. Hall, comb. nov.
Audouinia laxa (Thunb.) A.V. Hall, comb. nov.
Berzelia albiflora (E. Phillips) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Berzelia stokoei (E. Phillips) A.V. Hall, comb. nov.
Brunieae Quint & Class.-Bockh., tr. nov.
Brunia subg. Lonchostoma (Wikstr.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. et stat. nov.
Brunia subg. Mniothamnea (Oliv. ex Nied.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. et stat. nov.
Brunia subg. Pseudobaeckea (Nied.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. et stat. nov.
Brunia subg. Raspalia (Brongn.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. et stat. nov.
Brunia africana (Burm.f.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia angulata (E. Mey. ex Sond.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia barnardii (Pillans) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia bullata (Schltr.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia callunoides (Oliv.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia cordata (Burm. f.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia dregeana (Sond.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia esterhuyseniae (Strid) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia latebracteata A.V. Hall, nom. nov.
Brunia monogyna (Vahl) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia monostyla (Pillans) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia myrtoides (Vahl) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia oblongifolia (Pillans) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia palustris (Schltr. ex Dümmer) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia pentandra (Thunb.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia pillansii Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., nom. nov.
Brunia powrieae Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., nom. nov.
Brunia purpurea (Pillans) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia sacculata (Bolus ex Pillans) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia schlechteri (Dümmer) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia sphaerocephala (Sond.) A.V. Hall, comb. nov.
Brunia thomae Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., nom. nov.
Brunia trigyna (Schltr.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia tulbaghensis (Schltr. ex Dümmer) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Brunia variabilis (Pillans) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Bulbophyllum sect. Furvescens E.C. Smidt, Borba & Van den Berg, sect. nov.
Centropodieae P.M. Peterson, N.P. Barker & H.P. Linder, tr. nov.
Ellisochloa P.M. Peterson & N.P. Barker, gen. nov.
Ellisochloa papposa (Nees) P.M. Peterson & N.P. Barker, comb. nov.
Ellisochloa rangei (Pilg.) P.M. Peterson & N.P. Barker, comb. nov.
Fulcaldea stuessyi Roque & V.A. Funk, sp. nov.
Ifloga lerouxiae (Beyers) N.G. Bergh, comb. nov.
Isidrogalvia flava (McDaniel) Remizowa, D.D. Sokoloff, L.M. Campb., D.W. Stev. & Rudall, comb. nov.
Linconieae Quint & Class.-Bockh., tr. nov.
Mairia hirsuta DC. subsp. robusta Zinnecker-Wiegand, subsp. nov.
Mairia petiolata Zinnecker-Wiegand, sp. nov.
Moranopteris R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, gen. nov.
Moranopteris achilleifolia (Kaulf.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris aphelolepis (C.V. Morton) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris basiattenuata (Jenman) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris blepharidea (Copel.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris × bradei (Labiak & F.B. Matos) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris caucana (Hieron.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris cookii (Underw. & Maxon) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris gradata (Baker) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris grisebachii (Underw. ex C. Chr.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris hyalina (Maxon) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris killipii (Copel.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris knowltoniorum (Hodge) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris liesneri (A.R. Sm.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris longisetosa (Hook.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris microlepis (Rosenst.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. & stat. nov.
Moranopteris nana (Fée) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris nimbata (Jenman) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris perpusilla (Maxon) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris plicata (A.R. Sm.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris rupicola R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, sp. nov.
Moranopteris serricula (Fée) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris setosa (Kaulf.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris sherringii (Baker) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris simplex R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, sp. nov.
Moranopteris taenifolia (Jenman) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris trichomanoides (Sw.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris truncicola (Klotzsch) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris williamsii (Maxon) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Moranopteris zurquina (Copel.) R.Y. Hirai & J. Prado, comb. nov.
Phravenia Al-Shehbaz & S.I. Warwick, gen. nov.
Phravenia viereckii (O.E. Schulz) Al-Shehbaz & S.I. Warwick, comb. nov.
Scoliaxoneae Al-Shehbaz & S.I. Warwick, tr. nov.
Smilax ligneoriparia C.X. Fu & P. Li, sp. nov.
Staavia staavioides (Sond.) A.V. Hall, comb. nov.
Thamnea teres (Oliv.) Class.-Bockh. & E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.
Thamnea ustulata (Thunb.) A.V. Hall, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis Cass. sect. Gymnostephium (Less.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis capensis Zinnecker-Wiegand, sp. nov.
Zyrphelis ciliaris (DC.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis ciliaris (DC.) Zinnecker-Wiegand subsp. angustifolia (Harv.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. et stat. nov.
Zyrphelis ciliaris (DC.) Zinnecker-Wiegand subsp. hirsuta (Less.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. et stat. nov.
Zyrphelis decumbens (Schltr.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis ecklonis (DC.) Kuntze subsp. oligocephala Zinnecker-Wiegand, subsp. nov.
Zyrphelis ecklonis (DC.) Kuntze subsp. strictifolia Zinnecker-Wiegand, subsp. nov.
Zyrphelis fruticosa (DC.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis glabra Zinnecker-Wiegand, sp. nov.
Zyrphelis glandulosa Zinnecker-Wiegand, sp. nov.
Zyrphelis gracilis (Less.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis grauii Zinnecker-Wiegand, sp. nov.
Zyrphelis leiocarpa (DC.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis levis (Bolus) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis macrocarpa Zinnecker-Wiegand, sp. nov.
Zyrphelis microcephala (Less.) Nees subsp. foliosa Zinnecker-Wiegand, subsp. nov.
Zyrphelis microcephala (Less.) Nees subsp. glandulosa Zinnecker-Wiegand, subsp. nov.
Zyrphelis montana (Schltr.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis monticola (Compton) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis nervosa Zinnecker-Wiegand, nom. nov.
Zyrphelis outeniquae (Fourc.) Zinnecker-Wiegand, comb. nov.
Zyrphelis spathulata Zinnecker-Wiegand, sp. nov.

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