
czwartek, 12 stycznia 2012

Systematic Botany - 36 (4), 2011


Changes to Publication Requirements Made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne - What Does E-Publication Mean for You?
Knapp, Sandra; McNeill, John; Turland, Nicholas J

A Review of Taxithelium Subgenus Taxithelium (Bryophyta, Pylaisiadelphaceae)
Câmara, Paulo Eduardo A. S

A New Allotetraploid Species of Osmunda (Osmundaceae)
Tsutsumi, Chie; Matsumoto, Sadamu; Yatabe-Kakugawa, Yoko; Hirayama, Yumiko; Kato, Masahiro

From European Priority Species to Invasive Weed: Marsilea azorica (Marsileaceae) is a Misidentified Alien
Schaefer, Hanno; Carine, Mark A; Rumsey, Fred J

Polystichum fengshanense, sp. nov. (sect. Haplopolystichum, Dryopteridaceae) from Karst Caves in Guangxi, China based on Morphological, Palynological, and Molecular Evidence
Zhang, Li-Bing; He, Hai

Exploring the Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography of Pleopeltis polypodioides (Polypodiaceae, Polypodiales) Inferred from Plastid DNA Sequences
Sprunt, Susan V.; Schneider, Harald; Watson, Linda E.; Russell, Stephen J.; Navarro-Gomez, Adriana; James Hickey, R.

Comparative Floral Structure of Four New World Allium (Amaryllidaceae) Species
Jae Choi, Hyeok; Davis, Arthur R.; Hugo Cota-Sánchez, J.

Lanonia (Arecaceae: Palmae), a New Genus from Asia, with a Revision of the Species
Henderson, Andrew J.; Bacon, Christine D.

A New Species of Merostachys (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Bambuseae) and Synopsis of the Genus in Argentina and Neighboring Regions
Lizarazu, Mabel A.; Rúgolo de Agrasar, Zulma E.; Vega, Andrea S.

Phylogenetic Analyses of Clematis (Ranunculaceae) based on Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal ITS and Three Plastid Regions
Xie, Lei; Wen, Jun; Li, Liang-Qian

Delimitation of the Segregate Genera of Maytenus s. l. (Celastraceae) Based on Morphological and Molecular Characters
McKenna, Miles J.; Simmons, Mark P.; Bacon, Christine D.; Lombardi, Julio A.

Phylogenetically Distinct and Critically Endangered New Tree Species of Phyllanthus from Cameroon (Phyllanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae s. l.)
Challen, Gill; Vorontsova, Maria S.; Schneider, Harald; Cheek, Martin

A New Amazonian Section of Protium (Burseraceae) including both Edaphic Specialist and Generalist Taxa. Studies in Neotropical Burseraceae XVI.
Daly, Douglas C.; Fine, Paul V. A.

Cardiospermum bahianum (Sapindaceae: Paullinieae), a New Species from Bahia, Brazil
Ferrucci, María Silvia; Urdampilleta, Juan Domingo

Molecular Systematics and Biogeography of Descurainia (Brassicaceae) based on Nuclear ITS and Non-Coding Chloroplast DNA
Goodson, Barbara E.; Rehman, Sumaiyah K.; Jansen, Robert K.

Collecting and Processing Cacti into Herbarium Specimens, Using Ethanol and Other Methods
De Groot, Sarah J.

Phylogenetic Analysis of the Wintergreen Group (Ericaceae) based on Six Genic Regions
Fritsch, Peter W.; Lu, Lu; Bush, Catherine M.; Cruz, Boni C.; Kron, Kathleen A.; Li, De-Zhu

Two New Species of Pouteria (Sapotaceae) from the Atlantic Forest in Brazil
Alves-Araújo, Anderson; Alves, Marccus

Phylogenetic Relationships of Asclepias (Apocynaceae) Inferred from Non-coding Chloroplast DNA Sequences
Fishbein, Mark; Chuba, David; Ellison, Chris; Mason-Gamer, Roberta J.; Lynch, Steven P.

Phyllopentas flava (Rubiaceae), a New Morphologically Heterodistylous and Functionally Dioecious Species from Madagascar
Andriamihajarivo, Tefy H.; Razafimandimbison, Sylvain G.; Karehed, Jesper

A New Species of Hedythyrsus (Rubiaceae) with Comments on the Generic Delimitations within African Spermacoceae s. l.
Niyongabo, Ferdinand; Groeninckx, Inge; Dessein, Steven

Testing the Monophyly and Placement of Lepechinia in the Tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae)
Drew, Bryan T.; Sytsma, Kenneth J.

Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) in Borneo
Wearn, James A.; Mabberley, David J.

Biogeographic Implications of the Striking Discovery of a 4,000 Kilometer Disjunct Population of the Wild Potato Solanum morelliforme in South America
Simon, Reinhard; Fuentes, Alfredo F.; Spooner, David M.

A Revision of Solanum Section Herpystichum
Tepe, Eric J.; Bohs, Lynn

Systematics of the Eupatorium album Complex (Asteraceae) from Eastern North America
Schilling, Edward E.

Phylogenetic Relationships and Morphological Evolution in Nymphoides (Menyanthaceae)
Tippery, Nicholas P.; Les, Donald H.

Phylogeny and Biogeography of Ivies (Hedera spp., Araliaceae), a Polyploid Complex of Woody Vines
Green, Adam F.; Ramsey, Tara S.; Ramsey, Justin

Trees of Tropical Asia by James V. LaFrankie, Jr. 2010. 748 pp. ISBN: 978-971-94794-0-6. $149.00 (pbk including postage and packing). Philippines: Black Tree Publications, Inc.


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