
piątek, 27 stycznia 2012

Journal of Plant Ecology - 4 (1-4), 2011


Journal of Plant Ecology - 4 (1-2), 2011



Richard H. Waring, Jiquan Chen, and Huilin Gao
Plant–water relations at multiple scales: integration from observations, modeling and remote sensing

Review Article

Heidi Asbjornsen, Gregory R. Goldsmith, Maria S. Alvarado-Barrientos, Karin Rebel, Floortje P. Van Osch, Max Rietkerk, Jiquan Chen, Sybil Gotsch, Conrado Tobón, Daniel R. Geissert, Alberto Gómez-Tagle, Kellie Vache, and Todd E. Dawson
Ecohydrological advances and applications in plant–water relations research: a review

Research Articles

Lise Dalsgaard, Teis Norgaard Mikkelsen, and Annemarie Bastrup-Birk
Sap flow for beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in a natural and a managed forest—effect of spatial heterogeneity

Wenge Ni-Meister and Huilin Gao
Assessing the impacts of vegetation heterogeneity on energy fluxes and snowmelt in boreal forests

Nan Lu, Shiping Chen, Burkhard Wilske, Ge Sun, and Jiquan Chen
Evapotranspiration and soil water relationships in a range of disturbed and undisturbed ecosystems in the semi-arid Inner Mongolia, China

Chesheng Zhan, Zongxue Xu, Aizhong Ye, and Hongbo Su
LUCC and its impact on run-off yield in the Bai River catchment—upstream of the Miyun Reservoir basin

William H. Conner, Bo Song, Thomas M. Williams, and Jeffery T. Vernon
Long-term tree productivity of a South Carolina coastal plain forest across a hydrology gradient

Ping Wang, Yichi Zhang, Jingjie Yu, Guobin Fu, and Fei Ao
Vegetation dynamics induced by groundwater fluctuations in the lower Heihe River Basin, northwestern China

Wenhong Li, Pengfei Zhang, Jiansheng Ye, Laifang Li, and Paul A. Baker
Impact of two different types of El Nino events on the Amazon climate and ecosystem productivity

Review Article

R. H. Waring and J. J. Landsberg
Generalizing plant–water relations to landscapes


Journal of Plant Ecology - 4 (3), 2011


Research Articles

Amanda J. Tracey and Lonnie W. Aarssen
Competition and body size in plants: the between-species trade-off for maximum potential versus minimum reproductive threshold size

Lara Souza, Jake F. Weltzin, and Nathan J. Sanders
Differential effects of two dominant plant species on community structure and invasibility in an old-field ecosystem

Qinfeng Guo
Seed size- and density-related hidden treatments in common biodiversity experiments

Wei Li, Shujun Wen, Wenxiang Hu, and Guozhen Du
Root–shoot competition interactions cause diversity loss after fertilization: a field experiment in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau

Youhong Peng, Karl J. Niklas, and Shucun Sun
The relationship between relative growth rate and whole-plant C : N : P stoichiometry in plant seedlings grown under nutrient-enriched conditions

David J. Gibson, Jared Urban, and Sara G. Baer
Mowing and fertilizer effects on seedling establishment in a successional old field

Xiao-dong Zhang, Wen-ting Xu, Bo Yang, Ming Nie, and Bo Li
Seed germination traits of two plant functional groups in the saline deltaic ecosystems

Ensheng Weng, Yiqi Luo, Chao Gao, and Ram Oren
Uncertainty analysis of forest carbon sink forecast with varying measurement errors: a data assimilation approach




Journal of Plant Ecology - 4 (4), 2011


Research Articles

Seline S. Meijer, Milena Holmgren, and Wim H. Van der Putten
Effects of plant–soil feedback on tree seedling growth under arid conditions

Anais Gibert and Laurent Hazard
Endophyte infection of Festuca eskia enhances seedling survival to drought and cutting at the expense of clonal expansion

Susan K. Ebeling, Jürg Stöcklin, Isabell Hensen, and Harald Auge
Multiple common garden experiments suggest lack of local adaptation in an invasive ornamental plant

Susanne Wurst and Matthias C. Rillig
Additive effects of functionally dissimilar above- and belowground organisms on a grassland plant community

Xiaoli Cheng, Yiqi Luo, Bo Su, Shiqiang Wan, Dafeng Hui, and Quanfa Zhang
Plant carbon substrate supply regulated soil nitrogen dynamics in a tallgrass prairie in the Great Plains, USA: results of a clipping and shading experiment

Xinming Chen, Jay Dhungel, Surya P. Bhattarai, Manouchehr Torabi, Lance Pendergast, and David J. Midmore
Impact of oxygation on soil respiration, yield and water use efficiency of three crop species

Qi Li, Xue Yang, Janne Soininen, Cheng-Jin Chu, Jie-Qi Zhang, Kai-Liang Yu, and Gang Wang
Relative importance of spatial processes and environmental factors in shaping alpine meadow communities

Manju V. Sharma, R. Uma Shaanker, Simon R. Leather, R. Vasudeva, and Kundaranahalli R. Shivanna
Floral resources, pollinators and fruiting in a threatened tropical deciduous tree

Yuan Sui, Qingguo Cui, Ming Dong, and Weiming He
Contrasting responses of legume versus non-legume shrubs to soil water and nutrient shortages in the Mu Us Sandland

Buqing Yao, Jing Cao, Changming Zhao, and Zed Rengel
Influence of ammonium and nitrate supply on growth, nitrate reductase activity and N-use efficiency in a natural hybrid pine and its parents

Na-Na Xu, Xin Tong, Po-Kueug Eric Tsang, Hong Deng, and Xiao-Yong Chen
Effects of water depth on clonal characteristics and biomass allocation of Halophila ovalis (Hydrocharitaceae)

Liangmu Wang, Meirong Mu, Xiaofei Li, Peng Lin, and Wenqing Wang
Differentiation between true mangroves and mangrove associates based on leaf traits and salt contents

Jianfeng Liu, Osbert Jianxin Sun, Hongmei Jin, Zhiyong Zhou, and Xingguo Han
Application of two remote sensing GPP algorithms at a semiarid grassland site of North China


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