
piątek, 27 stycznia 2012

Journal of Plant Ecology - 3 (4), 2010



Research Articles

Amit Chakraborty and Bai-Lian Li
Departure from naturalized to invasive stage: a disturbance-induced mechanism and associated interacting factors

Loic Pellissier, Pascal Vittoz, Antonina Ingrid Internicola, and Luc Daniel Bienvenu Gigord
Generalized food-deceptive orchid species flower earlier and occur at lower altitudes than rewarding ones

Lanke Fu, Shichang Wang, Zhenguo Liu, Ivan Nijs, Keping Ma, and Zhenqing Li
Effects of resource availability on the trade-off between seed and vegetative reproduction

Shirong Zhang, Jie Song, He Wang, and Gu Feng
Effect of salinity on seed germination, ion content and photosynthesis of cotyledons in halophytes or xerophyte growing in Central Asia

Hongyuan Ma, Zhengwei Liang, Haitao Wu, Lihua Huang, and Zhichun Wang
Role of endogenous hormones, glumes, endosperm and temperature on germination of Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) seeds during development

Shuqin Gao, Xuehua Ye, Yu Chu, and Ming Dong
Effects of biological soil crusts on profile distribution of soil water, organic carbon and total nitrogen in Mu Us Sandland, China

Gang Zhang, Ya-qing Li, and Sheng-hao Dong
Assessing frost hardiness of Pinus bungeana shoots and needles by electrical impedance spectroscopy with and without freezing tests


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