
czwartek, 19 stycznia 2012

Journal of Forest Research - 16 (2-4), 2011


Journal of Forest Research - 16 (2), 2011


Changes in forest resource utilization and forest landscapes in the southern Abukuma Mountains, Japan during the twentieth century
Miyamoto, Asako; Sano, Makoto; Tanaka, Hiroshi; Niiyama, Kaoru

Calculation of yields on a national level by combining yields of each prefecture using the Gentan probability
Hiroshima, Takuya

Breakdown and macroinvertebrate colonization of needle and leaf litter in conifer plantation streams in Shikoku, southwestern Japan
Hisabae, Mayu; Sone, Shin; Inoue, Mikio

Shear behaviour in numerical triaxial compression tests by 3D fluid-coupled DEM: a fundamental study on mechanisms of landslide initiation
Okada, Yasuhiko

Efficiency of the indirect selection and the evaluation of the genotype by environment interaction using Pilodyn for the genetic improvement of wood density in Cryptomeria japonica
Fukatsu, Eitaro; Tamura, Akira; Takahashi, Makoto; Fukuda, Yoko; Nakada, Ryogo; Kubota, Masahiro; Kurinobu, Susumu

Fine root dynamics in three central Himalayan high elevation forests ranging from closed canopied to open-canopied treeline vegetation
Garkoti, Satish

Sap flow of irrigated Populus alba var. pyramidalis and its relationship with environmental factors and leaf area index in an arid region of Northwest China
Xu, Xiaoyan; Tong, Ling; Li, Fusheng; Kang, Shaozhong; Qu, Yanping


Journal of Forest Research - 16 (3), 2011


Approaches for forest disturbance studies: natural variability and tree regeneration
Kangur, Ahto; Yoshida, Toshiya; Kubota, Yasuhiro; Metslaid, Marek

The influence of storm-induced microsites to tree regeneration patterns in boreal and hemiboreal forest
Vodde, Floortje; Jogiste, Kalev; Kubota, Yasuhiro; Kuuluvainen, Timo; Köster, Kajar; Lukjanova, Aljona; Metslaid, Marek; Yoshida, Toshiya

Carbon dynamics of North American boreal forest after stand replacing wildfire and clearcut logging
Seedre, Meelis; Shrestha, Bharat; Chen, Han; Colombo, Steve; Jogiste, Kalev

The ecology of tree regeneration in mature and old forests: combined knowledge for sustainable forest management
Liira, Jaan; Sepp, Toivo; Kohv, Kaupo

Silviculture as a disturbance regime: the effects of clear-cutting, planting and thinning on polypore communities in mixed forests
Lohmus, Asko

Fine-scale heterogeneity in overstory composition contributes to heterogeneity of wildfire severity in southern boreal forest
Carlson, Daren; Reich, Peter; Frelich, Lee

Tree mortality in a natural mixed forest affected by stand fragmentation and by a strong typhoon in northern Japan
Yoshida, Toshiya; Noguchi, Mahoko; Uemura, Shigeru; Yanaba, Satoshi; Miya, Hisashi; Hiura, Tsutom

Ground vegetation under natural stress conditions in Scots pine forests on fixed sand dunes in southwest Estonia
Tilk, Mari; Mandre, Malle; Klošeiko, Jaan; Koresaar, Priit

Radial growth patterns of dominant trees in two old-growth forests in eastern Fennoscandia
Niukkanen, Laura; Kuuluvainen, Timo

Growth patterns from different forest generations of Scots pine in Estonia
Metslaid, Sandra; Sims, Allan; Kangur, Ahto; Hordo, Maris; Jogiste, Kalev; Kiviste, Andres; Hari, Pertti

Forest land-use history affects the species composition and soil properties of old-aged hillock forests in Estonia
Paal, Jaanus; Turb, Margit; Köster, Tiina; Rajandu, Elle; Liira, Jaan

Understory thinning reduces wood-production efficiency and tree species diversity in subtropical forest in southern Japan
Fujii, Shinjiro; Kubota, Yasuhiro


Journal of Forest Research - 16 (4), 2011


Derivation of two-way volume equation for bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens
Suga, Hideo; Inoue, Akio; Kitahara, Fumiaki

Aboveground productivity of an unsuccessful 140-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantation in northern Kyushu, Japan
Enoki, Tsutomu; Inoue, Takafumi; Tashiro, Naoaki; Ishii, Hiroaki

Effects of afforestation on soil organic matter characteristics under subtropical forests with low elevation
Jien, Shih-Hao; Chen, Tsai-Huei; Chiu, Chih-Yu

Fine-root dynamics in a young hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) stand for 3 years following thinning
Noguchi, Kyotaro; Han, Qingmin; Araki, Masatake; Kawasaki, Tatsuro; Kaneko, Shinji; Takahashi, Masamichi; Chiba, Yukihiro

Process to extinction and genetic structure of a threatened Japanese conifer species, Picea koyamae
Katsuki, Toshio; Shimada, Ken'ichi; Yoshimaru, Hiroshi

Wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae, Curculionidae; Platypodinae and Scolytinae) infesting rubberwood sawn timber in southern Thailand
Kangkamanee, Teerapol; Sittichaya, Wisut; Ngampongsai, Aran; Permkam, Surakrai; Beaver, Roger

Differences in leafminer (Phyllonorycter, Gracillariidae, Lepidoptera) and aphid (Tuberculatus, Aphididae, Hemiptera) composition among Quercus dentata, Q. crispula, Q. serrata, and their hybrids
Hata, Yoshihiro; Hashiba, Takuto; Nakamura, Takashi; Kitamura, Masashi; Ishida, Takahide; Akimoto, Shin-ichi; Sato, Hiroaki; Kimura, Masahito

A weeding-duration model for Larix kaempferi plantations in Hokkaido, northern Japan
Nakagawa, Masahiko; Kanno, Masato; Yasaka, Michiyasu

An inoculation experiment of Japanese Bursaphelenchus nematodes on Japanese black and red pine, Pinus thunbergii and P. densiflora
Kanzaki, Natsumi; Aikawa, Takuya; Maehara, Noritoshi; Ichihara, Yu


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