
czwartek, 19 stycznia 2012

HortScience - 46 (3-4), 2011


HortScience - 46 (3), 2011



Black Walnut: A Nut Crop for the Midwestern United States
Mark V. Coggeshall

Improvements in Hazelnuts in the United States
Jeff Olsen

Chinese Chestnut (Castanea mollissima) as a Niche Crop in the Central Region of the United States
Michele R. Warmund


Evaluation of Dry Matter, Protein, Starch, Sucrose, ß-carotene, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, and Magnesium in East African Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] Germplasm
Silver Tumwegamire, Regina Kapinga, Patrick R. Rubaihayo, Don R. LaBonte, Wolfgang J. Grüneberg, Gabriela Burgos, Thomas zum Felde, Rosemary Carpio, Elke Pawelzik, and Robert O.M. Mwanga

Improved Transformation of Anthurium
Maureen M.M. Fitch, Terryl C.W. Leong, Xiaoling He, Heather R.K. McCafferty, Yun J. Zhu, Paul H. Moore, Dennis Gonsalves, Herb S. Aldwinckle, and Howard J. Atkinson

Performance of Apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.) Cultivars Grown in Different Chilean Regions on a Six-year Trial, Part I: Vegetative Growth, Yield, and Phenology
Jose A. Yuri, Claudia Moggia, Carolina A. Torres, Alvaro Sepulveda, Valeria Lepe, and Jose L. Vasquez

Resistance to Phytophthora and Graft Compatibility with Persian Walnut among Selections of Chinese Wingnut
Greg T. Browne, Joseph A. Grant, Leigh S. Schmidt, Charles A. Leslie, and Gale H. McGranahan

Crop Production

Irrigation and Nitrogen Management of Artichoke: Yield, Head Quality, and Phenolic Content
Togo Shinohara, Shinsuke Agehara, Kil Sun Yoo, and Daniel I. Leskovar

Rolled Winter Rye and Hairy Vetch Cover Crops Lower Weed Density but Reduce Vegetable Yields in No-tillage Organic Production
Matthew J. Leavitt, Craig C. Sheaffer, Donald L. Wyse, and Deborah L. Allan

Low Night Temperature Increases Ovary Size in Sweet Pepper Cultivars
Nicacio Cruz-Huerta, Jeffrey G. Williamson, and Rebecca L. Darnell

Vigor Tests to Estimate Seedling Emergence Potential and Longevity in Viola Seed Lots
Ibrahim Demir, Tuba Celikkol, Golge Sarikamis, and Ceren Eksi

Vernalization Duration and Light Intensity Influence Flowering of Three Hybrid Nobile Dendrobium Cultivars
Min Lin, Terri W. Starman, Yin-Tung Wang, and Genhua Niu

Elevated Air Temperatures Cause Foliar Bleaching of Ivy Geranium ‘Beach’ and ‘Butterfly’
Ritu Dhir, Richard L. Harkess, and Guihong Bi

Photoperiod and Temperature Influence Flowering Responses and Morphology of Tecoma stans
Ariana P. Torres and Roberto G. Lopez

The Dynamic Model Provides the Best Description of the Chill Process on ‘Sirora’ Pistachio Trees in Australia
Jianlu Zhang and Cathy Taylor

Disease and Pest Management

Effect of Foliar Application of Titanium Dioxide on Bacterial Blight of Geranium and Xanthomonas Leaf Spot of Poinsettia
David J. Norman and Jianjun Chen

Fluorescent Illumination with High Red-to-far-red Ratio Improves Resistance of Cucumber Seedlings to Powdery Mildew
Toshio Shibuya, Kaori Itagaki, Motoaki Tojo, Ryosuke Endo, and Yoshiaki Kitaya

Growth Regulators

Ethephon as a Blossom and Fruitlet Thinner Affects Crop Load, Fruit Weight, Fruit Quality, and Return Bloom of ‘Summerred’ Apple (Malus ×domestica) Borkh.
Mekjell Meland and Clive Kaiser

Marketing and Economics

Analysis of Strategic Industry Planning and Organizational Opportunities for Mexican Cantaloupe Producers
J. Alberto García-Salazar, Rhonda K. Skaggs, and Terry L. Crawford

Horticultural and Economic Considerations in the Sustainability of Three Cold-climate Strawberry Production Systems
Matthew D. Stevens, Brent L. Black, John D. Lea-Cox, and Dillon Feuz

Willingness to Pay for Optimal ‘Anjou’ Pear Quality
R. Karina Gallardo, Eugene Kupferman, and Ann Colonna

Postharvest Biology and Technology

Oleocellosis Injury of Fruitlets from Late-season Mechanical Harvesting of ‘Valencia’ Orange Trees after Different Irrigation Treatments Does Not Affect Internal Fruit Quality
Juan Carlos Melgar, Jill M. Dunlop, and James P. Syvertsen

Propagation and Tissue Culture

Asymbiotic Seed Germination, Induction of Calli and Protocorm-like Bodies, and In Vitro Seedling Development of the Rare and Endangered Nothodoritis zhejiangensis Chinese Orchid
Song-jun Zeng, Zhi-lin Chen, Kun-lin Wu, Jian-xia Zhang, Cheng-ke Bai, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, and Jun Duan

Regeneration of Chlorophytum amaniense ‘Fire Flash’ Through Indirect Shoot Organogenesis
Jin Cui, Juanxu Liu, Jianjun Chen, and Richard J. Henny

Soil Management, Fertilization, and Irrigation

Reduced Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Rates for Intermediate-day Onion in Paddy Soil with Incorporated Rice Straw plus Manure
Jongtae Lee, Jinseong Moon, Heedae Kim, Injong Ha, and Sangdae Lee

Timing of Macronutrient Supply during Cutting Propagation of Petunia
Kathryn M. Santos, Paul R. Fisher, Thomas Yeager, Eric H. Simonne, Hannah S. Carter, and William R. Argo

Combining Legume Groundcovers and Low Nitrogen Fertilization in a Short-rotation Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri) Cropping System: Effect on Productivity, Soil Fertility, and Nutrient Leaching
Yingqian Lin, Alexa R. Wilson, and Pascal Nzokou

Water Deficit Affects the Accumulation of Capsaicinoids in Fruits of Capsicum chinense Jacq.
Nancy Ruiz-Lau, Fátima Medina-Lara, Yereni Minero-García, Enid Zamudio-Moreno, Adolfo Guzmán-Antonio, Ileana Echevarría-Machado, and Manuel Martínez-Estévez

Turf Management

Changes in ‘Riviera’ Bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] Carotenoid Pigments after Treatment with Three p-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase-inhibiting Herbicides
James T. Brosnan, Dean A. Kopsell, Matthew T. Elmore, Gregory K. Breeden, and Gregory R. Armel


‘Andes-1’: An Early-maturing Clingstone Peach Cultivar for Canning and Fresh Market
Rodrigo Infante, Gabino Reginato, and Patricio Hinrichsen

Iceberg Lettuce Breeding Lines with Resistance to Verticillium Wilt Caused by Race 1 Isolates of Verticillium dahliae
Ryan J. Hayes, Karunakaran Maruthachalam, Gary E. Vallad, Steven J. Klosterman, Ivan Simko, Yaguang Luo, and Krishna V. Subbarao

‘Tonda Pacifica’ Hazelnut
Shawn A. Mehlenbacher, David C. Smith, Rebecca L. McCluskey, and Maxine M. Thompson


Continuous Automatic Measurement of Water Uptake and Water Loss of Cut Flower Stems
Peitao Lü, Xinmin Huang, Hongmei Li, Jiping Liu, Shenggen He, Daryl C. Joyce, and Zhaoqi Zhang

Using a Scanner-based Minirhizotron System to Characterize Sweetpotato Adventitious Root Development during the Initial Storage Root Bulking Stage
Arthur Villordon, Don LaBonte, and Julio Solis

Moisture Content of Extensive Green Roof Substrate and Growth Response of 15 Temperate Plant Species during Dry Down
Jennifer M. Bousselot, James E. Klett, and Ronda D. Koski

Nutrient Accumulation and Flower Bud Formation Affected by the Time of Terminal Bud Set on Water Sprouts of Persimmon
Seong-Tae Choi, Doo-Sang Park, and Seong-Mo Kang


HortScience - 46 (4), 2011



From Native Plants in Central Europe to Cultivated Crops Worldwide: The Emergence of Didymella bryoniae as a Cucurbit Pathogen
Anthony P. Keinath

Breeding, Cultivars, Rootstocks, and Germplasm Resources

Screening of Cucurbita moschata Duchesne Germplasm for Crown Rot Resistance to Floridian Isolates of Phytophthora capsici Leonian
Dario J. Chavez, Eileen A. Kabelka, and José X. Chaparro

Young-tree Performance of Juvenile Sweet Orange Scions on Swingle Citrumelo Rootstock
William S. Castle and James C. Baldwin

Historical Trends in Strawberry Fruit Quality Revealed by a Trial of University of Florida Cultivars and Advanced Selections
Vance M. Whitaker, Tomas Hasing, Craig K. Chandler, Anne Plotto, and Elizabeth Baldwin

Euploid Endosperm of Triploid × Diploid/tetraploid Crosses Results in Aneuploid Embryo Survival in Lilium
Shujun Zhou, Guixue Zhou, and Kehu Li

First Report of Vaccinium arboreum Hybrids with Cultivated Highbush Blueberry
Paul M. Lyrene

Genome Size Estimates and Chromosome Numbers of Callicarpa L. (Lamiaceae)
Ryan N. Contreras and John M. Ruter

Optimization of In Vitro Pecan Pollen Germination
Patrick J. Conner

Crop Production

Applications of a Commercial Extract of the Brown Seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum Increases Drought Tolerance in Container-grown ‘Hamlin’ Sweet Orange Nursery Trees
Timothy M. Spann and Holly A. Little

The Effect of Natural Light on Changes in Antioxidant Content and Color Parameters of Vine-ripened Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Fruits
Zoltán Pék, Péter Szuvandzsiev, András Nemenyi, Lajos Helyes, and Andrea Lugasi

Influence of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) on Yield and Quality of Nut Crops from a Commercial Pecan Orchard
Bruce W. Wood

Manipulation of Whole-vine Carbon Allocation Using Girdling, Pruning, and Fruit Thinning Affects Fruit Numbers and Quality in Kiwifruit
Linda M. Boyd and Andrew M. Barnett

Grafting Technique to Eliminate Rootstock Suckering of Grafted Tomatoes
Michael G. Bausher

The Influence of Day and Night Temperature Fluctuations on Growth and Flowering of Annual Bedding Plants and Greenhouse Heating Cost Predictions
Matthew G. Blanchard and Erik S. Runkle

Growth Regulators

Effect of Abscisic Acid and Benzyladenine on Fruit Set and Fruit Quality of Apples
Duane W. Greene, James R. Schupp, and H. Edwin Winzeler

Marketing and Economics

Investigating Consumer Preference for Organic, Local, or Sustainable Plants
Chengyan Yue, Jennifer H. Dennis, Bridget K. Behe, Charles R. Hall, Benjamin L. Campbell, and Roberto G. Lopez

Propagation and Tissue Culture

In Vitro Regeneration and Genetic Transformation of Cucumis metuliferus through Cotyledon Organogenesis
Yu-Tsung Lin, Chia-Wei Lin, Chien-Hung Chung, Mei-Hsiu Su, Hsiu-Yin Ho, Shi-Dong Yeh, Fuh-Jyh Jan, and Hsin-Mei Ku

Seed Technology

Seedcoat Permeability: Uptake and Post-germination Transport of Applied Model Tracer Compounds
Yuliya A. Salanenka and Alan G. Taylor

Soil Management, Fertilization, and Irrigation

E-values Generated from Substrate Dry-down Models as a Physical Property Measurement for Evaluating and Classifying Wetness of Root Substrates
Michael R. Evans, Giampaolo Zanin, and Todd J. Cavins

Growth and Ion Distribution Is Affected by Irrigation with Saline Water in Selected Landscape Species Grown in Two Consecutive Growing Seasons: Spring–summer and Fall–winter
Luis A. Valdez-Aguilar, Catherine M. Grieve, Abdul Razak-Mahar, Milton E. McGiffen, and Donald J. Merhaut

Turf Management

Nitrogen and Light Affect Water Use and Water Use Efficiency of Zoysiagrass Genotypes Differing in Canopy Structure
John E. Erickson and Kevin E. Kenworthy

Tall Fescue and Perennial Ryegrass Reseeding Intervals for Amicarbazone
Patrick E. McCullough, James T. Brosnan, and Gregory K. Breeden

Salinity Tolerance of 12 Turfgrasses in Three Germination Media
Qi Zhang, Sheng Wang, and Kevin Rue


‘Moixent’, an Apricot Resistant to Sharka
Jose Martínez-Calvo, Gerardo Llácer, and Maria Luisa Badenes

‘Onyx’ Trailing Blackberry
Chad E. Finn, Bernadine C. Strik, Brian M. Yorgey, and Robert R. Martin

‘Qinyang’ Early-ripening Apple
Hua Gao, Zheng-yang Zhao, Yu-miao Lu, Yi-zhen Wan, Lei-cun Wang, Jing-jun Yuan, and Peter M. Hirst

‘Jefferson’ Hazelnut
Shawn A. Mehlenbacher, David C. Smith, and Rebecca L. McCluskey

‘White Diamond’ and ‘White Cloud’ Peaches
John R. Clark and James N. Moore

PA-566, A Root-knot Nematode-resistant, Pimento-type Pepper
Richard L. Fery and Judy A. Thies

‘APF-45’ Primocane-fruiting Blackberry
John R. Clark and Penelope Perkins-Veazie

‘Southern Splendour’ Southern Highbush Blueberry
D. Scott NeSmith


Development and Evaluation of a Large-volume Rotary Root Separator
Dilma Silva, Donald Cox, and Richard C. Beeson, Jr


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