
niedziela, 6 listopada 2011

American Journal of Botany - 98 (2), 2011


Jennifer L. Halchak, Denise M. Seliskar, and John L. Gallagher
Root system architecture of Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (Malvaceae) and belowground environmental influences on root and aerial growth dynamics

Steven D. Leavitt, Leigh Johnson, and Larry L. St. Clair
Species delimitation and evolution in morphologically and chemically diverse communities of the lichen-forming genus Xanthoparmelia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in western North America

Béatrice Albert, Adrienne Ressayre, and Sophie Nadot
Correlation between pollen aperture pattern and callose deposition in late tetrad stage in three species producing atypical pollen grains

Kelli M. Gowland, Jeff Wood, Mark A. Clements, and Adrienne B. Nicotra
Significant phorophyte (substrate) bias is not explained by fitness benefits in three epiphytic orchid species

Hillary S. Young, Douglas J. McCauley, and Rodolfo Dirzo
Differential responses to guano fertilization among tropical tree species with varying functional traits

Tetsuya Kondo, Makoto Mikubo, Keisuke Yamada, Jeffrey L. Walck, and Siti N. Hidayati
Seed dormancy in Trillium camschatcense (Melanthiaceae) and the possible roles of light and temperature requirements for seed germination in forests

Madelaine E. Bartlett and Chelsea D. Specht
Changes in expression pattern of the teosinte branched1-like genes in the Zingiberales provide a mechanism for evolutionary shifts in symmetry across the order

Ramona L. Walls
Angiosperm leaf vein patterns are linked to leaf functions in a global-scale data set

K. Guillaume Koffi, Olivier J. Hardy, Charles Doumenge, Corinne Cruaud, and Myriam Heuertz
Diversity gradients and phylogeographic patterns in Santiria trimera (Burseraceae), a widespread African tree typical of mature rainforests

Jorge Lora, Maria Herrero, and Jose I. Hormaza
Stigmatic receptivity in a dichogamous early-divergent angiosperm species, Annona cherimola (Annonaceae): Influence of temperature and humidity

Michele R. Dudash, Cynthia Hassler, Peter M. Stevens, and Charles B. Fenster
Experimental floral and inflorescence trait manipulations affect pollinator preference and function in a hummingbird-pollinated plant

Risa D. Sargent, Steven W. Kembel, Nancy C. Emery, Elisabeth J. Forrestel, and David D. Ackerly
Effect of local community phylogenetic structure on pollen limitation in an obligately insect-pollinated plant

Andrés Torres-Miranda, Isolda Luna-Vega, and Ken Oyama
Conservation biogeography of red oaks (Quercus, section Lobatae) in Mexico and Central America

Brad R. Ruhfel, Volker Bittrich, Claudia P. Bove, Mats H. G. Gustafsson, C. Thomas Philbrick, Rolf Rutishauser, Zhenxiang Xi, and Charles C. Davis
Phylogeny of the clusioid clade (Malpighiales): Evidence from the plastid and mitochondrial genomes

Katharine B. Gregg
Recovery from bud disappearance explains prolonged dormancy in Cleistes bifaria (Orchidaceae)

Lin Li, Fang-yun Cheng, and Qi-xiang Zhang
Microsatellite markers for the Chinese herbaceous peony Paeonia lactiflora (Paeoniaceae)

Yi-Su Shi, Jian Zhang, Kai Jiang, Min-Yan Cui, and Yuan-Yuan Li
Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Castanopsis sclerophylla (Fagaceae)

Yu Ma, Tao Yang, Jianping Guan, Shumin Wang, Haifei Wang, Xuelian Sun, and Xuxiao Zong
Development and characterization of 21 EST-derived microsatellite markers in Vicia faba (fava bean)

Annika M. Moe and George D. Weiblen
Development and characterization of microsatellite loci in dioecious figs (Ficus, Moraceae)

Kelsey L. Glennon and Sheri A. Church
Microsatellite primers for the North American bluets (Houstonia section Amphiotis, Rubiaceae)

Mariela C. Núnez-Ávila, María Uriarte, Pablo A. Marquet, and Juan J. Armesto
Microsatellite markers for the relict tree Aextoxicon punctatum: The only species in the Chilean endemic family Aextoxicaceae

Sylvie V. M. Tesson, Marco Borra, Wiebe H. C. F. Kooistra, and Gabriele Procaccini
Microsatellite primers in the planktonic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata (Bacillariophyceae)

Zhi-Hua Wu, Shu-Zhen Wang, Ji-Hong Hu, Feng Li, Wei-Dong Ke, and Yi Ding
Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Sagittaria trifolia var. sinensis (Alismataceae)

Susanne Schreiter, Susan K. Ebeling, and Walter Durka
Polymorphic microsatellite markers in the invasive shrub Buddleja davidii (Scrophulariaceae)1

En-Wei Tian, Hui Yu, Da-Yong Zhang, and John D. Nason
Development of microsatellite loci for Blastophaga javana (Agaonidae), the pollinating wasp of Ficus hirta (Moraceae)


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