
niedziela, 6 listopada 2011

African Journal of Plant Science - 5 (1-11), 2011

Contents [5 (1), 2011]:

Newton Z. Lupwayi, Ann C. Kennedy and Rowland M. Chirwa

Grain legume impacts on soil biological processes in sub-Saharan Africa

M. T. Masarirambi, T. O. Oseni, V. D. Shongwe and N. Mhazo

Physiological disorders of Brassicas /Cole crops found in Swaziland: A review

Ngono Ngane R. A., Koanga Mogtomo M. L., Tchinda Tiabou A., Magnifouet Nana H., Motso Chieffo P. R., Mballa Bounou Z., Ebelle Etame R. M., Ndifor F., Biyiti L. and Amvam Zollo P. H.

Ethnobotanical survey of some Cameroonian plants used for treatment of viral diseases

A. Balamurugan, R. Jayanthi, P. Nepolean, R. Vidhya Pallavi and R. Premkumar

Studies on cellulose degrading bacteria in tea garden soils

P. A. G. Wanyama, B. T. Kiremire, P. Ogwok and J. S. Murumu

Indigenous plants in Uganda as potential sources of textile dyes

Sergio Pinedo, Sixto Iman, Mario Pinedo, Armando Vasquez and Herman Collazos

Clonal trial of five genotypes of “camu-camu”, Myrciaria dubia (h.b.k) mc. Vaugh, in non-flooded area

Hassan Ghasemi Mobtaker, Asadollah Akram, Alireza Keyhani and Ali Mohammadi

Energy consumption in alfalfa production: A comparison between two irrigation systems in Iran

Akram Kiani Abari, Mohammad Hosseini Nasr, Mohammad Hojjati and Dariush Bayat

Salt effects on seed germination and seedling emergence of two Acacia species

Contents [5 (2), 2011]:

A. N. Misra, M. Misra and R. Singh

Nitric oxide: A ubiquitous signaling molecule with diverse role in plants

Paulino Munisse, Sven Bode Andersen, Brita Dahl Jensen and Jorgen Lindskrog Christiansen

Diversity of landraces, agricultural practises and traditional uses of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in Mozambique

Radhe Shyam and Naresh Chander Aery

Influence of lanthanum on biochemical constituents and peroxidase activity of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)

Bokary Allaye Kelly

Growth response of Anogeissus leiocarpa coppices to prescribed fire and weeding after plantation harvesting in the Sudanian zone of Mali, West Africa

Sonia Farro, Mario Pinedo and Richard Huaranca

Evaluation of the fruit-drop of Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K.) Mc Vaugh, camu-camu, in the “five River Basins” collection of the San Miguel experimental research station - IIAP, Loreto, Peru

A. T. J. Ogunkunle and O. Racheal Olopade

Studies on the asthma coughs plant Crinum jagus L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Nigeria

Ahlem Tekaya-Karoui, Naima Boughalleb, Saoussen Hammami, Hichem Ben Jannet and Zine Mighri

Chemical composition and antifungal activity of volatile components from woody terminal branches and roots of Tetraclinis articulate (Vahl.) Masters growing in Tunisia

Afuape S. O., Okocha P. and Njoku D.

Multivariate assessment of the agromorphological variability and yield components among sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) landraces

Subhashini S. and Kantha D. Arunachalam

Investigations on the phytochemical activities and wound healing properties of Adhatoda vasica leave in Swiss albino mice

Contents [5 (3), 2011]:

Rajesh Kumar Jain

Correlation study of flowering performance and flowering pattern with the yield in Linum usitatissimum L.

Clare M. Mukankusi, Rob J. Melis, John Derera, Robin A. Buruchara and D. Mark

A screening technique for resistance to Fusarium root rot of common bean

Ayodele Adesina Adegbite

Reaction of some maize (Zea mays l.) varieties to infestation with root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita under field conditions

Norazalina Saad, Norhaizan Mohd Esa, Hairuszah Ithnin and Nurul Husna Shafie

Optimization of optimum condition for phytic acid extraction from rice bran

C. C. Ononuju and P. O. Nzenwa

Nematicidal effects of some plant extracts on egg hatchability and control of Meloidogyne spp. in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)

Sowbiya Muneer, Tabasum Nazir Qadri, Mahmooduzaffar and T. O. Siddiqi

Cytogenetic and biochemical investigations to study the response of Vigna radiata to cadmium stress

J. Nzungize, P. Gepts, R. Buruchara, A. Male, P. Ragama, J. P. Busogoro and J. P. Baudoin

Introgression of Pythium root rot resistance gene into Rwandan susceptible common bean cultivars

Farzaneh Najafi, Ramazan Ali Khavari-Nejad and Fatemeh Hasanjanzadeh

The Physiological responses of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to NiSO4

M. G. Akinwale, G. Gregorio, F. Nwilene, B. O. Akinyele, S. A. Ogunbayo and A. C. Odiyi

Heritability and correlation coefficient analysis for yield and its components in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

G. O. Alege, B. O. Akinyele, S. M. Ayodele1 and A. V. Ogbode

Taxonomic importance of the vegetative and pod characteristics in three Nigerian species of sesame

Contents [5 (4), 2011]:

N. K. Srivastava and A. K. Srivastava

Partitioning of exogenously supplied 14C substrates into primary metabolites and accumulation of total triterpenoids saponins in Centella asiatica

Inuwa H. M., Aimola I. A. and Inuwa L.

Comparative analysis of genomic DNA isolation procedures; hexa decyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and liquid detergent (morning fresh®) methods from Samsorg 41 (icsv 400)

Heidar Abbasi and Seyyed Ruhollah Mortazavipur

Production of exopolygalacturonase from wheat flour by Aspergillus awamori in submerged and surface culture fermentation

A. K. Musa, M. A. Belewu, A. Muhammed-Lawal, F. O. Adekola, B. O. Olarewaju and S. O. Ibraheem

Costs analysis and toxicity of Jatropha curcas L. on maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motsch

Mekou Y. Bele, Derek A. Focho, Enow A. Egbe and Bindeh G. Chuyong

Ethnobotanical survey of the uses of Annonaceae around mount Cameroon

Valery Noiha Noumi, Louis Zapfack and Bonaventure Sonke

Ecological behaviour and biogeography of endemic species of the genus Piper L. in Africa: A case of the Guineo-Congolean region

A. U. Gbanguba, U. Ismaila, M. G. M. Kolo and A. Umar

Effect of cassava/legumes intercrop before rice on weed dynamics and rice grain yield at Badeggi, Nigeria

O. G. Moatshe, V. E. Emongor and O. Oagile

Effect of benzyladenine (BA) on fruit set and mineral nutrition of morula (Sclerocarya birrea subspecies caffra)

M. Z. Zhao, Y. P. Zhang, W. M. Wu, C. Wang, Y. M. Qian, G. Yang and J. G. Fang

A new strategy for complete identification of 69 grapevine cultivars using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers)

Alausa S. K., Oyesiku O. O., Aderibigbe J. O. and Akinola O. S.

Thermal properties of Calamus deërratus, Raphia hookeri and synthetic board in building design in Southwestern Nigeria

Ali Soleymani, Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian and Lila Naranjani

Determination of the suitable planting date and plant density for different cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Fars

Contents [5 (5), 2011]:

M. I. Uguru and J. C. Onovo

Evidence of polyploidy in fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.)

Gloria N. Elemo, Babajide O. Elemo, Olufunmilola O. Oladunmoye and Ochuko L. Erukainure

Comprehensive investigation into the nutritional composition of dehulled and defatted African locust bean seed (Parkia biglobosa)

Saurav Dwari and Amal Kumar Mondal

Systematic studies (morphology, anatomy and palynology) of economically viable grass Brachiaria mutica (Forsskil) Stapf in Eastern India

Isaac Mapaure and Albertina Ndeinoma

Impacts of local-level utilization pressure on the structure of mopane woodlands in Omusati region, Northern Namibia

Mohamed M. El-Fouly, Zeinab M. Mobarak and Zeinab A. Salama

Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn) foliar spray for increasing salinity tolerance in wheat Triticum aestivum L.

Rezzan Kasim, Melekber Sülüşoglu and M. Ufuk Kasim

Relationship between total anthocyanin level and colour of natural cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) fruits

Contents [5 (6), 2011]:

E. Tavasoli, A. R. Marefat and N. Hassanzadeh

Identity and genetic diversity of Pectobacterium spp., causal agents of potato soft rot in Zanjan, Iran

B. Lelou, M. Diatewa and P. Van Damme

A study of intraspecific hybrid lines derived from the reciprocal crosses between wild accessions and cultivated cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)

Md. Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan, Jaripa Begum and Nemai Chandra Nandi

Volatile constituents of essential oils isolated from different parts of Alpinia calcarata Rosc

Kh. S. Emara and A. Emad Shalaby

Seasonal variation of fixed and volatile oil percentage of four Eucalyptus spp. related to lamina anatomy

Ezeibekwe, I. O.

Study of citrus disease prevalence on four citrus varieties at the National Institute of Horticultural Research (NIHORT) Mbato, Okigwe, Imo State, Nigeria

S. A. Olakojo and G. Olaoye

Correlation and heritability estimates of maize agronomic traits for yield improvement and Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze tolerance

Mbagwu F. N., Okafor V. U. and Ekeanyanwu J.

Phytochemical screening on four edible legumes (Vigna subterranean, Glycine max, Arachis hypogea, and Vigna uniguiculata) found in Eastern Nigeria

Contents [5 (7), 2011]:

R. O. Anyasi and H. I. Atagana

Biological remediation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in the soil and sediments by microorganisms and plants

Jyotsna A. Saonere Suryawanshi

An overview of Citrus aurantium used in treatment of various diseases

S. S. Harding and A. B. Jalloh

Evaluation of the relative weed competitiveness of upland rice varieties in Sierra Leone

Kiran Bargali

Actinorhizal plants of Kumaun Himalaya and their ecological significance

Bushra Afreen, Mohd Gulfishan, Geetesh Baghel, Mehar Fatma, A. Akil Khan and Q. A. Naqvi

Molecular detection of a virus infecting carrot and its effect on some cytological and physiological parameters

Asim Mandal and Amal Kumar Mondal

Studies on antimicrobial activities of some selected Ferns and Lycophytes in Eastern India with special emphasis on ethno-medicinal uses

Contents [5 (8), 2011]:

Florence Akwatulira, Samson Gwali, John Bosco Lamoris Okullo, Paul Ssegawa, Susan Balaba Tumwebaze, John Richard Mbwambo and Alice Muchugi

Influence of rooting media and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentration on rooting and shoot formation of Warburgia ugandensis stem cuttings

Rasool Khatibi

Using sulfur oxidizing bacteria and P solubilizing for enhancing phosphorous availability to Raphanus sativus

Heidar Ali Malmir

Comparison of antioxidant enzyme activities in leaves stems and roots of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) exposed to Chromium (VI)

Dilsouz Noori Abbas, Ahmed Salih Khalaf and Kamal Noman Dosky

Effect of sheep grazing on forage yield, yield components and grain yield of local black barley, under rainfall conditions in Iraqi Kurdistan

Syed Muhammad Akmal Rahim, Shahida Hasnain and Jabeen Farkhanda

Effect of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium on farm plantations of various agroeclogical zones of Punjab, Pakistan

F. E. O. Opiyo, W. N. Ekaya D. M. Nyariki and S. M. Mureithi

Seedbed preparation influence on morphometric characteristics of perennial grasses of a semi-arid rangeland in Kenya

Lasisi A. A. and Kareem S. O.

Evaluation of anthelmintic activity of the stem bark extract and chemical constituents of Bridelia ferruginae (Benth) Euphorbiaceae

Eunice W. Githae, Charles K. K. Gachene and Jesse T. Njoka

Soil physicochemical properties under Acacia senegal varieties in the dryland areas of Kenya

Contents [5 (9), 2011]:

Yavar Sharafi

Study of pollen germination in pome fruit tree of Rosaceae family in vitro

Sudha Medapa, Geetha R. J. Singh and Vaishnavi Ravikumar

The phytochemical and antioxidant screening of Justicia wynaadensis

Farah Farahani, Reza Yari and Masoud Sheidai

Molecular, C-value and morphological analyses of somaclonal variation in three olive cultivars

X. Y. Li, C. Wang, G. Yang, X. D. Li, B. J. Li, C. N. Song and J. G. Fang

Employment of a new strategy for identification of Prunus mume cultivars using random amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid (RAPD) markers

Pijush Kanti Das, Amal Kumar Mondal and Sanjukta Mondal Parui

Antibacterial activity of some selected dye yielding plants in Eastern India

Musa A. O., Ibrahim H and Abdurahman E. M

Preliminary studies on the morphology and anatomy of the root of Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. and Dalz. (Caesalpiniaceae)

Amanabo Musa, Emmanuel O. Ogbadoyi, Johnson A. Oladiran, Matthew I. S. Ezenwa and Helmina O. Akanya

Effect of reproductive phase on some micronutrients, anti-nutrients and toxic substances in Vernonia amygdalina grown in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

Rajeev Gopal and Neena Khurana

Effect of heavy metal pollutants on sunflower

Contents [5 (10), 2011]:

Ubani Ozioma Ndubunma and Okonkwo Ego Ulu

A review of shelf-life extension studies of Nigerian indigenous fresh fruits and vegetables in the Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute

E. U. Asogwa, A. H. Otuonye, F. C. Mokwunye, K. A. Oluyole, T. C. N. Ndubuaku and E. O. Uwagboe

Kolanut production, processing and marketing in the South-eastern states of Nigeria

Prohp T. P., Onoagbe I. O. and Uwumarongie O. H.

Importance of knowledge of chemical composition of stem bark of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum. in traditional treatment of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria

Zaman Sher, Farrukh Hussain and Lal Badshah

Micro-mineral contents in eight forage shrubs at three phenological stages in a Pakistan’s rangeland

Olusegun O. Awotoye, Clement O. Ogunkunle and Sunday A. Adeniyi

Assessment of soil quality under various land use practices in a humid agro-ecological zone of Nigeria

Adeniyan O. N., Ayoola O. T. and Ogunleti D. O.

Evaluation of cowpea cultivars under maize and maize-cassava based intercropping systems

Hasan Farahbakhsh and Mohaddeseh Shamsaddin Saiid

Effects of foliar application of salicylic acid on vegetative growth of maize under saline conditions

T. D. Gioi, K. S. Boora and Kamla Chaudhary

Investigation of genetic relationship among yellow mosaic virus resistant cowpea lines by using microsatellite markers

Agogbua Josephine U. and Osuji Julian O.

Split crown technique for mass propagation of smooth Cayenne pineapple in South-South Nigeria

Hidayat Ullah, Asghari Bano, K. M. Khokhar and T. Mahmood

Effect of seed soaking treatment with growth regulators on phytohormone level and sex modification in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

Mahmoud Shomeili, Majid Nabipour , Mosa Meskarbashee and Hamid Rajabi Memari

Effects of gibberellic acid on sugarcane plants exposed to salinity under a hydroponic system

I. O. Udo, N. E. Nneke and A. M. Uyioata

Survey of plant parasitic nematodes associated with rice (Oryza sativa L.) in South Eastern Nigeria

Contents [5 (11), 2011]:

Sandeep Dhankhar, Ramanjeet Kaur, S. Ruhil, M. Balhara, Seema Dhankhar and A. K. Chhillar

A review on Justicia adhatoda: A potential source of natural medicine

Saeed Saeedipour

Salinity tolerance of rice lines related to endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) level synthesis under stress

Cyrus Mansourifar, Morad Shaban, Mokhtar Ghobadi and Abasalt Rostami Ajirlu

Effect of drought stress and N fertilizer on yield, yield components and grain storage proteins in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars

Mahamad Hadi Kargar and Ali Imani

Effects of fungicides on pollen germination peach and nectarine in vitro

O. R. Adeniyi

Economic aspects of intercropping systems of vegetables (okra, tomato and cowpea)

E. K. Eifediyi, S. U. Remison and V. B. Okaka

Relationship between morphological characters, dry matter yield and fruit yield of cucumber

Abdul Raziq Shah, Muhammad Sajid, Abdur-Rab, Neelam Ara, Masood Ahmad, Fazal-i- Wahid and Gohar Shafi

Response of germination, growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) to seed priming duration and p-sources in Northwest Pakistan

Farah Farahani, Samaneh Razeghi, Maryam Peyvandi, Saideh Attaii and Mehdi Hosseini Mazinani

Micrografting and micropropagation of olive (Olea europea L. ) Iranian cultivar: Zard

Masinde A. O. Anastacia, Kwambai K. Thomas, and Wambani N. Hilda

Evaluation of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) variety tolerance to foliar diseases at Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Centre-Kitale in North west Kenya

Kuldip S. Dogra, Sarvesh K. Sood and Romita Sharma

Distribution, Biology and Ecology of Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Congress Grass) an invasive species in the North-Western Indian Himalaya (Himachal Pradesh)


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