
wtorek, 2 sierpnia 2011

Taxon - 60 (2), 2011


Modern Plant Biosystematics: Commemorating 50 years of the International Organization of Plant Biosystematists
Marhold, Karol; Stuessy, Tod F.

The genesis of IOPB: A personal memoir
Heywood, Vernon H.

Biosystematic relationships and the formation of polyploids
Buggs, Richard J.A.; Soltis, Pamela S.; Soltis, Douglas E.

Challenges in polyploid phylogenetic reconstruction: A case story from the arctic-alpine Cerastium alpinum complex
Brysting, Anne K.; Mathiesen, Cecilie; Marcussen, Thomas

Ribosomal RNA genes evolution in Tragopogon: A story of New and Old World allotetraploids and the synthetic lines
Malinska, Hana; Tate, Jennifer A.; Mavrodiev, Evgeny; Matyasek, Roman; Lim, K. Yoong; Leitch, Andrew R.; Soltis, Douglas E.; Soltis, Pamela S.; Kovarik, Ales

Origin and distribution of autopolyploids via apomixis in the alpine species Ranunculus kuepferi (Ranunculaceae)
Cosendai, Anne-Caroline; Rodewald, Jan; Hörandl, Elvira

Southern European glacial refugia: A tale of tales
Feliner, Gonzalo Nieto

Biogeography of high-mountain plants in the Carpathians: An emerging phylogeographical perspective
Ronikier, Michał

Evolution and biogeography of alpine apomictic plants
Hörandl, Elvira

Why are there so many plant species in the Neotropics?
Antonelli, Alexandre; Sanmartín, Isabel

The evolution and biogeography of alpine species in Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae): A global comparison
Hörandl, Elvira; Emadzade, Khatere

Gentianella (Gentianaceae): A model taxon for evolution in the Alps
Greimler, Josef; Park, Jeong-Mi; Schneeweiss, Hanna

Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences with chromosomal and morphological data confirm and refine sectional and series classification within Melampodium (Asteraceae, Millerieae)
Stuessy, Tod F.; Blöch, Cordula; Villasenor, José L.; Rebernig, Carolin A.; Weiss-Schneeweiss, Hanna

Biosystematic study of the diploid-polyploid Pilosella alpicola group with variation in breeding system: Patterns and processes
Šingliarová, Barbora; Hodálová, Iva; Mráz, Patrik

An updated phylogeny and classification of Lamiaceae subfamily Lamioideae
Bendiksby, Mika; Thorbek, Lisbeth; Scheen, Anne-Cathrine; Lindqvist, Charlotte; Ryding, Olof

Phylogeny and divergence times of Bactridinae (Arecaceae, Palmae) based on plastid and nuclear DNA sequences
Eiserhardt, Wolf L.; Pintaud, Jean-Christophe; Asmussen-Lange, Conny; Hahn, William J.; Bernal, Rodrigo; Balslev, Henrik; Borchsenius, Finn .

The first phylogenetic analysis of Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch., the host of Rafflesiaceae
Chen, Pingting; Chen, Longqing; Wen, Jun

Phylogeny, morphology, and biogeography of Haplophyllum (Rutaceae), a species-rich genus of the Irano-Turanian floristic region
Salvo, Gabriele; Manafzadeh, Sara; Ghahremaninejad, Farrokh; Tojibaev, Komiljon; Zeltner, Louis; Conti, Elena

Evolution of the central Mediterranean Centaurea cineraria group (Asteraceae): Evidence for relatively recent, allopatric diversification following transoceanic seed dispersal
Hilpold, Andreas; Schönswetter, Peter; Susanna, Alfonso; Garcia-Jacas, Núria; Vilatersana, Roser

Systematics of the Arctioid group: Disentangling Arctium and Cousinia (Cardueae, Carduinae)
López-Vinyallonga, Sara; Romaschenko, Kostyantyn; Susanna, Alfonso; Garcia-Jacas, Núria

Endocarps of Prunus (Rosaceae: Prunoideae) from the early Eocene of Wutu, Shandong Province, China
Li, Ya; Smith, Thierry; Liu, Chang-Jiang; Awasthi, Nilamber; Yang, Jian; Wang, Yu-Fei; Li, Cheng-Sen .

Testing the viability of seeds from old herbarium specimens for conservation purposes
Godefroid, Sandrine; Van de Vyver, Ann; Stoffelen, Piet; Robbrecht, Elmar; Vanderborght, Thierry

Free Content The fate of Acacia
Linder, H. Peter; Crisp, Mike

A nomenclatural treatment for Logfia Cass. and Filago L. (Asteraceae) as newly circumscribed: Typification of several names
Andrés-Sánchez, Santiago; Galbany-Casals, Merce; Rico, Enrique; Martínez-Ortega, Montserrat M.

Notes on the typification of Beilschmiedia xizangensis (Lauraceae)
Yang, Yong; Zhang, Xue-Wei; Wiersema, John H.

Atlas Florae Europaeae notes 17: Typification of Cotoneaster tomentosus (Rosaceae) and its synonyms
Sennikov, Alexander N.; Somlyay, Lajos

Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Algae: 10
Prud'homme van Reine, Willem F.

(1997) Proposal to conserve the name Buellia subcanescens (Diploicia subcanescens) against B. leptina (lichenized Ascomycota, Caliciaceae )
Şenkardeler, Ayhan; Lökös, Laszlo; Fuat Calba, Orçun

(1998) Proposal to conserve the name Lichen flavicans Sw. (Teloschistes flavicans) against L. flavicans Lam. (lichenised Ascomycota)
Linda in Arcadia

(1999) Proposal to conserve the name Cheilolejeunea against Omphalanthus (Lejeuneaceae)
Ye, Wen; Zhu, Rui-Liang; Shaw, A. Jonathan; Gradstein, S. Robbert

(2000) Proposal to conserve the name Distichophyllum (Daltoniaceae) with a conserved type and an additional note on the lectotypification of Mniadelphus
Ho, Boon-Chuan; Tan, Benito C.; Frahm, Jan-Peter

(2001) Proposal to conserve the name Webera tenuifolia (Pohlia tenuifolia) against Bryum humile (P. humilis) (Bryophyta)
Suárez, Guillermo M.

(2002) Proposal to conserve the name Lepisorus against Belvisia, Lemmaphyllum, Paragramma, Drymotaenium & Neocheiropteris (Pteridophyta, Polypodiaceae)
Hovenkamp, Peter H.; Fraser-Jenkins, Christopher R.; Schneider, Harald; Zhang, Xian-Chun

(2003) Proposal to conserve the name Acrostichum ebeneum (Pteridaceae) with a conserved type
Prado, Jefferson; Smith, Alan R.

(2004) Proposal to conserve the name Zamia integrifolia (Cycadaceae) with a conserved type
Stevenson, Dennis W.; Reveal, James L.

(2005) Proposal to conserve the name Convallaria latifolia Jacq. (Polygonatum latifolium) (Ruscaceae, Liliaceae s. l.) against C. latifolia Mill.
Gutermann, Walter; Conti, Fabio; Király, Gergely; Kirschner, Jan; Marhold, Karol; Niketić, Marjan; Nikolić, Toni; Petrova, Ana; Tan, Kit; Wraber, Tone

(2006) Proposal to conserve the name Amomum villosum (Zingiberaceae) with a conserved type
Newman, Mark F.; Lamxay, Vichith

(2007) Proposal to conserve the name Trigonotis against Endogonia (Boraginaceae)
Cohen, James I.; Reveal, James L.

(2008) Proposal to conserve the name Filago arvensis (Asteraceae) with a conserved type
Andrés-Sánchez, Santiago; Galbany-Casals, Merce; Rico, Enrique; Wagenitz, Gerhard; Martínez-Ortega, M. Montserrat

(2009) Proposal to conserve the name Filago vulgaris against Gnaphalium germanicum (Filago germanica) (Asteraceae)
Andrés-Sánchez, Santiago; Galbany-Casals, Merce; Rico, Enrique; Martínez-Ortega, M. Montserrat

(2010) Proposal to conserve the name Senecio gerardi against Inula provincialis (S. provincialis) (Compositae)
Calvo, Joel; Álvarez, Inés; Aedo, Carlos

(2011) Proposal to conserve the name Euphorbia acuta Engelm. against E. acuta Bellardi ex Colla (Euphorbiaceae)
Berry, Paul E.; Steinmann, Victor; Yang, Ya

(2012) Proposal to reject the name Heptallon simplex (Euphorbiaceae)
Van Ee, Benjamin

(2013) Proposal to conserve the name Myrcia against Calyptranthes (Myrtaceae)
Lucas, Eve; Sobral, Marcos J.

(2014) Proposal to conserve the name Mespilus tomentosa ( Cotoneaster tomentosus) against Mespilus orientalis (Rosaceae)
Sennikov, Alexander

(2015) Proposal to conserve the name Morinda citrifolia (Rubiaceae) with a conserved type
Razafimandimbison, Sylvain G.; Halford, David A.; McDowell, Timothy; Bremer, Birgitta D.

(2016) Proposal to conserve the name Physalis (Solanaceae) with a conserved type
Whitson, Maggie

Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi: 17
Norvell, Lorelei L.

New Names and Combinations

Erratum to taxon 59(3)/60(1)

Plant Systematics World

Reviews and Notices of Publications

New names and combinations appearing in Taxon 60 (2):

Acanthoprasium integrifolium (Benth.) Ryding, comb. nov.
Arctium sect. Amberbopsis (Tscherneva) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium sect. Anura (Juz.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium sect. Chrysis (Juz.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium sect. Hypacanthium (Juz.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. et stat. nov.
Arctium sect. Hypacanthodes (Tscherneva) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. et stat. nov.
Arctium sect. Pectinatae (C. Winkl.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium sect. Schmalhausenia (C. Winkl.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. et stat. nov.
Arctium sect. Serratulopsis (Tscherneva) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium abolinii (Kult. ex Tscherneva) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium albertii (Regel & Schmalh.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium chloranthum (Kult.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium dolichophyllum (Kult.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium echinopifolium (Bornm.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium egregium (Juz.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium evidens (Tscherneva) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium fedtschenkoanum (Bornm.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium grandifolium (Kult.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium haesitabundum (Juz.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium horrescens (Juz.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium korshinskyi (C. Winkl.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium macilentum (C. Winkl.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium medians (Juz.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium pallidivirens (Kult.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium pentacanthoides (Juz. ex Tscherneva) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium pterolepidum (Kult.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium refractum (Bornm.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium ugamense (Karmysch.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Arctium vavilovii (Kult.) S. López, Romaschenko, Susanna & N. Garcia, comb. nov.
Eriophyton nepalense (Hedge) Ryding, comb. nov.
Eriophyton rhomboideum (Benth.) Ryding, comb. nov.
Eriophyton staintonii (Hedge) Ryding, comb. nov.
Eriophyton tuberosum (Hedge) Ryding, comb. nov.
Matsumurella chinensis (Benth.) Bendiksby, comb. nov.
Matsumurella kwangtungensis (C.Y. Wu) Bendiksby, comb. nov.
Matsumurella szechuanensis (C.Y. Wu) Bendiksby, comb. nov.
Matsumurella yangsoensis (Y.Z. Sun) Bendiksby, comb. nov.
Melampodium L. sect. Glabrata Stuessy, sect. nov.
Melampodium L. sect. Nutantia Stuessy, sect. nov.
Melampodium L. ser. Glabribracteata Stuessy, ser. nov.
Melampodium L. ser. Tribracteata Stuessy, ser. nov.
Moluccella subg. Chartocalyx (Regel) Ryding, comb. et stat. nov.
Moluccella bucharica (B. Fedtsch.) Ryding, comb. nov.
Moluccella fedtschenkoana (Kudr.) Ryding, comb. nov.
Moluccella olgae (Regel) Ryding, comb. nov.
Moluccella sogdiana (Kudr.) Ryding, comb. nov.
Paraphlomideae Bendiksby, tr. nov.
Prunus wutuensis Y. Li, T. Smith, C.J. Liu, N. Awasthi, J. Yang, Y.F. Wang & C.S. Li, sp. nov.

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