
sobota, 30 lipca 2011

Taxon - 60 (1), 2011


Sixty years of Taxon
Mabberley, David J.

Revisiting the wax plants (Hoya, Marsdenieae, Apocynaceae): Phylogenetic tree using the matK gene and psbA-trnH intergenic spacer
Wanntorp, Livia; Gotthardt, Katherina; Muellner, Alexandra N.

Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of three closely related genera, Soroseris, Stebbinsia, and Syncalathium (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), endemic to the Tibetan Plateau, SW China
Zhang, Jian-Wen; Nie, Ze-Long; Wen, Jun; Sun, Hang

Subgeneric classification in Iris re-examined using chloroplast sequence data
Wilson, Carol A.

Neckera and Thamnobryum (Neckeraceae, Bryopsida): Paraphyletic assemblages
Olsson, Sanna; Enroth, Johannes; Buchbender, Volker; Hedenäs, Lars; Huttunen, Sanna; Quandt, Dietmar

Molecular phylogeny of Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae): Implications for biogeography, evolution of C4-photosynthesis and taxonomy
Kadereit, Gudrun; Freitag, Helmut

Phylogenetic inference in Leucodon Schwägr. subg. Leucodon (Leucodontaceae, Bryophyta) in the North Atlantic region
Stech, Michael; Werner, Olaf; González-Mancebo, Juana María; Patino, Jairo; Sim-Sim, Manuela; Fontinha, Susana; Hildebrandt, Ina; Ros, Rosa M.

Molecular phylogenetics of the Mesoamerican bamboo Olmeca (Poaceae, Bambuseae): Implications for taxonomy
Ruiz-Sanchez, Eduardo; Sosa, Victoria; Mejía-Saules, M. Teresa

Graphis is two genera: A remarkable case of parallel evolution in lichenized Ascomycota
Plata, Eimy Rivas; Hernández M., Jesús E.; Lücking, Robert; Staiger, Bettina; Kalb, Klaus; Cáceres, Marcela E.S.

Extensive gene flow blurs species boundaries among Veronica barrelieri, V. orchidea and V. spicata (Plantaginaceae) in southeastern Europe
Bardy, Katharina E.; Schönswetter, Peter; Schneeweiss, Gerald M.; Fischer, Manfred A.; Albach, Dirk C.

Phylogenetic relationships in the order Cucurbitales and a new classification of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae)
Schaefer, Hanno; Renner, Susanne S.

Underestimated endemic species diversity in the dry inter-Andean valley of the Río Maranón, northern Peru: An example from Mimosa (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae)
Särkinen, Tiina E.; Marcelo-Pena, José Luis; Yomona, A. Daza; Simon, Marcelo F.; Pennington, R. Toby; Hughes, Colin E.

Taxonomy of Polygonoideae (Polygonaceae): A new tribal classification
Sanchez, Adriana; Schuster, Tanja M.; Burke, Janelle M.; Kron, Kathleen A.

The generic concept of Lotononis (Crotalarieae, Fabaceae): Reinstatement of the genera Euchlora, Leobordea and Listia and the new genus Ezoloba
Boatwright, James S.; Wink, Michael; van Wyk, Ben-Erik

Blastocaulon (Eriocaulaceae), a synonym of Paepalanthus: Morphological and molecular evidence
de Andrade, Maria José Gomes; Giulietti, Ana Maria; Harley, Raymond Mervyn; van den Berg, Cássio

A case study of DNA barcoding in Chinese Grimmiaceae and a moss recorded in China for the first time
Liu, Yan; Ge, Tong Cao; Ge, Xue-Jin

The controversy over the retypification of Acacia Mill. with an Australian type: A pragmatic view
Thiele, Kevin R.; Funk, Vicki A.; Iwatsuki, Kunio; Morat, Philippe; Peng, Ching-I; Raven, Peter H.; Sarukhán, José; Seberg, Ole

Introducing the Draft BioCode (2011)
Hawksworth, David L.

Draft BioCode (2011): Principles and Rules Regulating the Naming of Organisms
Greuter, W.; Garrity, G.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Jahn, R.; Kirk, P.M.; Knapp, S.; McNeill, J.; Michel, E.; Patterson, D.J.; Pyle, R.; Tindall, B.J.

Who amends the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature? A response to Applequist & al. (2010)
Smith, Gideon F.; Figueiredo, Estrela; Moore, Gerry

Typification of Leontodon taraxacum L. (? Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg.) and the generic name Taraxacum: A review and a new typification proposal
Kirschner, Jan; Štěpánek, Jan

The nomenclatural status of the genus Tubifera (Myxomycetes)
Lado, Carlos

Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi: 16
Norvell, Lorelei L.

Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 62
Brummitt, R.K.

(1989) Proposal to conserve the name Botrytis brongniartii (Beauveria brongniartii) with a conserved type (Ascomycota)
Minnis, Andrew M.; Rehner, Stephen A.; Humber, Richard A.

(1990) Proposal to conserve the name Pteris arachnoidea (Pteridium arachnoideum) against Aspidium brasilianum and Pteris psittacina (Dennstaedtiaceae)
Schwartsburd, Pedro Bond; Prado, Jefferson

(1991) Proposal to conserve the name Pandanus pervilleanus against P. boucheanus (Pandanaceae)
Callmander, Martin W.; Fumeaux, Nicolas

(1992) Proposal to conserve the name Enicosanthum against Monoon (Annonaceae)
Saunders, Richard M.K.; Xue, Bine

(1993) Proposal to conserve the name Alyssum montanum (Cruciferae) with a conserved type
Marhold, Karol; Zozomová-Lihová, Judita; Španiel, Stanislav

(1994) Proposal to conserve the name Codariocalyx (Leguminosae/Fabaceae) with that spelling
Ohashi, Hiroyoshi; Ohashi, Kazuaki

(1995) Proposal to conserve the name Nilssonia with that spelling (fossil Cycadopsida, Nilssoniaceae)
Wang, Qi

(1996) Proposal to conserve the name Carpolithus with that spelling (fossil Spermatopsida)
Wang, Qi

Synopsis of Proposals on Botanical Nomenclature - Melbourne 2011: A review of the proposals concerning the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature submitted to the XVIII International Botanical Congress
McNeill, John; Turland, Nicholas

(6-8) Proposals to add two Tabulae herbarii L. Pierre or the entire set to the “Opera utique oppressa”
van Rijckevorsel, Paul

New Names and Combinations

Thanks to Our Reviewers

Plant Systematics World
Stuessy, Tod F.

One hundred columns later: Confessions of the Taxon “RevNot” editor
Schmid, Rudolf

Reviews and Notices of Publications
Schmid, Rudolf


New names and combinations appearing in Taxon 60 (1)
Actinostemmateae H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, stat. nov.
Alleniella S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, gen. nov.
Alleniella besseri (Lob.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella brownii (Dix.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella chilensis (Schimp. ex Mont.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella complanata (Hedw.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella hymenodonta (Müll. Hal.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella remota (Bruch & Schimp. ex Müll. Hal.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella scabridens (Müll. Hal.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella submacrocarpa (Dix.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella urnigera (Müll. Hal.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Alleniella valentiniana (Besch.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Ampelosicyos bosseri (Keraudren) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Ampelosicyos leandrii (Keraudren) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Apodanthera longipedicellata (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Baijiania decipiens (C. Jeffrey & W.J. de Wilde) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Baijiania smitinandii (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Bassia angustifolia (Turcz.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Bassia lasiantha Freitag & G. Kadereit, nom. nov.
Bassia littorea (Makino) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Bassia odontoptera (Schrenk) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Bassia pilosa (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Bassia tianschanica (Pavlov) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Bassia villosissima (Bong. & C.A. Mey.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Benincasa fistulosa (Stocks) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Ctenolepis lucorum (Keraudren) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera brevisetosa (Steyerm.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera carthagenensis (Jacq.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera filiformis (Kuntze) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera glabra (Kuntze) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera kuntzeana H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, nom. nov.
Cyclanthera longiflora (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera longisepala (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera peruana H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, nom. nov.
Cyclanthera quadrifida (Ser.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Cyclanthera quinqueloba (Kuntze) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Echinodiopsis S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, gen. nov.
Echinodiopsis hispida (Hook. f. & Wilson) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Echinodiopsis umbrosa (Mitt.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Echinodiopsis umbrosa var. glaucoviride (Mitt.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Echinopepon rosei (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Eokochia Freitag & G. Kadereit, gen. nov.
Eokochia saxicola (Guss.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Exsertotheca S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, gen. nov.
Exsertotheca crispa (Hedw.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Exsertotheca intermedia (Brid.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Ezoloba B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., gen. nov.
Ezoloba macrocarpa (Eckl. & Zeyh.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Fagopyrum tibeticum (A.J. Li) Adr. Sanchez & Jan. Burke, comb. nov.
Forsstroemia goughiana (Mitt.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Forsstroemia yezoana (Besch.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Grubovia Freitag & G. Kadereit, gen. nov.
Grubovia dasyphylla (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Freitag & G. Kadereit comb. nov.
Grubovia krylovii (Litv.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Grubovia melanoptera (Bunge) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Hanburia caracasana (Ernst) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Hanburia grisebachii (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Hanburia oerstedii (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Hanburia spectabilis (Mart. Crov.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Hanburia subcyclanthera (C. Jeffrey) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Hemsleya cirromitrata (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Hemsleya peekelii (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Herpetospermum darjeelingense (C.B. Clarke) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Herpetospermum tonglense (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Indofevilleeae H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, tr. nov.
Iris subg. Lophiris (Tausch) C.A. Wilson, stat. nov.
Iris subg. Siphonostylis (W. Schulze) C.A. Wilson, comb. et stat. nov.
Leobordea sect. Digitata (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea sect. Leptis (E. Mey. ex Eckl. & Zeyh.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea sect. Lipozygis (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea sect. Synclistus (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea subsect. Bracteolata (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea subsect. Lipozygis (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea acuticarpa (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea adpressa (N.E. Br.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea adpressa (N.E. Br.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr. subsp. leptantha (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk, comb. nov.
Leobordea anthylloides (Harv.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea arida (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea benthamiana (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea bracteosa (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea bullonii (Emberger & Maire) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea carinata (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea corymbosa (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea decumbens (Thunb.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea decumbens (Thunb.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr. subsp. rehmannii (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk, comb. nov.
Leobordea difformis (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea diffusa (Thunb.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea digitata (Harv.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea eriantha (Benth.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea esterhuyseana (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea foliosa (H. Bolus) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea furcata (Merxmüller & Schreiber) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea globulosa (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea grandis (Dümmer & Jennings) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea hirsuta (Schinz) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea lanata (Thunb.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea lanceolata (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea laticeps (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea longicephala (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea longiflora (H. Bolus) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea magnifica (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea maroccana (Ball) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea mirabilis (Dinter) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea mollis (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea mucronata (Conrath) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea newtonii (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea oligocephala (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea pariflora (N.E. Br.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea pentaphylla (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea platycarpa (Viv.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea plicata (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea polycephala (E. Mey.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea procumbens (H. Bolus) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea pulchra (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea pusilla (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea quinata (Thunb.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea schoenfelderi (Dinter ex Merxmüller & Schreiber) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea spicata (Compton) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea stipulosa (Bak. f.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea stolzii (Harms) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea sutherlandii (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leobordea tapetiformis (Emberger & Maire) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Leptodon acuminatus (M. Fleisch.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Listia angolensis (Welw. ex Bak.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Listia bainesii (Bak.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Listia marlothii (Engl.) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Listia minima (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Listia solitudinis (Dümmer) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Listia subulata (B.-E. van Wyk) B.-E. van Wyk & Boatwr., comb. nov.
Melothria campestris (Naudin) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Melothria sphaerocarpa (Cogn.) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Mimosa jaenensis T.E. Särkinen, J.L. Marcelo-Pena & C.E. Hughes sp. nov.
Momordiceae H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, stat. nov.
Olmeca clarkiae (Davidse & R.W. Pohl) Ruiz-Sanchez, Sosa & Mejía-Saulés, comb. nov.
Olmeca fulgor (Soderstr.) Ruiz-Sanchez, Sosa & Mejía-Saulés, comb. nov.
Olmeca zapotecorum Ruiz-Sanchez, Sosa & Mejía-Saulés, sp. nov.
Paepalanthus speleicolus (Silveira) M.J.G. Andrade & Giul. comb. nov.
Papuasicyos arfakensis (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Papuasicyos belensis (Merr. & L.M. Perry) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Papuasicyos carrii (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Papuasicyos hippocrepicus (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Papuasicyos parviflorus (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Papuasicyos viridis (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Penelopeia sphaerica (Alain) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Porotrichodendron madagassum (Kiaer ex Besch.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Pteropepon acariaeanthus (Harms) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Sedobassia Freitag & G. Kadereit, gen. nov.
Sedobassia sedoides (Pall.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Sicydium synantherum (Dieterle) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Siraitieae H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, tr. nov.
Spirobassia Freitag & G. Kadereit, gen. nov.
Spirobassia hirsuta (L.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, comb. nov.
Thamnomalia S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, gen. nov.
Thamnomalia glabella (Hedw.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Thamnomalia tumidicaulis (K.A. Wagner) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt, comb. nov.
Thladiantheae H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, stat. nov.
Xerosicyos hirtellus (Humbert) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Xerosicyos tripartitus (Humbert) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Zehneria backeri (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Zehneria lancifolia (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Zehneria macrantha (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Zehneria macrosepala (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Zehneria nesophila (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.
Zehneria platysperma (W.J. de Wilde & Duyfjes) H. Schaef. & S.S. Renner, comb. nov.

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