
czwartek, 28 lipca 2011

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - 58 (2), 2011



Carbonic Anhydrase: Enzyme That Has Transformed the Biosphere
E. V. Kupriyanova and N. A. Pronina

Classification of the Antioxidant Defense System as the Ground for Reasonable Organization of Experimental Studies of the Oxidative Stress in Plants
E. V. Pradedova, O. D. Isheeva, and R. K. Salyaev

Research papers

Responses of Chlorophyll b-Less chlorina 3613 Mutant of Barley to a Prolonged Decrease in Illuminance: 2. Dynamics of Carotenoids in Leaf Chloroplasts
E. V. Tyutereva and O. V. Voitsekhovskaja

Effect of Salinity on Osmotic Adjustment Characteristics of Kandelia candel
Z. Zhu, Z. M. Pei, and H. L. Zheng

Role of Cyclosis in Asymmetric Formation of Alkaline Zones at the Boundaries of Illuminated Region in Chara Cells
A. A. Bulychev and S. O. Dodonova

Role of Lipoxygenase and Allene Oxide Synthase in Wound-Inducible Defense Response of Pea
H. R. Yang, H. T. Liu, K. Tang, and W. D. Huang

Effect of Low-Temperature hardening on Activities of Proteolytic Enzymes and Their Inhibitors in the Leaves of Wheat and Cucumber Seedlings
S. A. Frolova, A. F. Titov, and V. V. Talanova

Cadmium Effects on Mineral Nutrition and Stress-Related Indices in Potamogeton crispus
H. Y. Yang, G. X. Shi, Q. S. Xu, and H. X. Wang

Photosynthesis of Hosta under Light and Controlled-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer
J. Z. Zhang, W. Wang, G. F. Sun, H. Z. Liu, and X. D. Li

Physiological, Biochemical, and Fluorescence Parameters of Senescing Sugar Beet Leaves in the Vegetative Phase of Growth
A. K. Romanova, G. A. Semenova, N. S. Novichkova, A. R. Ignat’ew, V. A. Mudrik, and B. N. Ivanov

Protective Role of Selenium in Wheat Seedlings Subjected to Enhanced UV-B Radiation
X. Yao, J. Chu, X. He, and C. Ba

Activation of Plasmalemmal NADPH Oxidase in Etiolated Maize Seedlings Exposed to Chilling Temperatures
M. S. Piotrovskii, T. A. Shevyreva, I. M. Zhestkova, and M. S. Trofimova

Effects of Salicylic and Jasmonic Acids on the Components of Pro/Antioxidant System in Potato Plants Infected with Late Blight
I. V. Maksimov, A. V. Sorokan’, E. A. Chereoanova, O. B. Surina, N. B. Troshina, and L. G. Yarullina

The Causes for Barley Root Growth Retardation in the Presence of Ammonium and Glutamate
O. V. Skobeleva, I. N. Ktitorova, and K. G. Agal’tsov

Analysis of NaCl Stress Responses in Tunisian and Reference Lines of Medicago truncatula
S. Arraouadi, M. Badri, A. Zitoun, T. Huguet, and M. E. Aouani

Effect of Common Bean Seedling Pretreatment with Chlorocholine Chloride on Photosystem II Tolerance to UV-B Radiation, Phytohormone Content, and Hydrogen Peroxide Content
V. D. Kreslavskii, V. Yu. Lubimov, L. M. Kotova, and A. A. Kotov

The Isolation and Analysis of a Soybean CO Homologue GmCOL10
L. Liu, J. Ma, Y. Han, X. Chen, and Y.-F. Fu

Proline Protects Atropa belladonna Plants against Nickel Salt Toxicity
L. A. Stetsenko, N. I. Shevyakova, V. Yu. Rakitin, and Vl. V. Kuznetsov

Methane Emission from Living Tree Wood
V. A. Mukhin and P. Yu. Voronin

Applied aspects

Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Drought Tolerance in a Mapping. Population of Winter Bread Wheat in the Highlands of Iran
M. Roostaei, S. A. Mohammadi, A. Amri, E. Majidi, M. Nachit, and R. Haghparast


Ontogenetic Approach to Assessment of Chufa Response to Culture Conditions by the Method of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction
V. N. Shikhov, V. V. Velichko, T. V. Nesterenko, and A. A. Tikhomirov

The Content of N-Acylphosphatidylethanolamines in the Seeds of Cultivated Plants and Grain Products
I. M. Kotel’nikova

Brief communications

Effect of Pre-Sowing -Irradiation of Sea-Buckthorn Seeds on the Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Total Lipids in the Seeds of the First Plant Generation
O. V. Ozerinina and V. D. Tsydendambaev

The Effect of Radish Plant Rotation around a Vertical Axis on Leaf Morphology and Lipid Composition
Yu. I. Novitskii, G. V. Novitskaya, T. K. Kocheshkova, and M. V. Dobrovol’ski

Science history

The International Society for Plant Anaerobiosis and Its Role in Opening a New Avenue of Research
B. Vartapetian, R. Crawford, M. Sachs, R. Hill, K. Fagerstedt, R. Dolferus , and Vl. Kuznietzov

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