
czwartek, 28 lipca 2011

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - 58 (1), 2011



Responses of Chlorophyll b-Free chlorina 3613 Barley Mutant to a Prolonged Decrease in Illuminance: 1. Dynamics of Chlorophyll Content, Growth, and Productivity
E. V. Tyutereva and O. V. Voitsekhovskaja

Pigment Composition, Optical Properties, and Resistance to Photodamage of the Microalga Haematococcus pluvialis Cultivated under High Light
A. E. Solovchenko, O. B. Chivkunova, and I. P. Maslova

Effect of the desA Gene Encoding 12 Acyl-Lipid Desaturase on the Chloroplast Structure and Tolerance to Hypothermia of Potato Plants
N. V. Astakhova, I. N. Demin, N. V. Naraikina, and T. I. Trunova

Salt Tolerance of Barley: Relations between Expression of Isoforms of Vacuolar Na+/H+-Antiporter and 22Na+ Accumulation
T. V. Roslyakova, O. V. Molchan, A. V. Vasekina, E. M. Lazareva, A. I. Sokolik, V. M. Yurin, A. H. de Boer, and A. V. Babakov

Antioxidant Defense Enzymes in Cell Vacuoles of Red Beet Roots
E. V. Pradedova, O. D. Isheeva, and R. K. Salyaev

Effect of 2-Aminoethanol Pretreatment on the Antioxidant Enzyme Activity in Zea mays under Oxidative Stress
S. O. Rajaeian, R. E. Heidari, and A. A. Ehsanpour

Exogenous Proline Modifies Differential Expression of Superoxide Dismutase Genes in UV-B–Irradiated Salvia officinalis Plants
N. L. Radyukina, A. V. Shashukova, S. S. Makarova, and Vl. V. Kuznetsov

The Relations between Antioxidant Enzymes and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Common Bean Cultivars Differing in Sensitivity to Drought Stress
A. Saglam, N. Saruhan, R. Terzi, and A. Kadioglu

Evaluation of Some Physiological Traits as Indicators of Drought Tolerance in Bread Wheat Genotypes
M. Geravandi, E. Farshadfar, and D. Kahrizi

Regulation of the Ascorbate–Glutathione Cycle in Wild Almond during Drought Stress
K. Sorkheh, B. Shiran, V. Rouhi, M. Khodambashi, and A. Sofo

Induction of Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Responses in Vigna mungo by Zinc Stress
B. Gupta, G.C. Pathak, and N. Pandey

Cadmium Causes Oxidative Stress in Mung Bean by Affecting the Antioxidant Enzyme System and Ascorbate–Glutathione Cycle Metabolism
N. A. Anjum, S. Umar, M. Iqbal, and N. A. Khan

Energy Exchange and Ultrastructure of Plant Cells under Generation of Nitric Oxide
D. F. Rakhmatullina, L. Kh. Gordon†, A. A. Ponomareva, T. I. Ogorodnikova,A. Yu. Alyab’ev, V. S. Iyudin, and A. A. Obynochnyi

Tissue Zinc Distribution in Maize Seedling Roots and Its Action on Growth
I. V. Seregin, A. D. Kozhevnikova, V. V. Gracheva, E. I. Bystrova, and V. B. Ivanov

Overexpression of SlERF1 Tomato Gene Encoding an ERF-Type Transcription Activator Enhances Salt Tolerance
C. W. Lu, Y. Shao, L. Li, A. J. Chen, W. Q. Xu, K. J. Wu, Y. B. Luo, and B. Z. Zhu

Species-Specific, Seasonal, Inter-Annual, and Historically-Accumulated Changes in Foliar Terpene Emission Rates in Phillyrea latifolia and Quercus ilex Submitted to Rain Exclusion in the Prades Mountains (Catalonia)
J. Llusia, J. Penuelas, G. A. Alessio, and R. Ogaya

Different Rates of Chromosome Elimination in Symmetric and Asymmetric Somatic Hybridization between Festuca arundinacea and Bupleurum scorzonerifolium
M. Wang, Z. Peng, L. Wang, J. Zhao, J. Che, and G. Xia

Differential Gene Expression in Leaves and Roots of Winter Rape in Response to Phosphorus Starvation
L. Qin, Ch. L. Zhang, and B. Zhang

Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE 1 (TIR1) from Nicotiana tabacum
Yun Tian, Caohao Zhang, Hui Yang, Xiangyang Lu, Jun Fang, Peiwang Li, and Xianguo Qing p. 149 abstract


Physiological and Morphological Characteristics of Chickpea Accessions under Low Temperature Stress
L. Heidarvand, R. Maali Amiri, M. R. Naghavi, Y. Farayedi, B. Sadeghzadeh, and Kh. Alizadeh p. 157 abstract


Run-On Transcription as a Method for the Analysis of Mitochondrial Genome Expression
N. S. Belozerova, E. S. Pozhidaeva, A. G. Shugaev, and V. V. Kusnetsov


Violaxanthin Cycle Pigment De-Epoxidation and Thermal Dissipation of Light Energy in Three Boreal Species of Evergreen Conifer Plants
Ya. N. Yatsko, O. V. Dymova, and T. K. Golovko

The Involvement of Wheat and Common Bean Lectins in the Control of Cell Division in the Root Apical Meristems of Various Plant Species
M. V. Bezrukova, A. R. Lubyanova, and R. A. Fatkhutdinova

Changes in the Content of Poplar Isoplastocyanins a and b during Vegetation Cycle
M. I. Dimitrov, A. A. Donchev, A. Ch. Shosheva, V. I. Getov, N. P. Terezova, and S. D. Stoichev

Analysis of Assimilate Distribution by 3H-Tracing during Recovery Period after Rice Seedling Transplanting
W. J. Ren, T. Q. Lu, and W. Y. Yang

Isolation of a Gene Encoding 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase from Rice
M. S. I. Sikdar and J. S. Kim

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