
środa, 13 października 2010

South African Journal of Botany - 76 (3), 2010

Contents [Volume 76, Issue 3, 2010]:

Variation in E- and Z-guggulsterones of Commiphora wightii
V. Soni, P.L. Swarnkar, V. Tyagi, L.K. Pareek

Diurnal and circadian patterns of gene expression in the developing xylem of Eucalyptus trees
O.L. Solomon, D.K. Berger, A.A. Myburg

Influence of plant growth regulators on flowering, fruiting, seed oil content, and oil quality of Jatropha curcas
H.A. Abdelgadir, A.K. Jäger, S.D. Johnson, J. Van Staden

Modulated gene expression in newly synthesized auto-tetraploid of Papaver somniferum L.
B.K. Mishra, S. Pathak, A. Sharma, P.K. Trivedi, S. Shukla

Seed germination at different temperatures and water stress levels, and seedling emergence from different depths of Ziziphus lotus
M. Maraghni, M. Gorai, M. Neffati

Pollination of the red-hot poker Kniphofia laxiflora (Asphodelaceae) by sunbirds
M. Brown, C.T. Downs, S.D. Johnson

Yeast alpha glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities of six medicinal plants collected in Phalaborwa, South Africa
L.J. Shai, P. Masoko, M.P. Mokgotho, S.R. Magano, A.M. Mogale, N. Boaduo, J.N. Eloff

Above ground perennial plant biomass across an altitudinal and land-use gradient in Namaqualand, South Africa
P.M.L. Anderson, M.T. Hoffman, P.J. O'Farrell

Early inflorescence and floral development in Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae: Arecoideae)
P.I.P. Perera, V. Hocher, L.K. Weerakoon, D.M.D. Yakandawala, S.C. Fernando, J.-L. Verdeil

Intraspecific variation in sensitivity to ultraviolet-B radiation in endogenous hormones and photosynthetic characteristics of 10 wheat cultivars grown under field conditions
Yuan Li, Lilian He, Yanqun Zu

Notes on the genus Trachyandra (Asphodelaceae: Asphodeloideae) 1: A review of the T. thyrsoidea group (Section Trachyandra), including three new species from the Northern Cape
J.S. Boatwright, J.C. Manning

Improvement of maize (Zea mays L.) anther culture responses by algae-derived natural substances
K. Jäger, T. Bartók, V. Ördög, B. Barnabás

The distribution of tree and grass roots in savannas in relation to soil nitrogen and water
E.C. February, S.I. Higgins

Caesia sabulosa (Hemerocallidaceae), a new species from the Greater Cape Region of South Africa
J.S. Boatwright, J.C. Manning

Evaluation of the genus Treculia for antimycobacterial, anti-reverse transcriptase, radical scavenging and antitumor activities
V. Kuete, R. Metuno, P.L. Keilah, E.T. Tshikalange, B.T. Ngadjui

Antimycobacterial, antibacterial and antifungal activities of the methanol extract and compounds from Thecacoris annobonae (Euphorbiaceae)
V. Kuete, H.M. Poumale Poumale, A.N. Guedem, Y. Shiono, R. Randrianasolo, B.T. Ngadjui

Eucomis zambesiaca baker: Factors affecting in vitro bulblet induction
L. Cheesman, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Changing the fire management regime in the renosterveld and lowland fynbos of the Bontebok National Park
T. Kraaij

In vitro pharmacological evaluation and phenolic content of ten South African medicinal plants used as anthelmintics
A.O. Aremu, A.R. Ndhlala, O.A. Fawole, M.E. Light, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

South African Lippia herbal infusions: Total phenolic content, antioxidant and antibacterial activities
E.A. Shikanga, S. Combrinck, T. Regnier

Structural investigation of the glandular trichomes of endemic Salvia smyrnea L.
P. Baran, K. Aktaş, C. Özdemir

Micropropagation of Albuca bracteata and A. nelsonii — Indigenous ornamentals with medicinal value
G.D. Ascough, J. Van Staden

Huernia humpatana (Apocynaceae), a new species from southern Angola
P.V. Bruyns

Causes of secondary sexual differences in plants — Evidence from extreme leaf dimorphism in Leucadendron (Proteaceae)
J.J. Midgley

Serotonin transporter affinity of (-)-loliolide, a monoterpene lactone from Mondia whitei
J.S. Neergaard, H.B. Rasmussen, G.I. Stafford, J. Van Staden, A.K. Jäger

In vitro callus induction and plant regeneration from leaf explants of Ruta graveolens L.
N. Ahmad, M. Faisal, M. Anis, I.M. Aref

Alleviation of dormancy by reactive oxygen species in Bidens pilosa L. seeds
C. Whitaker, R.P. Beckett, F.V. Minibayeva, I. Kranner

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