
środa, 13 października 2010

The Journal of the Mammillaria Society - 50 (2), 2010

[Volume 50, Number 2, 2010]



Some reflections on my 2009 flowering and fruiting results
Bill Maddams

Flowering and fruiting survey update
Mike Stansbie

What is Mammillaria roseoalba?
Chris Davies

Summary of the contents of Mammillaria, Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises für Mammillarienfreunde, Vol. 33, 2009, issue 4, p. 169 - 224
Wolter ten Hoeve

Unusual or uncommon Mammillaria names – M. floresii var. hexacentra
R.E. Stanley

Treasurer's Report on the 2009 accounts
C.P. Baker

Notes on the 2010 Seed Disribution - an addendum
Wolter ten Hoeve

Some further comments on M. phaeacantha FO-058
Mark Masterson

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