
wtorek, 12 października 2010

South African Journal of Botany - 76 (2), 2010

Contents [Volume 76, Issue 2, 2010]:

Heavy metals toxicity in plants: An overview on the role of glutathione and phytochelatins in heavy metal stress tolerance of plants
S.K. Yadav

Micropropagation and bioreactor studies of the medicinally important plant Lessertia (Sutherlandia) frutescens L.
S. Shaik, Y.H. Dewir, N. Singh, A. Nicholas

Anatomy, trichome morphology and palynology of Salvia chrysophylla Stapf (Lamiaceae)
A. Kahraman, F. Celep, M. Dogan

Lemma micromorphological characters in the Chloridoideae (Poaceae) optimized on a molecular phylogeny
Q. Liu, D.X. Zhang, P.M. Peterson

Bioactivities of black cumin essential oil and its main terpenes from Tunisia
S. Bourgou, A. Pichette, B. Marzouk, J. Legault

Floral and macroecological evolution within Cyrtanthus (Amaryllidaceae): Inferences from combined analyses of plastid ndhF and nrDNA ITS sequences
D.A. Snijman, A.W. Meerow

Redifferentiation of leaflet tissues during midrib gall development in Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae)
D.C. Oliveira, R.M.S. Isaias

A new species of Caralluma (Apocynaceae–Asclepiadoideae–Ceropegieae) from the Yemen
P.V. Bruyns

Production of interspecific hybrids between Sesamum alatum Thonn and Sesamum indicum L. through ovule culture and screening for phyllody disease resistance
S. Rajeswari, V. Thiruvengadam, N.M. Ramaswamy

A revision of the genus Glia (Apiaceae, tribe Heteromorpheae)
B-E. Van Wyk, P.M. Tilney, A.R. Magee

Numerical taxonomic study of Acacia senegal (Fabaceae) in the cattle corridor of Uganda
J.W. Mulumba, E. Kakudidi

Two new species of Asteraceae (tribe Anthemideae, subtribe Pentziinae) from the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa
A.R. Magee, J.C. Manning

1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-ß-d-glucose: A cholinesterase inhibitor from Terminalia chebula
S. Sancheti, S. Sancheti, B.-H. Um, S.-Y. Seo

Woody vegetation structure in conserved versus communal land in a biodiversity hotspot: A case study in Maputaland, South Africa
J.Y. Gaugris, M.W. Van Rooyen

Three new species and two new combinations in the Aizoaceae from the Western and Northern Cape of South Africa
C. Klak

A taxonomic revision of the South African endemic genus Dasispermum (Apiaceae, Apioideae)
A.R. Magee, B.-E. Van Wyk, P.M. Tilney, S.R. Downie

The ethnobotany and pharmacognosy of Olea europaea subsp. africana (Oleaceae)
H.S. Long, P.M. Tilney, B.-E. Van Wyk

Effect of cadmium on growth and micronutrient distribution in wild garlic (Tulbaghia violacea)
R.A. Street, M.G. Kulkarni, W.A. Stirk, C. Southway, J. Van Staden

Age and orientation of the cotyledonary leaf explants determine the efficiency of de novo plant regeneration and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation in Jatropha curcas L.
P. Mazumdar, A. Basu, A. Paul, C. Mahanta, L. Sahoo

A new species of Polygala (Polygalaceae) from ultramafic soils in Sekhukhuneland, South Africa, with notes on its ecology
S.J. Siebert, E. Retief, A.E. Van Wyk, M. Struwig

Influences of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on growth and secondary metabolite accumulation in Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer adventitious roots cultured in air-lift bioreactors
Y.H. Dewir, D. Chakrabarty, C.H. Wu, E.J. Hahn, W.K. Jeon, K.Y. Paek

The role of domestic herbivores in endozoochorous plant dispersal in the arid Knersvlakte, South Africa
D.H. Haarmeyer, B.M. Bösing, U. Schmiedel, J. Dengler

Using plant functional types to compare vegetation structure of alien-invaded and uninvaded Acacia nilotica savannas
F.R. Smith

Psednotrichia perennis (Asteraceae, Senecioneae): A new species from the Huila plateau, Angola
N.G. Bergh, B. Nordenstam

A small-scale RNA isolation protocol useful for high-throughput extractions from recalcitrant plants
M. Smart, L.C. Roden

Interactive effects of salt and alkali stresses on seed germination, germination recovery, and seedling growth of a halophyte Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae)
R. Li, F. Shi, K. Fukuda

Can conservation of biodiversity provide an evolutionary advantage to humans?
K. Balkwill

Urban areas in South Africa—Final frontier for Ecology?
S.S. Cilliers

Arid ecosystems and academia: How competition and facilitation interactions shape community structure and function
K.J. Esler

Mechanisms of desiccation tolerance in resurrection plants: A review from the molecular to whole plant physiological level
J.M. Farrant

Allocation of resources for protecting biodiversity
M.A. McCarthy

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities and phenolic content of Podocarpus sensu latissimo (s.l.) used in traditional medicine in South Africa
H.S. Abdillahi, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Preliminary studies on the in vitro pharmacology of Leucosidea sericea
A.O. Aremu, J.C. Chukwujekwu, M.E. Light, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Towards assessing post-flood vegetation change along a section of the Sabie River, Kruger National Park
P. Ayres, F. Siebert, S.J. Siebert

Foliar micromorphology of Arctotis arctotoides (L.F.) O. Hoffm.
A.A. Badmus, A.J. Afolayan

Changes in endogenous cytokinin profiles in micropropagated Harpagophytum procumbens in relation to shoot-tip necrosis and cytokinin treatments
M.W. Bairu, O. Novák, K. Doležal, J. Van Staden

Analysis of heavy metal contamination in home gardens in Alice, Nkonkobe Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
C. Bvenura, A.J. Afolayan

In vitro propagation and secondary metabolite production of Boophone disticha
L. Cheesman, J.F. Finnie, M.E. Light, J. Van Staden

Going back to our roots: Orchids and the ancestors
M. Chinsamy, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Plant diversity patterns of a settlement in the North-West Province, South Africa
E. Davoren, S.S. Cilliers, S.J. Siebert

An ethnobotanical survey of the Agter-Hantam area of the Northern Cape
J.J. de Beer, B.-E. Van Wyk

Low night temperatures inhibit symbiotic nitrogen fixation and affect the potential for recovery in a chilling sensitive soybean genotype
M. de Beer, A. Jordaan, P.D.R. Van Heerden

Isolation and identification of a novel anti-diabetic compound from Euclea undulata Thunb
M.S. Deutschländer, N. Lall, M.Van de Venter

Investigating the vulnerability of marula stems to fire and bark stripping
C.V. Helm

Do symbiotic plant microbes play a role in the synthesis of the toxic compounds of Dichapetalum cymosum?
C.B.S. Hendriks, J.M.M. Meyer, C.F. Van der Merwe

South African plant extracts in combating potentially pathogenic oral microorganisms
C.J. Henley-Smith, N. Lall, F. Botha

Increased nutrient inputs to remnant lowland restiad mires in an agricultural landscape: Impacts on capillaroid root growth, biomass production and decomposition processes
T. Hodges, A. Robertson, J. Rapson, L. Schipper, B. Clarkson

A review of Pteronia species used in traditional medicine in South Africa
I.M. Hulley, B.-E. Van Wyk, P.M. Tilney, G.P. Kamatou, A.M. Viljoen, S.F. Van Vuuren

Pursuing imazapyr herbicide tolerance in sugarcane: Screening plants produced in vitro through somaclonal variation and mutagenesis
A.C. Koch, S. Ramgareeb, S.J. Snyman, M.P. Watt, R.S. Rutherford

Assessing the floristic importance of proposed conservation areas in North-West Province in the context of the western Central Bushveld Bioregion
S. Kurzweg, S.J. Siebert, S.S. Cilliers, K. Kellner

The vegetation ecology of the Seringveld Conservancy, Cullinan, South Africa
L. le Grange, G.J. Bredenkamp, J.H.J. Schaminée

The taxonomic value of fruit wall structure in the genus Crotalaria (Fabaceae, tribe Crotalarieae)
M.M. le Roux, B.-E. Van Wyk, J.S. Boatwright, P.M. Tilney, A.N. Moteetee

Ethnobotany and pharmacognosy of three Cape herbal plants
H.S. Long, B.-E. Van Wyk, P.M. Tilney

Antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity of three flavonoids from Athrixia phylicoides ethanol extract
E.J. Mavundza, T.E. Tshikalange, N. Lall, F.N. Mudau, A.A. Hussein

Arabidopsis thaliana knockout mutants lacking fructose 2,6-bisphosphate have decreased growth rates under fluctuating environmental conditions
A.J. McCormick, N.J. Kruger

Sulphur dioxide fumigation leads to increases in antioxidant enzymes and changes in the photosynthetic capability of canola plants (Brassica napus L.)
M.M. Minnaar, J.M. Berner, G.H.J. Krüger

Are fleshy fruits of alien shrubs a preferred food resource for avian frugivores in the Cape Floristic Region?
T.M. Mokotjomela, C.F. Musil, K.J. Esler

Taxonomic studies on the genus Dolichos (Phaseoleae, Fabaceae) in South Africa
A.N. Moteetee, B.-E. Van Wyk

Antimicrobial and phytochemical evaluation of twelve medicinal plants used by the Venda People
R.B. Mulaudzi, M.G. Kulkarni, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Micropropagation of Tulbaghia species
V.N.P. Ngunge, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Micropropagation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) in vitro: A comparison between semi-solid and liquid RITA® temporary immersion culture systems with respect to plant production and genotypic and phenotypic fidelity
P.D. Nkwanyana, S.J. Snyman, M.P. Watt

Influence of plant-derived protease inhibitors on the expression of the VP1 antigen from foot-and-mouth disease virus in tobacco
P. Pillay, J. Vorster, K.J. Kunert, U. Schluter

Nitrogen fertiliser requirements of medicinal plants
G. Prinsloo, J.C. Viljoen, C.P. du Plooy

The genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) in southern Africa
E. Retief, T.T. Masupa

DNA fingerprinting of Plectranthus plants for protection of cultivar registration
L.J. Rice, G.D. Ascough, J.F. Finnie, J. Van Staden

Evaluating the functional status of a rehabilitated gold tailings storage facility—A case study in the Witwatersrand
A.S. Rossouw, H.J. Annegarn, I.M. Weiersbye, D.G. Furniss

Identifying threatened terrestrial ecosystems in South Africa
M. Rouget, T. Smith, A. Driver

South African native trees increasingly threatened by diseases
J. Roux, S. Van der Merwe, E. Malan, M.W. Van Rooyen, M.J. Wingfield

Comparison of secondary metabolite content and antimicrobial activity of four Hypoxis species used in traditional medicine
N.R. Sathekge, Q. Kritzinger, G. Prinsloo

Protective effect of the anti-ozonant, ethylenediurea (EDU), on development and photosynthesis of Glycine max under ambient and elevated ozone levels in an OTC system
C.C.W. Scheepers, J.M. Berner, G.H.J. Krüger

Morphological and anatomical adaptations of Boerhavia L. and Commicarpus Standl. to survive in arid environments of Namibia
M. Struwig, A. Jordaan, S.J. Siebert, L.R. Tiedt

Species with potential for Industrial Crops in South Africa
K.M. Swanepoel, W.G. Alberts

The value of anatomy in pharmacognosy and forensic studies
P.M. Tilney, B.-E. Van Wyk

Consideration of factors associated with Euphorbia ingens decline in the Limpopo Province of South Africa
J.A. Van der Linde, D. Six, M.J. Wingfield, J. Roux

The role of cytokinins in seed germination
J. Van Staden, W.A. Stirk, O. Novák, M. Strnad

Freshwater algae (excluding diatoms) of the Sub-Antarctic Marion Island
W. Van Staden, S. Janse Van Vuuren, V. Smith, L. Van Rensburg

A review of ethnobotanical studies in the Cape region of South Africa
B.-E. Van Wyk

Interaction of cysteine protease inhibitor mutants with cysteine proteases
S.G. Van Wyk, K.J. Kunert, B.J. Vorster, U. Schluter

Modeling plant cystatins for targeted activity in a multi-trophic context
B.J. Vorster, Ö. Tastan Bishop, K.J. Kunert, D. Michaud

The evaluation of the effect of seed coating on the germination of three perennial grass seed types in different growth mediums
M. Westcott, K. Kellner, J.M. Berner

Ethnobotanical survey of plants used for the treatment of constipation within Nkonkobe Municipality of South Africa
O.A. Wintola, A.J. Afolayan

Propagation and growth of Boweia volubilis from bulbs
A.M. Zobolo

Plant regeneration from seed-derived callus of Arctotis arctotoides (L.F.) O. Hoffm.: A medicinal herb of the family Asteraceae
A.J. Afolayan, P.O. Adebola

Classification of a grassland community along the floodplain of Nylsvlei Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, RSA
F.P. Begwa, M.P. Tshisikhawe, M.H. Ligavha-Mbelengwa

When botany blooms, biodiversity benefits: Celebrating botany during the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity
C.L. Bredenkamp, P. Gozo, E.T. Rampho

Evaluation of the ribosomal RNA intergenic spacer region as a diagnostic marker for Fusarium circinatum
L.-D. de Wet, M.J. Wingfield, B.D. Wingfield, E.T. Steenkamp

The establishment of in vitro screening methods for evaluating sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) susceptibility to Ustilago scitaminea H. & P. Sydow and Eldana saccharina Walker
N. Devnarain, S.J. Snyman, C. Hunter, S.A. McFarlane, R.S. Rutherford

Comparing urban areas: Quantifying urbanisation using a gradient approach
M.J. du Toit, S.S. Cilliers, T.C. de Klerk

DNA profiling of Persea americana using AFLP markers
B.J. Farrow, G. Fourie, N. Van den Berg

Isolation and identification of endophytes from avocado roots
J.D. Hakizimana, M. Gryzenhout, T.A. Coutinho, N. Van den Berg

Emerging invasive alien plant survey for prioritisation in Gauteng protected areas, South Africa
T.P. Jaca, M.A. Kganye, L. Venter

Antifungal activity of Gardenia brighamii leaf extracts
L. Kafua, Q. Kritzinger, A.A. Hussein

Identification and prioritising invasive alien plants hot spot areas in Gauteng
M.A. Kganye, T.P. Jaca, L. Venter

Floristic diversity and phytogeography of the proposed Heritage Park in North-West Province, South Africa
S. Kurzweg, S.J. Siebert, S.S. Cilliers, K. Kellner

Plant communities of the area leased for mining purposes by Impala Platinum, Rustenburg
A.J.H. Lamprecht, S.S. Cilliers, A.R. Götze

Plant diversity in urban domestic gardens along a socioeconomic gradient in the Tlokwe Municipal area, North-West Province
C.S. Lubbe, S.J. Siebert, S.S. Cilliers

A critical assessment of plant resource utilisation and park expansion in North-West
M.M. Magodielo, S.J. Siebert, S.S. Cilliers, F.P. Retief

Sequencing the avocado transcriptome
W. Mahomed, A.A. Myburg, N. Van den Berg

Tree layer species composition of the Nylsvley Nature Reserve woodland community in Limpopo Province, South Africa
S.P. Mashile, M.P. Tshisikhawe, M.H. Ligavha-Mbelengwa

Elucidation of defence responses induced by aphid saliva
L. Mohase, B.M. Taiwe

A comparative floristic analysis of peri-urban and rural homegardens in North-West, South Africa
L.Y. Molebatsi, S.J. Siebert, S.S. Cilliers, M. Struwig, A. Kruger

Establishment of Artemisia sp. plant cell suspension cultures
M.E. Nemutanzhela, B.G. Crampton, D. Mancama

A micropropagation protocol for Siphonochilus aethiopicus, an endangered South African medicinal plant
G.L. Ngwenya, N. Moodley, M.E. Nemutanzhela, B.G. Crampton

Efficacy of selected plant extracts against fungal pathogens of onion
H.B. Papenfus, Q. Kritzinger

Creating markets for ecosystem services
M. Rouget, J. Blignaut, B. Egoh

Diverse communities of the Botryosphaeriaceae infect native trees in Southern Africa
B. Slippers, J. Roux, D. Begoude, J. Mehl, J.A. Van der Linde, D. Pavlic, F. Van der Walt, H. Maleme, B. Hinze, G. Marais, B.D. Wingfield, M.J. Wingfield

Anthocarp structure as a diagnostic character for Boerhavia L. and Commicarpus Standl. species in southern Africa
M. Struwig, S.J. Siebert, A. Jordaan, P.M. Burgoyne

Seed bank status and dynamics of Acacia saligna at two sites in the Western Cape, South Africa
M. Strydom, K.J. Esler, A.R. Wood

Impacts of ploughing and introduction of commercial fynbos species on the diversity of sandstone fynbos on the Agulhas Plain, South Africa
M. Treurnicht, K.J. Esler, M. Gaertner

The effect of water stress on the concentration of artemisinin and other metabolites in Artemisia annua L.
J.M. Van der Hout, J.J.M. Meyer

Algal diversity on the rock-faces of the Golden Gate National Park
A. Venter, A.A. Levanets, J.C. Taylor

Erratum to “Flower colours and pigments in Disa hybrid (Orchidaceae)” [South African Journal of Botany 2010, 76:49–53]
F. Tatsuzawa, K. Ichihara, K. Shinoda, K. Miyoshi

Corrigendum to “The importance of flower visitors not predicted by floral syndromes”: [South African Journal of Botany. 2009, 75:660–667]
D. Geelhand de Merxem, B. Borremans, M.L. de Jäger, T. Johnson, M. Jooste, P. Ros, R.D. Zenni, A.G. Ellis, B. Anderson


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