
wtorek, 12 października 2010

The Journal of the Mammillaria Society - 50 (1), 2010

Contents [Volume 50, Number 1, 2010]:


50th Anniversary Annual General Meeting 2010

Variability in Mammillaria
Roy Mottram

Variability in Mammillaria dioica (Brandegee)
Andre van Zuijlen

The 2009 Seed Distribution Progress to date.

Journal of the Mammillaria Society 49, 3, p 73, 2009 - Statement
Emiliano Sánchez Martinez.

Oxford Branch Show

Summary of the contents of Mammillaria, Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises für Mammillarienfreunde, Vol. 33, 2009, issue 3, p. 113 - 168
Wolter ten Hoeve

Additional Seed Distribution and new Mammillaria sales website
Mark Masterson

C. Marsden's Book on Mammillaria
Barry Phipps

M. guerreronis Lau 1096 ex W.Greenaway
Mark Masterson

Back issues on CD

M. zublerae
Mark Masterson

Winterbourne Botanic Garden, directions


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