
sobota, 23 lutego 2019

Ther influence of biostimulants on the ...


Małgorzata Głosek-Sobieraj, Bożena Cwalina-Ambroziak, Jadwiga Wierzbowska, Agnieszka Waśkiewicz

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum: Hortorum Cultus (Ogrodnictwo), 17(6) 2018, 37–48

The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  determine  the  influence  of  biostimulants  on  the  content  of  selected microelements  in  the  skin  and  flesh  of  potato  tubers.  Five  potato  cultivars  were  grown:  Irga,  Satina  (with cream-and  yellow-colored  flesh),  Valfi,  Blaue  St.  Galler  (with  purple-colored  flesh)  and  Highland Burgundy Red -HB Red (with red-colored flesh). Potatoes were treated with thefollowing biostimulants: Asahi  SL,  Bio-Algeen  S  90,  Kelpak  SL  and  Trifender  WP.Control  plants  were  not  treated  with biostimulants. Samples of potato tubers were analyzed immediately after the harvest and after 5 months of storage (4°C).The highest content of micronutrients in the skin and flesh of potato tubers was determined at harvest in the driest 2015 year. In all years of the experiment, micronutrient concentrations were lower in the flesh than in the skin of potato tubers, and the greatest differences were noted in the content of Fe. The concentrations of Zn, Mn and Fe in the skin and flesh of potato tubers increased as a response to the Bio-Algeen S 90 biostimulant, and the content of Fe was also higher in the skin of potatoes treated with Kelpak SL. In general, the skin and flesh of potatoes cvs. Valfi, Blaue St. Galler and HB Red were more abundant in microelements than cvs. Irga and Satina potatoes. Content of Zn and Mn increased and the content of Cu and  Fe  decreased  (excluding  the  first  year  ofthe  study)  in  the  skin  and  flesh  of  stored  potatoes.  The  skin and  flesh  of  stored  potato  tubers  treated  with  biostimulants  were  characterized  by  Mn  concentrations  that were higher or similar to those recorded in the control treatment (excluding the skin of potatoes treated with Bio-Algeen S 90) and a smaller decrease in Cu content.

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