
niedziela, 20 stycznia 2019

Lesliegraecum elzbietae Mytnik, Szlach. & Olędrz.

Lesliegraecum elzbietae, a new small‐flowered angraecoid orchid species (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae) from Madagascar

Joanna Mytnik, Dariusz L. Szlachetko, Natalia Olędrzyńska
Nordic Journal of Botany 36 (7), 2018

A new species from Madagascar, Lesliegraecum elzbietae Mytnik, Szlach. & Olędrz. (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae) is described and illustrated. The morphological description is complemented with data of ecology and distribution of the species. The taxonomic affinities of the new taxon are discussed and key to determination of all Lesliegraecum representatives is provided.

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