
piątek, 8 lutego 2013

Grana - 51 (2), 2012


Special Issue: In memoriam, John Rowley (1926–2010)

In memoriam

John Rowley (1926–2010), palynologist extraordinaire
Stephen Blackmoore & John J. Skvarla

Development of megaspores and microspores in Isoetes japonica A. Br. (Lycopodiophyta: Isoetaceae)
Stephen Blackmore, Masamichi Takahashi, Koichi Uehara & Alexandra H. Wortley

Microspore wall organisation and ultrastructure in two species of Selaginella (Lycophyta) producing permanent tetrads
Marta A. Morbelli & Bernard Lugardon

Tapetum structure and ontogeny in Victoria (Nymphaeaceae)
Mackenzie L. Taylor, Patrick J. Hudson, Jolene M. Rigg, Julie N. Strandquist, Julie Schwartz Green, Tara C. Thiemann & Jeffrey M. Osborn

Sporoderm development and substructure in Magnolia sieboldii and other Magnoliaceae: an interpretation
Nina Gabarayeva & Valentina Grigorjeva

The unique design of pollen tetrads in Dionaea and Drosera
Heidemarie Halbritter, Michael Hesse & Martina Weber

Recent advances in Compositae (Asteraceae) palynology, with emphasis on previously unstudied and unplaced taxa
Alexandra H. Wortley, Stephen Blackmore, William F. Chissoe & John J. Skvarla

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