
niedziela, 17 lutego 2013

Genome Biology and Evolution - 4 (7), 2012


Research Articles

        Lucia Carbone, R. Alan Harris, Alan R. Mootnick, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, David I. K. Martin, Mariano Rocchi, Oronzo Capozzi, Nicoletta Archidiacono, Miriam K. Konkel, Jerilyn A. Walker, Mark A. Batzer, and Pieter J. de Jong
    Centromere Remodeling in Hoolock leuconedys (Hylobatidae) by a New Transposable Element Unique to the Gibbons
        Rodger B. Voelker, Steffen Erkelenz, Vinicio Reynoso, Heiner Schaal, and J. Andrew Berglund
    Frequent Gain and Loss of Intronic Splicing Regulatory Elements during the Evolution of Vertebrates

        Eugénie Pessia, Alexandra Popa, Sylvain Mousset, Clément Rezvoy, Laurent Duret, and Gabriel A. B. Marais
    Evidence for Widespread GC-biased Gene Conversion in Eukaryotes
        Philippe Deschamps and David Moreira
    Reevaluating the Green Contribution to Diatom Genomes

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