
piątek, 28 grudnia 2012

Crop & Pasture Science - 63 (7), 2012


‘Haying-off' in wheat is predicted to increase under a future climate in south-eastern Australia

J. G. Nuttall, G. J. O'Leary, N. Khimashia, S. Asseng, G. Fitzgerald and R. Norton

Pyramiding adult-plant powdery mildew resistance QTLs in bread wheat

B. Bai, Z. H. He, M. A. Asad, C. X. Lan, Y. Zhang, X. C. Xia, J. Yan, X. M. Chen and C. S. Wang

Large-scale density-based screening for pea weevil resistance in advanced backcross lines derived from cultivated field pea (Pisum sativum) and Pisum fulvum

N. Aryamanesh, O. Byrne, D. C. Hardie, T. Khan, K. H. M. Siddique and G. Yan

Expression and inheritance of perenniality and other qualitative traits in hybrids between mungbean cultivars and Australian wild accessions

Thuan D. Nguyen, R. J. Lawn and L. M. Bielig

Growth, recovery, and yield of dual-purpose canola (Brassica napus) in the medium-rainfall zone of south-eastern Australia

Jeffrey I. McCormick, Jim M. Virgona and John A. Kirkegaard

Agronomic and economic evaluation of irrigation strategies on cotton lint yield in Australia

Davide Cammarano, José Payero, Bruno Basso, Paul Wilkens and Peter Grace

Phenotypic variation for productivity and drought tolerance is widespread in germplasm collections of Australian Cullen species

R. G. Bennett, T. D. Colmer, D. Real, M. Renton and M. H. Ryan

Amelioration of root disease of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) by mineral nutrients

Tiernan A. O'Rourke, Megan H. Ryan, Tim T. Scanlon, Krishnapillai Sivasithamparam and Martin J. Barbetti

Assessment of an indirect technique to predict hay and silage storage dry matter losses through Monte Carlo simulation

G. Jaurena


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