
środa, 19 grudnia 2012

Conservation Biology - 26 (6), 2012


    What Every Conservation Biologist Should Know about Human Population (pages 953–955)

    T. D. Allendorf and K. Allendorf

    Ad Hoc Handling Editors (page 956)

    Use of Fully Biodegradable Panels to Reduce Derelict Pot Threats to Marine Fauna (pages 957–966)

    D.M. Bilkovic, K.J. Havens, D.M. Stanhope and K.T. Angstadt

    Common and Conflicting Interests in the Engagements between Conservation Organizations and Corporations (pages 967–977)

    John G. Robinson

    Unexplored Diversity and Conservation Potential of Neotropical Hot Caves (pages 978–982)

    Richard J. Ladle, Joao V. L. Firmino, Ana C. M. Malhado and Armando Rodríguez-Durán

    Quantifying Loss of Acoustic Communication Space for Right Whales in and around a U.S. National Marine Sanctuary (pages 983–994)

    Leila T. Hatch, Christopher W. Clark, Sofie M. Van Parijs, Adam S. Frankel and Dimitri W. Ponirakis

    Effect of Macroalgal Expansion and Marine Protected Areas on Coral Recovery Following a Climatic Disturbance (pages 995–1004)

    Shaun K. Wilson, Nicholas A. J. Graham, Rebecca Fisher, Jan Robinson, Kirsty Nash, Karen Chong-Seng, Nicholas V. C. Polunin, Riaz Aumeeruddy and Rodney Quatre

    Territorial User Rights for Fisheries as Ancillary Instruments for Marine Coastal Conservation in Chile (pages 1005–1015)

    Stefan Gelcich, Miriam Fernández, Natalio Godoy, Antonio Canepa, Luis Prado and Juan Carlos Castilla

    Setting Realistic Recovery Targets for Two Interacting Endangered Species, Sea Otter and Northern Abalone (pages 1016–1025)

    Iadine Chades, Janelle M. R. Curtis and Tara G. Martin

    Effects of Private-Land Use, Livestock Management, and Human Tolerance on Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance of Large African Mammals (pages 1026–1039)

    Margaret F. Kinnaird and Timothy G. O'brien

    Trade-Offs between Cattle Production and Bird Conservation in an Agricultural Frontier of the Gran Chaco of Argentina (pages 1040–1051)

    Matias E. Mastrangelo and Michael C. Gavin

    Drivers of Change in Hunter Offtake and Hunting Strategies in Sendje, Equatorial Guinea (pages 1052–1060)

    David J. C. Gill, John E. Fa, J. Marcus Rowcliffe and Noëlle F. Kümpel

    Potential Effects of Ongoing and Proposed Hydropower Development on Terrestrial Biological Diversity in the Indian Himalaya (pages 1061–1071)

    Maharaj K. Pandit and R. Edward Grumbine

    Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Human Disturbance on Seed Dispersal by Animals (pages 1072–1081)

    Julia S. Markl, Matthias Schleuning, Pierre Michel Forget, Pedro Jordano, Joanna E. Lambert, Anna Traveset, S. Joseph Wright and Katrin Böhning-Gaese

    Effects of Widespread Drought-Induced Aspen Mortality on Understory Plants (pages 1082–1090)

    William R. L. Anderegg, Leander D. L. Anderegg, Clare Sherman and Daniel S. Karp

    A Lost Link between a Flightless Parrot and a Parasitic Plant and the Potential Role of Coprolites in Conservation Paleobiology (pages 1091–1099)

    Jamie R. Wood, Janet M. Wilmshurst, Trevor H. Worthy, Avi S. Holzapfel and Alan Cooper

    Associations of Forest Cover, Fragment Area, and Connectivity with Neotropical Understory Bird Species Richness and Abundance (pages 1100–1111)

    Alexandre Camargo Martensen, Milton Cezar Ribeiro, Cristina Banks-Leite, Paulo Inácio Prado and Jean Paul Metzger

    Relations between Conspecific Density and Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Tadpole Size in the Striped Marsh Frog (pages 1112–1120)

    Toby Mitchell, Lesley A. Alton, Craig R. White and Craig E. Franklin

    Heterozygosity-Fitness Correlations and Inbreeding Depression in Two Critically Endangered Mammals (pages 1121–1129)

    Maria Jose Ruiz-López, Natalia Ganan, José Antonio Godoy, Ana Del Olmo, Julian Garde, Gerardo Espeso, Astrid Vargas, Fernando Martinez, Eduardo R. S. Roldán and Montserrat Gomendio

    Phenotypic Effects of Cattle Mitochondrial DNA in American Bison (pages 1130–1136)

    James N. Derr, Philip W. Hedrick, Natalie D. Halbert, Louis Plough, Lauren K. Dobson, Julie King, Calvin Duncan, David L. Hunter, Noah D. Cohen and Dennis Hedgecock

    Decision-Making Triggers in Adaptive Management (pages 1137–1144)

    Martin A. Nie and Courtney A. Schultz

    Predicting Interactions among Fishing, Ocean Warming, and Ocean Acidification in a Marine System with Whole-Ecosystem Models (pages 1145–1152)

    Gary P. Griffith, Elizabeth A. Fulton, Rebecca Gorton and Anthony J. Richardson

    Revisiting the Potential Conservation Value of Non-Native Species (pages 1153–1155)

    Jean Ricardo Simoes Vitule, Carolina A. Freire, Diego P. Vazquez, Martin A. Nunez and Daniel Simberloff

    Toward a More Balanced View of Non-Native Species (pages 1156–1158)

    Martin A. Schlaepfer, Dov F. Sax and Julian D. Olden

    Mysteries of the Sea Continue to Amaze (pages 1159–1160)

    Natalie C. Ban

    Noted with Interest (pages 1160–1161)


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