
czwartek, 1 listopada 2012

Botany - 90 (5-6), 2012

Botany - 90 (5), 2012


Tribute / Hommage

Sam Vander Kloet (1942-2011)

Beyond botany to genetic resource preservation: the S.P. Vander Kloet Vaccinium collections
 Hummer, Kim E.; Jamieson, Andrew R.; Newell, Ruth E.

Vaccinium species of section Hemimyrtillus: their value to cultivated blueberry and approaches to utilization
 Ehlenfeldt, M.K.; Ballington, J.R.

Comparison of berry composition of selected Vaccinium species (Ericaceae) with Gaylussacia dumosa
 Forney, Charles F.; Kalt, Wilhelmina; Vander Kloet, Sam P.

Floral volatile composition of four species of Vaccinium
 Forney, Charles F.; Javorek, Steven K.; Jordan, Michael A.; Vander Kloet, Sam P.

Effects of bird ingestion on seed germination of Vaccinium cylindraceum (Ericaceae), an endemic species of the Azores archipelago
 Pereira, M.J.; Mourato, C.

The regeneration ecology of Empetrum nigrum, the black crowberry, on coastal heathland in Nova Scotia
 Hill, Nicholas M.; Vander Kloet, Sam P.; Garbary, David J.

Evidence of functional gender polymorphisms in a population of the hermaphroditic lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium)
 Bell, Daniel J.; Drummond, Frank A.; Rowland, Lisa J.

Antiglycation activity of Vaccinium spp. (Ericaceae) from the Sam Vander Kloet collection for the treatment of type II diabetes
 Ferrier, Jonathan; Djeffal, Sabrina; Morgan, Holly Porter; Vander Kloet, Sam P.; Redžić, Sulejman; Cuerrier, Alain; Balick, Michael J.; Arnason, John T.


Botany - 90 (6), 2012


Most highly cited journal article 2010

Are the Great Plains wildrye (Elymus canadensis) and the Siberian wildrye (Elymus sibiricus) conspecific? A study based on the nuclear 5S rDNA sequences
 Baum, Bernard R.; Edwards, Tara; Ponomareva, Ekaterina; Johnson, Douglas A.

Symbiotic Frankia bacteria in Alnus forests in Mexico and the United States of America: is geographic location a good predictor of assemblage structure?
 Higgins, Logan Massie; Kennedy, Peter Gault

Cold acclimation inhibits CO2-dependent stimulation of photosynthesis in spring wheat and spring rye
 Dahal, Keshav; Kane, Khalil; Sarhan, Fathey; Grodzinski, Bernard; Hüner, Norman P.A.

New alpine plant records for British Columbia and a previously unrecognized biogeographical element in western North America
 Marr, Kendrick L.; Hebda, Richard J.; MacKenzie, William H.

Hypholoma lateritium isolated from coarse woody debris, the forest floor, and mineral soil in a deciduous forest in New Hampshire
 Thompson, Therese A.; Thorn, R. Greg; Smith, Kevin T.

Comparison of Puccinia acroptili from Eurasia and the USA
 Bruckart, W.L.; Eskandari, F.M.; Berner, D.K.; Aime, M.C.

Phylogeographic patterns in Packera subnuda reveal an east-west divergence along the Continental Divide and reduced haplotype diversity in northern populations
 Burke, J.L.; Golden, J.L.; Dobing, S.; Bain, J.F.

Effects of pollen availability on pollen immigration and pollen donor diversity in riparian dioecious trees (Salix arbutifolia)
 Hoshikawa, Takeshi; Nagamitsu, Teruyoshi; Tomaru, Nobuhiro

Systematics of disjunct northeastern Asian and northern North American Allium (Amaryllidaceae)
 Choi, Hyeok Jae; Giussani, Liliana M.; Jang, Chang Gee; Oh, Byoung Un; Cota-Sánchez, J. Hugo

Boreal forests of eastern Canada revisited: old growth, nonfire disturbances, forest succession, and biodiversity
 Bergeron, Yves; Fenton, Nicole J.


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