
środa, 24 października 2012

Plant Diversity and Evolution - 129 (3-4), 2011


Flora, Vegetation and Landscape of Pomerania

The situation of Trollius europaeus L. (Ranunculaceae) in the north-east of Central Europe — history, current changes and conservation

Lemke, Tristan

The impact of climate conditions on the width of annual increments at the maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba L.) in urban conditions of Szczecin (NW Poland)

Cedro, Anna; Nowak, Grzegorz; Zieliński, Jarosław

Distribution and ecology of the lichen Thelomma ocellatum (Caliciaceae) in Pomerania and the world

Schiefelbein, Ulf

Habitats of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in Pomerania — site conditions, flora, and vegetation characteristics

Tanneberger, Franziska; Bellebaum, Jochen; Dylawerski, Marek; Fartmann, Thomas; Jurzyk-Nordlöw, Sylwia; Koska, Ingo; Tegetmeyer, Cosima; Wojciechowska, Magdalena

Genetic resources of cultivated plants in northwest Poland (Polish Pomerania)

Dostatny, Denise F.; Dziubiak, Marta

Distribution history of xerothermic plant species under increasing anthropopression in Polish Pomerania

Prajs, Bozena

Spatial and seasonal variations of airborne pollen concentrations in four city districts of Szczecin, NW Poland

Puc, Małgorzata

Hypocreopsis lichenoides (Fungi, Ascomycetes) in Poland

Stasiska, Małgorzata

Juncetum gerardi Nordh. 1923 in the Oder River estuary (NW Poland)

Startek, Bartosz; Ciaciura, Marian

Distribution changes of endangered peatland vascular plants in Western Pomerania (Poland)

Sotek, Zofia

Unexpected vegetation changes in protected wetlands: four examples from Pomerania (N Poland)

Herbichowa, Maria; Herbich, Jacek


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