
środa, 10 października 2012

Botanical Studies - 53 (2), 2012

Akula NOOKARAJU, Shashank K. PANDEY, Chandrama P. UPADHYAYA, Jeon Jae HEUNG, Hyun S. KIM, Se Chul CHUN, Doo Hwan KIM, and Se Won PARK
Role of Ca2+-mediated signaling in potato tuberization: An overview
Kuo-Hsiang Hung, Chi-Yung Lin, Chi-Chun Huang, Chi-Chuan Hwang , Tsai-Wen Hsu, Yau-Lun Kuo, Wei-Kuang Wang, Cheng-Yu Hung, and Tzen-Yuh Chiang
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Pinus massoniana (Pinaceae)
Shu-Chin LO, Pei-En CHUNG, and Co-Shine WANG
Molecular cloning and functional analysis of bergaptol-O-methyltransferase from Angelica dahurica (Bai Zhi) and using it to efficiently produce bergapten in E. coli
Yeh-Lin LU, Yuh-Hwa LIU, Jong-Ho ChYUAN, Kur-Ta CHENG, Wen-Li LIANG, and Wen-Chi HOU
Antioxidant activities of different wild bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L. var. abbreviata Seringe) cultivars
Guan-Jhong HUANG, Ying-Chih LIN, Jeng-Shyan DENG, Hsien-Jung CHEN, Jung-Chun LIAO, Shyh-Shyun HUANG, Shu-Jen CHANG, and Yaw-Huei LIN
A novel trypsin inhibitor from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) leaves and its synthesized peptides with antioxidant activities in vitro
Hsiu-An CHU, Ing-Feng CHANG, Chin-Hui SHEN, Yu-Ting CHEN, Hsing-Ting WANG, Li-Chun HUANG, and Kai-Wun YEH
Photosynthetic properties and photosystem stoichiometry of in vitro-grown juvenile, adult, and rejuvenated Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.
Chun-Hsin LIU, Yun-Yang CHAO, and Ching Huei KAO
Abscisic acid is an inducer of hydrogen peroxide production in leaves of rice seedlings grown under potassium deficiency
Huey-Jen SU, Mei-Ju LIN, Yi-Jung TSOU, and Wen-Hsiung KO
Pseudallin, a new antibiotic produced by the human pathogenic fungus Pseudallescheria boydii, with ecological significance
Chiou-Rong SHEUE, Ying-Ju CHEN, and Yuen-Po YANG
Stipules and colleters of the mangrove Rhizophoraceae: morphology, structure and comparative significance
Erh-Yang LU, Chung-Han TSAI, Jia-Jun LIN, and Shu-Han YANG
Leaf emergence, shedding, and lifespan of dominant hardwood species in Chitou, central Taiwan
Nian WANG, Frédéric M.B. JACQUES, Richard I. MILNE, Chang-Qin ZHANG, and Jun-Bo YANG
DNA barcoding of Nyssaceae (Cornales) and taxonomic issues
Mong-Huai SU, Chang-Fu HSIEH, Jenn-Che WANG, and Chih-Hua TSOU
A taxonomic study of Camellia brevistyla and C. tenuiflora (Theaceae) based on phenetic analyses
Ching-I PENG, Shin-Ming KU, Yoshiko KONO, and Yan LIU
Begonia chongzuoensis (sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae), a new calciphile from Guangxi, China
Instructions to Authors

1 komentarz:

  1. Can I use some of the content from your site on mine? I will make sure to link back to it :)
