
sobota, 29 września 2012

BMC Plant Biology - 12 (May), 2012


Balancing of sulfur storage in maize seed

Yongrui Wu, Wenqin Wang, Joachim Messing

Intra-seasonal dynamics in metabolic processes of 13C/12C and 18O/16O in components of Scots pine twigs from southern Siberia interpreted with a conceptual framework based on the Carbon Metabolism Oscillatory Model

Victor Voronin, Alexander A. Ivlev, Vladimir Oskolkov, Tatjana Boettger

Inhibition of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis increases cell wall digestibility, protoplast isolation, and facilitates sustained cell division in American elm (Ulmus americana)

Andrew M.P. Jones, Abhishek Chattopadhyay, Mukund Shukla, Jerzy Zon, Praveen K. Saxena

Effects of yeast trehalose-6-phosphate synthase 1 on gene expression and carbohydrate contents of potato leaves under drought stress conditions

Mihály Kondrák, Ferenc Marincs, Ferenc Antal, Zsófia Juhász, Zsofia Banfalvi

Novel variants of HMW glutenin subunits from Aegilops section Sitopsis species in relation to evolution and wheat breeding

Qian-Tao Jiang, Jian Ma, Yu-Ming Wei, Ya-Xi Liu, Xiu-Jin Lan, Shou-Fen Dai, Zhen-Xiang Lu, Shan Zhao, Quan-Zhi Zhao, You-Liang Zheng

Correlation between spatial (3D) structure of pea and bean thylakoid membranes and arrangement of chlorophyll-protein complexes

Izabela Rumak, Radoslaw Mazur, Katarzyna Gieczewska, Joanna Kozioł-Lipińska (Joanna Koziol-Lipinska), Borys Kierdaszuk, Wojtek P. Michalski, Brian J. Shiell, Jan Henk Venema, Wim J. Vredenberg, Agnieszka Mostowska, Maciej Garstka

Genetic basis of unstable expression of high gamma-tocopherol content in sunflower seeds

Maria J. Garcia-Moreno, Jose M. Fernandez-Martinez, Leonardo Velasco, Begona Perez-Vich

Quantitative analysis of organelle distribution and dynamics in Physcomitrella patens protonemal cells

Fabienne Furt, Kyle Lemoi, Erkan Tüzel, Luis Vidali

Development of high amylose wheat through TILLING

Ann J. Slade, Cate McGuire, Dayna Loeffler, Jessica Mullenberg, Wayne Skinner, Gia Fazio, Aaron Holm, Kali M. Brandt, Michael N. Steine, John F. Goodstal, Vic C. Knauf

miRFANs: an integrated database for Arabidopsis thaliana microRNA function annotations

Hui Liu, Ting Jin, Ruiqi Liao, Linxia Wan, Bin Xu, Shuigeng Zhou, Jihong Guan

A generalized deceptive pollination system of Doritis pulcherrima (Aeridinae: Orchidaceae) with non-reconfigured pollinaria

Jin Xiaohua, Li Dezhu, Ren Zongxin, Xiang Xiaoguo

Nitrate transport in cucumber leaves is an inducible process involving an increase in plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity and abundance

Miroslav Nikolic, Stefano Cesco, Rossella Monte, Nicola Tomasi, Stefano Gottardi, Anita Zamboni, Roberto Pinton, Zeno Varanini

Comparative analyses reveal potential uses of Brachypodium distachyon as a model for cold stress responses in temperate grasses

Chuan Li, Heidi Rudi, Eric J. Stockinger, Hongmei Cheng, Moju Cao, Samuel E. Fox, Todd C. Mockler, Bjorge Westereng, Siri Fjellheim, Odd Arne Rognli, Simen R. Sandve

Chromosome arm-specific BAC end sequences permit comparative analysis of homoeologous chromosomes and genomes of polyploid wheat

Sunish K. Sehgal, Wanlong Li, Pablo D. Rabinowicz, Agnes Chan, Hana Šimková, Jaroslav Doležel, Bikram S. Gill

A novel mesh processing based technique for 3D plant analysis

Anthony Paproki, Xavier Sirault, Scott Berry, Robert Furbank, Jurgen Fripp

The response and recovery of the Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome to phosphate starvation

Jongchan Woo, Cameron R. MacPherson, Jun Liu, Huan Wang, Takatoshi Kiba, Matthew Hannah, Xiu-Jie Wang, Vladimir B. Bajic, Nam-Hai Chua

De novo assembly of the carrot mitochondrial genome using next generation sequencing of whole genomic DNA provides first evidence of DNA transfer into an angiosperm plastid genome

Massimo Iorizzo, Douglas Senalik, Marek Szklarczyk, Dariusz Grzebelus, David Spooner, Philipp Simon

RNAi-mediated silencing of the HD-Zip gene HD20 in Nicotiana attenuata affects benzyl acetone emission from corollas via ABA levels and the expression of metabolic genes

Delfina A. Ré, Brenda Raud, Raquel L. Chan, Ian T. Baldwin, Gustavo Bonaventure

The mechanism of pollination drop withdrawal in Ginkgo biloba L.

Biao Jin, Lei Zhang, Yan Lu, Di Wang, Xiao X Jiang, Min Zhang, Li Wang

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  1. LdSPhGIS [url=]factor quema grasa [/url]
