
piątek, 21 września 2012

Biotropica - 44 (5), 2012


    Dipterocarp Biology as a Window to the Understanding of Tropical Forest Structure: Where are we Looking Now? (pages 575–576)

    Peter Ashton and Chris J. Kettle

    Demographic History of Shorea curtisii (Dipterocarpaceae) Inferred from Chloroplast DNA Sequence Variations (pages 577–585)

    Koichi Kamiya, Satoshi Nanami, Tanaka Kenzo, Reiji Yoneda, Bibian Diway, Lucy Chong, Mohamad A. Azani, Nik M. Majid, Shawn K. Y. Lum, Khoon-Meng Wong and Ko Harada

    Fine-scale Spatial Genetic Structure of Ten Dipterocarp Tree Species in a Bornean Rain Forest (pages 586–594)

    Tsuyoshi Harata, Satoshi Nanami, Takuo Yamakura, Shuhei Matsuyama, Lucy Chong, Bibian M. Diway, Sylvester Tan and Akira Itoh

    Habitat Associations and Community Structure of Dipterocarps in Response to Environment and Soil Conditions in Brunei Darussalam, Northwest Borneo (pages 595–605)

    Rahayu S. Sukri, Rodzay A. Wahab, Kamariah A. Salim and David F. R. P. Burslem

    The Effect of Habitat Association and Edaphic Conditions on Tree Mortality during El Nino-induced Drought in a Bornean Dipterocarp Forest (pages 606–617)

    Akira Itoh, Satoshi Nanami, Tsuyoshi Harata, Tatsuhiro Ohkubo, Sylvester Tan, Lucy Chong, Stuart J. Davies and Takuo Yamakura

    Continuous and Fluctuating Leaf Phenology of Adults and Seedlings of a Shade-tolerant Emergent Tree, Dipterocarpus sublamellatus, in Malaysia (pages 618–626)

    Noriyuki Osada, Naoko Tokuchi and Hiroshi Takeda

    Light-based Regeneration Niches: Evidence from 21 Dipterocarp Species using Size-specific RGRs (pages 627–636)

    Christopher D. Philipson, Philippe Saner, Toby R. Marthews, Reuben Nilus, Glen Reynolds, Lindsay A. Turnbull and Andy Hector

    Ectomycorrhizal Associations of the Dipterocarpaceae (pages 637–648)

    Francis Q. Brearley

    A Revised Conservation Assessment of Dipterocarps in Sabah (pages 649–657)

    Colin R. Maycock, Chris J. Kettle, Eyen Khoo, Joan T. Pereira, John B. Sugau, Reuben Nilus, Robert C. Ong, Nazahatul A. Amaludin, Mark F. Newman and David F.R.P. Burslem

    New Directions in Dipterocarp Biology and Conservation: A Synthesis (pages 658–660)

    Chris J. Kettle, Colin R. Maycock and David Burslem

    Soil Carbon and Nutrient Changes Associated with Deforestation for Pasture in Southern Costa Rica (pages 661–667)

    Timothy Huth, Stephen Porder, Joaquin Chaves and Jessica H. Whiteside

    Australian Tropical and Subtropical Rain Forest Community Assembly: Phylogeny, Functional Biogeography, and Environmental Gradients (pages 668–679)

    Robert Kooyman, Maurizio Rossetto, Chris Allen and William Cornwell

    Effects of Local Plant Density and Incomplete Dichogamy on the Reproductive Success of the Rare Neotropical Palm Geonoma epetiolata (pages 680–688)

    Silvana Martén-Rodríguez, Mauricio Quesada and Braham Momen

    Mating Behavior Drives Seed Dispersal by the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger (pages 689–698)

    Jordan Karubian, Renata Duraes, Jenny L. Storey and Thomas B. Smith

    Impact of Culm Harvest on Seed Production in a Monocarpic Bamboo (pages 699–704)

    Arun Jyoti Nath, Donald C. Franklin, Michael J. Lawes, Mukta Chandra Das and Ashesh Kumar Das

    The Ranging Costs of a Fallback Food: Liana Consumption Supplements Diet but Increases Foraging Effort in Howler Monkeys (pages 705–714)

    Jacob C. Dunn, Norberto Asensio, Victor Arroyo-Rodríguez, Stefan Schnitzer and Jurgi Cristóbal-Azkarate



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