
wtorek, 18 września 2012

Biotropica - 44 (2), 2012


    The Impact of Cyclone Fanele on a Tropical Dry Forest in Madagascar (pages 135–140)

    Rebecca J. Lewis and Katherine H. Bannar-Martin

    Investment in Fine Roots and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Decrease During Succession in Three Brazilian Ecosystems (pages 141–150)

    Waldemar Zangaro, Ricardo A. Alves, Luiz E. Lescano, Adrielly P. Ansanelo and Marco A. Nogueira

    Patterns and Correlates of Tropical Dry Forest Structure and Composition in a Highly Replicated Chronosequence in Yucatan, Mexico (pages 151–162)

    Juan Manuel Dupuy, José Luis Hernández-Stefanoni, Rodrigo A. Hernández-Juárez, Erika Tetetla-Rangel, Jorge Omar López-Martínez, Eurídice Leyequién-Abarca, Fernando J. Tun-Dzul and Filogonio May-Pat

    Density Effects of a Dominant Understory Herb, Isoglossa woodii (Acanthaceae), on Tree Seedlings of a Subtropical Coastal Dune Forest (pages 163–170)

    Zivanai Tsvuura, Megan E. Griffiths and Michael J. Lawes

    Mistletoes Play Different Roles in a Modular Host–Parasite Network (pages 171–178)

    Julieta Genini, Marina C. Côrtes, Paulo R. Guimaraes Jr and Mauro Galetti

    The Structure of Morphological and Genetic Diversity in Natural Populations of Carica papaya (Caricaceae) in Costa Rica (pages 179–188)

    Jennifer E. Brown, Jenise M. Bauman, Joseph F. Lawrie, Oscar J. Rocha and Richard C. Moore

    Self-thinning and Tree Competition in Savannas (pages 189–196)

    William B. Sea and Niall P. Hanan

    Germination of Epiphytic Bromeliads in Forests and Coffee Plantations: Microclimate and Substrate Effects (pages 197–204)

    Peter Hietz, Manuela Winkler, Susanne Scheffknecht and Karl Hülber

    Fruit Removal and Natural Seed Dispersal of the Brazil Nut Tree (Bertholletia excelsa) in Central Amazonia, Brazil (pages 205–210)

    Joanne M. Tuck Haugaasen, Torbjorn Haugaasen, Carlos A. Peres, Rogerio Gribel and Per Wegge

    Influence of Grazing on Soil Seed Banks Determines the Restoration Potential of Aboveground Vegetation in a Semi-arid Savanna of Ethiopia (pages 211–219)

    Zewdu K. Tessema, Willem F. de Boer, Robert M. T. Baars and Herbert H. T. Prins

    Asian Tapirs Are No Elephants When It Comes To Seed Dispersal (pages 220–227)

    Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, Carl Traeholt, Razak Jaffar, Luis Santamaria and Richard T. Corlett

    Consequences of Fragmentation of Tropical Moist Forest for Birds and Their Role in Predation of Herbivorous Insects (pages 228–236)

    Betsabé Ruiz-Guerra, Katherine Renton and Rodolfo Dirzo

    Increased Productivity and Reduced Seed Predation Favor a Large-seeded Palm in Small Atlantic Forest Fragments (pages 237–245)

    Cecilia S. Andreazzi, Clarissa S. Pimenta, Alexandra S. Pires, Fernando A. S. Fernandez, Luiz G. Oliveira-Santos and Jorge F. S. Menezes

    Plant-Inhabiting Ant Utilizes Chemical Cues for Host Discrimination (pages 246–253)

    Tiffany L. Weir, Scott Newbold, Jorge M. Vivanco, Megan van Haren, Christopher Fritchman, Aaron T. Dossey, Stefan Bartram, Wilhelm Boland, Eric G. Cosio and Waltraud Kofer

    Contrasting Effects of Fire on Arboreal and Ground-Dwelling Ant Communities of a Neotropical Savanna (pages 254–261)

    Tiago L. M. Frizzo, Ricardo I. Campos and Heraldo L. Vasconcelos

    Foraging Behavior and Coexistence of Two Sunbird Species in a Kenyan Woodland (pages 262–269)

    Joseph O. Oyugi, Joel S. Brown and Christopher J. Whelan


American Journal of Botany 99 (2), 2012

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