
piątek, 7 września 2012

Biodiversity Research and Conservation - 23, 2011

Park S. K., Lee D. J., Baek H.-J., Lee J. & Farooq M.
Study of the genetic diversity of Korean, Chinese and Japanese landraces of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) using microsatellites.

Mytnik-Ejsmont J., Szlachetko D. L. & Górniak M.
Chelystachya, a new genus of the subtribe Polystachyinae (Orchidaceae).

Buczkowska K., Sawicki J., Szczecińska M., Rosadziński S., Rabska M. & Bączkiewicz A.
Two morphologically distinct groups of the Calypogeia fissa complex were found in Europe.

Zając A., Tokarska-Guzik B. & Zając M.
The role of rivers and streams in the migration of alien plants into the Polish Carpathians.

Wolanin M. & Woźniak M.
Oenothera oehlkersii Kappus ex Rostański - a new evening-primrose species in Polish flora.

Babczyńska-Sendek B., Kloczkowska A. & Błońska A.
Xerothermic grasslands of Pilica surroundings - diversity, threats and directions of changes.

Gapon S. V.
The classification of synusial epigeic and epiphytic bryophyte communities of forest coenoses of forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.

Wika S. & Barć A.
Long-term changes and maintenance of Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newman population in the Wodąca Valley (the Cracow-Częstochowa Upland).


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