
środa, 4 lipca 2012

Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection - 44 (12), 2011


Mycolytic effect of fluorescent Pseudomonas in biocontrolling of fungal phytopathogenic Curvularia lunata, Fusarium oxysporum, Alternaria padwickii and Rhizoctonia solani
A. Karnwal

Genetic variability in mulberry against Myrothecium leaf spot (Myrothecium roridum) and identification of resistance genotypes
Manas Dev Maji

Taphrina maculans reduces the therapeutic value of turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Sudarshan Maurya, Amitabh Singh, Abhishek Mishra & Udai P. Singh

Defense responses in tomato landrace and wild genotypes to early blight pathogen Alternaria solani infection and accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins
Abida Puthenpeedikal Salim, Krishnaveni Saminaidu, Murugan Marimuthu, Yasodha Perumal, Velazhahan Rethinasamy, Jansi Rani Palanisami & Krishnasamy Vadivel

Elite-II synthetic hexaploid wheats as a potential source of resistance against yellow rust
Muhammad Tariq-Khan & Muhammad Irfan Ul-Haque

The effects of spent mushroom compost and municipal solid waste compost on Phytophthora drechsleri in vivo and in vitro
Z. Goonani, K. Sharifi & H. Riahi

Occurrence and colonization of nematophagous fungi in different substrates, agricultural soils and root galls
Niranjan Kumar, R. K. Singh & K. P. Singh

Isolation and characterization of a potential biocontrol agent Bacillus KM5 from rhizosphere soil of a rice plant
K. Majumdar, M. Razdan, N. Aggarwal, K. K. Murali, R. C. Bhattacharya & P. Dureja

Weed and crop plants as reservoirs of peanut bud necrosis tospovirus and its occurrence in South India
K. Gopal, V. Muniyappa & R. Jagadeeshwar

Pathogenic variability in Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew)
Nachaat Sakr


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