
sobota, 16 czerwca 2012

Applied Vegetation Science - 15 (2), 2012


    Species introduction – a major topic in vegetation restoration (pages 161–165)

    Norbert Hölzel, Elise Buisson and Thierry Dutoit

    Liming induces changes in the macrophyte vegetation of Norwegian softwater lakes by mitigating carbon limitation: results from a field experiment (pages 166–174)

    Esther C.H.E.T. Lucassen, Alfons J.P. Smolders and Jan G.M. Roelofs

    Irrigation, organic fertilization and species successional stage modulate the response of woody seedlings to herbaceous competition in a semi-arid quarry restoration (pages 175–186)

    Santiago Soliveres, Jorge Monerris and Jordi Cortina

    Vegetation recovery of gypsum quarries: short-term sowing response to different soil treatments (pages 187–197)

    Miguel Ballesteros, Eva M. Canadas, Ana Foronda, Emilia Fernández-Ondono, Julio Penas and Juan Lorite

    Sowing of low and high diversity seed mixtures in ecological restoration of surface mined-land (pages 198–207)

    Anita Kirmer, Annett Baasch and Sabine Tischew

    Restoration potential of the persistent soil seed bank in successional calcareous (alvar) grasslands in Estonia (pages 208–218)

    Rein Kalamees, Kersti Püssa, Kristjan Zobel and Martin Zobel

    Biomass accumulation during reed encroachment reduces efficiency of restoration of Baltic coastal grasslands (pages 219–230)

    Marek Sammul, Karin Kauer and Tiina Köster

    Restoration of flooded meadows in Estonia – vegetation changes and management indicators (pages 231–244)

    Jaak-Albert Metsoja, Lena Neuenkamp, Silvia Pihu, Kai Vellak, Jesse M. Kalwij and Martin Zobel

    Spontaneous restoration of target vegetation in old-fields in a central European landscape: a repeated analysis after three decades (pages 245–252)

    Alena Jírová, Alexandra Klaudisová and Karel Prach

    Regional seed mixtures for the re-creation of species-rich meadows in the White Carpathian Mountains: results of a 10-yr experiment (pages 253–263)

    Jonathan Mitchley, Ivana Jongepierová and Karel Fajmon

    Grassland restoration to conserve landscape-level biodiversity: a synthesis of early results from a large-scale project (pages 264–276)

    Szabolcs Lengyel, Katalin Varga, Beatrix Kosztyi, László Lontay, Eszter Déri, Péter Török and Béla Tóthmérész

    Using a two-phase sowing approach in restoration: sowing foundation species to restore, and subordinate species to evaluate restoration success (pages 277–289)

    Clémentine Coiffait-Gombault, Elise Buisson and Thierry Dutoit

    Enhancing plant biodiversity in species-poor grassland through plant material transfer – the impact of sward disturbance (pages 290–298)

    Ralf Schmiede, Annette Otte and Tobias W. Donath


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