
wtorek, 29 maja 2012

Annales Botanici Fennici - 48 (6), 2011 (Hoya sapaensis new species from Vietnam)


Bacchetta, G., Fenu, G., Grillo, O., Mattana, E. & Venora, G. 2011: Identification of Sardinian species of Astragalus section Melanocercis (Fabaceae) by seed image analysis.

Scassellati, E., Abbate, G. & Lucchese, F. 2011: Lectotypification of Statice canescens Host and Armeria majellensis Boiss. (Plumbaginaceae). 

Iamonico, D., Giovi, E., Iberite, M. & Abbate, G. 2011: Typification of Trifolium latinum Sebast. (Fabaceae) and comparison with similar species. 

Pangua, E., Pérez-Ruzafa, I. & Pajarón, S. 2011: Gametophyte features in a peculiar annual fern, Anogramma leptophylla. 

Molnár, K. & Farkas, E. 2011: Depsides and depsidones in populations of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes and its genetic diversity. 

Pahlevani, A., Geltman, D. V. & Riina, R. 2011: Taxonomic revision of Euphorbia subsect. Myrsiniteae in Iran. 

Nobis, M. 2011: Stipa kotuchovii, nom. nov. (Poaceae). 

Cannon, C. H. & Chen, X. 2011: Lithocarpus pulongtauensis (Fagaceae), a new species from Borneo. 

Gagarina, L. V. 2011: Gyalecta titovii, a new corticolous lichen species from Abkhazia and Russia. 

Arabaci, T. & Dirmenci, T. 2011: Cirsium yildizianum (Asteraceae: Cynareae), a new species from East Anatolia, Turkey. 

Ilçim, A., Behçet, L. & Tel, A. Z. 2011: Campanula hacerae (Campanulaceae), a new species from Turkey. 

Tran, T. B., Rodda, M., Kim, J. H., Lee, J., Kim, D. K. & Ha, B. T. 2011: Hoya sapaensis (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Vietnam. 

Tseng, Y. H. & Chao, C. T. 2011: Tylophora lui (Apocynaceae), a new species from Taiwan. 

Lin, C. R. & Liu, Y. 2011: Aspidistra longituba (Ruscaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China. 

Vu, Q. N. & Xia, N. H. 2011: Magnolia bidoupensis (Magnoliaceae), a new species from Vietnam. 

Nomenclatural novelties in Ann. Bot. Fennici 48(6). 


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