
niedziela, 13 maja 2012

African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (1-7), 2012

African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (1), 2012


Research Articles

Chiraz Chaffei Haouari, Afef Hajjaji Nasraoui, Donia Bouthour, Maaroufi Dghimi Houda, Chiraz Ben Daieb, Jamel Mnai and Houda Gouia

Response of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) to cadmium toxicity: Growth, element uptake, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate

Adenike A. O. Ogunshe, Zibi M. Johnny and Amala O. Arinze

Effects of food spices on Gram-negative food indicator bacteria from some Nigerian ethnic fermented plant food condiments

Ipou Ipou J., Koffi K. A. D., Ouattara D and N’Guessan K. E.

Vegetation and flora dynamic of the fallow of the national centre of  floristic (NCF) of Cocody-Abidjan University (Ivory Coast)

Nasrullah Khan

A community analysis of Quercus baloot Griff, forest District Dir, Upper Pakistan

Lwandiso Dyubeni and Lisa V. Buwa

Foliar micromorphology of Salvia greggii A. Gray (Lamiaceae)

Salah Balla M. Ahmed and Abubakri F. Ahmed

Genotype × season interaction and characters association of some Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes under rain-fed conditions of Sudan

T. I. Borokini and A. E. Ayodele

Pollen morphology of Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze in Nigeria



African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (2), 2012


Research Articles

Tamal Chakraborty, Amal Kumar Mondal and Sanjukta Mondal Parui

Studies on the prospects and some problems of sand dune vegetation at the fragile coastal zones of West Bengal and Orissa, in Eastern India

Aluko Olubunmi A., Chikoye D. and Smith Muftau A. K.

Effect of soybean (Glycine max) leaf extracts on germination and early growth of speargrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Reauschel

Mahmut Dogan

Investigation of the effect of salt stress on the antioxidant enzyme activities on the young and old leaves of Salsola (Stenoptera) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.)

M. Sharrifmoghaddasi

Study on florets harvest effects on grain and oil yields and their components in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)

Yoseph Beyene, Stephen Mugo, Tadele Tefera, James Gethi, John Gakunga, Samuel Ajanga, Haron Karaya, Ruth Musila, Wilson Muasya, Regina Tende and Stephen Njoka

Yield stability of stem borer resistant maize hybrids evaluated in regional trials in east Africa

Olawuyi O. J., Ezekiel-Adewoyin D. T., Odebode, A. C., Aina. D. A. and Esenbamen. G. E.

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (Glomus clarum) and organomineral fertilizer on growth and yield performance of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)

Mohamad Pirigharnaei Samad Zare,Reza Heidary, Jalil Khara and Reza EmamaliSabzi

Determination and comparing of the essential oil components in wild and cultivated populations of Thymus kotschyanus Boiss. & Hohen

Xavier Mhike, Patrick Okori, Cosmos Magorokosho and Thokozile Ndlela

Validation of the use of secondary traits and selection indices for drought tolerance in tropical maize (Zea mays L.)

Aikpokpodion P. O. and Edet O. U.

Karyotype characterization of Platostoma africanum P. Beauv. in Southeastern Nigeria


African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (3), 2012


Research Articles

Muhammad S. A., Malik Z. H., Malik N. Z. and Sadia M. A

The position of Pinus roxburghii in the forests of Kotli hills, Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Gidey Yirga, Mekonen Teferi, Gebrerufael Gidey and Samuel Zerabruk

An ethnoveterinary survey of medicinal plants used to treat livestock diseases in Seharti-Samre district, northern Ethiopia

Ncube Lindani and Calistus Bvenura

Effects of the integrated use of effective micro-organisms, compost and mineral fertilizer on greenhouse-grown tomato

Maria Goss

A study of the initial establishment of multi - purpose moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) at various plant densities, their effect on biomass accumulation and leaf yield when grown as vegetable

J. Karanja, S. Nguluu and M. Gatheru

Farm yard manure reduces the virulence of Alectra vogelii (Benth) on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

M. K. Abdurakhimov

Growing ecologically clean potato seed material


African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (4), 2012


Research Articles

Fatemeh Ahmadloo, Masoud Tabari, Hamed Yousefzadeh, Yahya Kooch and Ahmad Rahmani

Effects of soil nutritional status on seedling nursery performance of Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica var arizonica Greene) and Medite cypress (Cupressus sempervirens var. horizantalis (Mill.) Gord)

David Akpoebi Akpuluma and Charles Chukwumah Opara

Determination of the characteristics of plant exudates from selected tropical trees and unripe fruits

P. E. Norman, P. Tongoona and P. E. Shanahan

Diversity in chromosome number and raphide morphology of yam (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes from Sierra Leone


African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (5), 2012


Research Articles

Alamu L. O., Ojo A. O. and Ogunesan B. A.

Effect of oil types as pollutants on physiognomic characteristics of Gmelina arborea in the tropical rainforest zone of Nigeria

D. Oppong-Sekyere, R. Akromah, E. Y. Nyamah, E. Brenya and S. Yeboah

Evaluation of some okra (Abelmoschus spp L.) germplasm in Ghana


African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (6), 2012


Research Articles

Bilal Ahmad Mir, Sushma Koul, Arun Kumar , M. K. Kaul, A. S. Soodan and S. N. Raina

Assessment and characterization of genetic diversity in Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers

Dereje Ademe, Derbew Belew and Getachew Tabor

Influence of bulb topping and intra row spacing on yield and quality of some shallot (Allium Cepa Var. Aggregatum) varieties at Aneded woreda, western Amhara

Fatemeh Zarinkamar, Maryam Ghannadnia and Raheem Haddad

Limonene synthase gene expression under different concentrations of manganese in Cuminum cyminum L.


African Journal of Plant Science - 6 (7), 2012



Farhood Golmohammadi and Mohammad Karim Motamed

A viewpoint toward farm management and importance of barberry in sustainable rural livelihood in desert regions in east of Iran

Research Articles

Abdulrahim Aljamal, Abdallah Ibrahim, Mohammad A. Al-Fararjeh and Taha Alqadi

Effects of rosemary on lipid profile in diabetic rats


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