
piątek, 27 kwietnia 2012

African Journal of Biotechnology - 11 (4), 2012



Wahid Herchi, David Arráez-Román, Sadok Boukhchina, Habib Kallel, Antonio Segura-Carretero and Alberto Fernández-Gutierrez.

A review of the methods used in the determination of flaxseed components

Full Length Research Article


Adewale A. Sorungbe and Adegoke, J. A.

Karyotypic studies of four species of the blackfly, Simulium (Diptera: Simuliidae)

Junqing Xu, Yan Xue, Zifan Lu, Mengqi Wei, Haiyan Fu, Yong Yang, Fan Lu, Yousheng Wu and Yi Huan

Activity enhancement of activating transcription factor 3 by restin, a novel melanoma-associated antigen

Choladda Sae-Eung, Thiti Kanchanaketu, Nitsri Sangduen and Vipa Hongtrakul

DNA methylation and genetic diversity analysis of genus Cycas in Thailand

Ou Lijun and Zou Xuexiao

Inter simple sequence repeat analysis of genetic diversity of five cultivated pepper species

Yaofa Li, Yuchuan Qin, Zhanlin Gao, Zhihong Dang, Wenliang Pan and Guiming Xu

Cloning, expression and characterisation of a novel gene encoding a chemosensory protein from Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

Xiaoran Hao, Yuan Ji, Shourong Liu, Jiannan Bi, Qing Bi, Jiao Pan and Xudong Zhu

Optimized integration of T-DNA in the taxol-producing fungus Pestalotiopsis malicola

Jaleel Kizhakkayil and B. Sasikumar

Characterization of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) germplasm based on volatile and non-volatile components


Muhammad Asif Shehzad, Muhammad Maqsood, Muhammad Anwar-ul-Haq and Abid Niaz

Efficacy of various herbicides against weeds in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Hayssam M. Ali, Manzer H. Siddiqui, Mohammed O. Basalah, Mohamed H. Al-Whaibi, Ahmed M. Sakran and Abdullah Al-Amri

Effects of gibberellic acid on growth and photosynthetic pigments of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. under salt stress

Ying-ni Cao, Wei-guo Hu and Cheng-she Wang

Relationship among the key enzymatic activities involved in starch synthesis and amylopectin chain distributions in developing wheat grain

Ki-Won Lee, Ochirbat Chinzorig, Gi Jun Choi, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Hyung Soo Park, Won Hoo Kim and Sang-Hoon Lee

Factors influencing callus induction and plant regeneration of Dahurian wildrye grass (Elymus dahuricus L.)

Waqas Wakil, M. Usman Ghazanfar, Yong Jung Kwon, Ehsan Ullah, Shamas-ul-Islam and Kashif Ali

Testing Paecilomyces lilacinus, diatomaceous earth and Azadirachta indica alone and in combination against cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) (Insecta: Homoptera: Aphididae)


Ma. Soledad Vázquez-Garciduenas, Israel Morales Guzmán and Gerardo Vázquez-Marrufo

Molecular genetic identification and extracellular laccase activity of two wild fungal isolates from Mexico

Olowoyo, J. O., Mdakane, S. T. R. and Okedeyi, O. O.

Assessing the levels of trace metal from two fish species harvested from treated waste water stored in a manmade lake Pretoria, South Africa

Godliving Y. S. Mtui

Oxalic acid pretreatment, fungal enzymatic saccharification and fermentation of maize residues to ethanol

Ali Shafaghat, Farshid Salimi, Mahdi Valiei, Jaber Salehzadeh and Masoud Shafaghat

Removal of heavy metals (Pb2+, Cu2+ and Cr3+) from aqueous solutions using five plants materials

Rabi G. Rasaily, Hongwen Li, Jin He, Qingjie Wang and Caiyun Lu

Influence of no tillage controlled traffic system on soil physical properties in double cropping area of North China plain

Ikbel Sellami, Samira Ben Romdahane, Wassim Guermazi, Monia El Bour, Asma Hamza, Mohammed Alaoui Mhamdi, Bernadette Pinel-Alloul, Lotfi Aleya and Habib Ayadi

Seasonal dynamics of plankton communities coupled with environmental factors in a semi arid area: Sidi Saâd reservoir (Center of Tunisia)


A. Arastehnodeh, M. Ardjmand1, M. A. Fanaei and A. A. Safekordi

Kinetic modeling of concentrated acid hydrolysis of walnut green skin


Ben Youssef Nabil, Ouni Youssef, Dabbech Nizar, Baccouri Bechir, Abdelly Chedly and Zarrouk Mokhtar

Effect of olive storage period at two different temperatures on oil quality of two tunisian cultivars of Olea europea, Chemlali and Chétoui


Farshid Aref

Manganese, iron and copper contents in leaves of maize plants (Zea mays L.) grown with different boron and zinc micronutrients

Wahid Herchi, Hajer Trabelsi, Hamadi Ben Salah, Yuan Yuan Zhao, Sadok Boukhchina, Habib Kallel and Jonathan M. Curtis

Changes in the triacylglycerol content of flaxseeds during development using liquid chromatography- atmospheric pressure photoionization-mass spectrometry (LC-APPI-MS)

Sonia Hamlaoui-Gasmi, Nadia Limam, Meherzia Mokni, Ferid Limam, Ezzedine Aouani, Mohamed Amri and Lamjed Marzouki

Modulation of heart redox status by garlic based on route of administration in rat

Zhenqiang Xia and Shengjun Wu

Cell number as an important variable in optimising inoculum age and size in yeast cultivation

Chen Xiang, Zheng Xiaowei, Lou Xiaojuan, Huang Yong, Zhang Guohai, Guo Xueqi, Qian Jin, Pan Yuexian and Yang Yongping

Effects of crude polysaccharides from Purslane on fatigue induced by forced swimming

Ergin M. ALTUNER, Cemil IŞLEK, Talip ÇETER and Hami ALPAS

High hydrostatic pressure extraction of phenolic compounds from Maclura pomifera fruits

Nahed Fakhfakh, Manel Gargouri, Ines Dahmen, Alya Sellami-Kamoun, Abdelfattah El Feki and Moncef Nasri

Improvement of antioxidant potential in rats consuming feathers protein hydrolysate obtained by fermentation of the keratinolytic bacterium, Bacillus pumilus A1


Rangarajulu Senthil Kumaran, Yong-Keun Choi, Seongmin Lee, Hyeon Jin Jeon, Heehoon Jung and Hyung Joo Kim

Isolation of taxol, an anticancer drug produced by the endophytic fungus, Phoma betae

Sara Faryadian, Afra Khosravi, Hoseein Ali Safakha and Ali Rashidy-Pour

The influence of verapamil on the inhibitory effects of corticosterone against neuropathic pain behaviors in rats

Mohammad Kargar, Maryam Baghernejad and Sadegh Ghorbani-Dalini

Multi-drug resistance and molecular pattern of erythromycin and penicillin resistance genes in Streptococcus pneumoniae

Madhuri K., Vani K., Rabbani Syed, S. Jithender Kumar Naik and Khalid Alharbi

Assessment of drug induced genotoxicity in gastric cancer patients


Atinç Yilmaz and Kürşat Ayan

Comparison with Sugeno Model and Measurement Of Cancer Risk Analysis By New Fuzzy Logic Approach

Zahid Anwar, Muhammad Gulfraz, M. Javaid Asad, Muhammad Imran, Zahid Akram, Sajid Mehmood, Abdul Rehman, Pervez Anwar and Alia Sadiq

Bioethanol productions from rice polish by optimization of dilute acid pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis


M. Seker and A. Can

Determination of forage escape protein value with in situ and enzyme techniques


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