
sobota, 21 kwietnia 2012

African Journal of Biotechnology - 10 (78), 2011


Research Articles


Xueyan Li, Chunxia Wang, Hongmei Sun and Tianlai Li

Establishment of the total RNA extraction system for lily bulbs with abundant polysaccharides

Naeem Rashid, Saira Hameed, Masood Ahmed Siddiqui and Ikram-ul-Haq

Gene cloning and characterization of NADH oxidase from Thermococcus kodakarensis

Xiao-Hong Han, Yan-Jun Xue, De-yu Chen, Shi-He Shao, He Huang, Xian-Qian Li and Hua-Xi Xu

Cloning, expression and functional analysis of MAP30 from Momordica charantia reveals its induction of apoptosis of the BGC-823 cells

Shufeng Zhou, Shanhua lü, Fenglin Fu, Hai Lan, Zhiming Zhang, Suzhi Zhang, Qilin Tang and Yuanqi Wu

Over-expression of Sub1A, a submergence tolerance gene from rice, confers enhanced hypoxic stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco plants


Shiyang Zhu, Xiaoling Zhang, Tiankuan Luo, Qing Liu, Zheng Tang and Zange Jing

Effects of NaCl stress on seed germination, early seedling growth and physiological characteristics of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.)

Mahmoud Sabaouhi, Ahmad Ghanbari, Fatemeh Rastegaripour, Abolfazl Tavassoli and Yaser esmaeilian

Economic evaluation and Applications of the Policy Analysis Matrix of sole and intercropping of leguminous and cereals Case study: Shirvan city-Iran

Chunhui Wu, Quanzhen Wang, Bao Xie, Zhengwei Wang, Jian Cui and Tianming Hu

Effects of drought and salt stress on seed germination of three leguminous species

Jungai Ma, Minwei Chai and Fuchen Shi

Effects of long-term salinity on the growth of the halophyte Spartina alterniflora Loisel

S. Arulchinnappan and G. Rajendran

A study on reverse osmosis permeating treatment for yarn dyeing effluent using fuzzy linear regression model

Sadegh Balotf and Gholamreza Kavoosi

Differential nitrate accumulation, nitrate reduction, nitrate reductase activity, protein production and carbohydrate biosynthesis in response to potassium and sodium nitrate

Wei Wang, Renqing Wang, Yifu Yuan, Ning Du and Weihua Guo

Effects of salt and water stress on plant biomass and photosynthetic characteristics of Tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis Lour.) seedlings

Eyüp Erdogan, Ekrem Akçiçek, Selami Selvi and Gülendam Tümen

Comparative morphological and ecological studies of two Stachys species (sect. Eriostomum, subsect. Germanicae) grown in Turkey

Yanbing Guo, Zhenming Zhang , Lu Wen, Jinlan Liu, Kun Ma, Rong Zhang and Jiakai Liu.

The relationship between ancient trees health and soil properties


Memory Tekere, Adéle Lötter, Jana Olivier, Nelia Jonker and Stephanus Venter

Metagenomic analysis of bacterial diversity of Siloam hot water spring, Limpopo, South Africa


Qinrong Wang, Ying Pan, Jinzhi Wang, Qing Peng, Hongjun Luo and Jinhong Zheng

Synthesis and biological activities of substituted N'-benzoylhydrazone derivatives

S. E.Oriaifo and E. K. Omogbai

Comparative effects of imipramine, sertraline, nifedipine, furosemide and bumetanide on ingestive behaviour in mice

Denise Boechat Leite, Ricardo Martins-da-Rocha Meirelles, Carlos Alberto Mandarim-de-Lacerda, Haroldo José de Matos and Mario Bernardo-Filho

Serum insulin-like growth factor-I adult reference values for an automated chemiluminescence immunoassay system

Hasan Kiliçgün, Abdullah Olgun and Zeynep Köksal

Investigation of the protective effects of Vitamin C, iron and desferrioxamine on heat stress resistance in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans

Bo Ma, Minghui-Chen, Qi Zhang, Qingqing-Yang, Zhendong-Yang, Zimei-Wu, Yanping-Cheng, Yonglu-Wang and Hanjie-Ying

Determination of strontium in rat plasma and plasma ultrafiltrate by Zeeman Furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy and its application to a pharmacokinetic study


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