
wtorek, 20 marca 2012

Turczaninowia - 14 (2-4), 2011

Turczaninowia - 14 (2), 2011


Chalimov A.P., Vaganov A.V., Schmakov A.I. Spore morphology of Polypodium L. (Polypodiaceae J. Presl & Presl) species from Russia

Averyanov L.V. The orchids of Vietnam illustrated survey. Part 3. Subfamily Epidendroideae (primitive tribes – Neottieae, Vanilleae, Gastrodieae, Nervilieae)

Sojak J., Danihelka J., Hajek M. Potentilla turkestanica, a rare species new to the flora of Russia

Dorofeyev V.I. Euphorbia geniculata Ortega (Euphorbiaceae), a new species for the russian flora

Dorofeyev V.I., Ganbold E., Enkhmaa U., Korobkov A.A. New data of mongolian flora

Gavrilenko I.G., Gorovoy P.G. Areas of the East Asian species of Thalictrum sect. Erythranda (Ranunculaceae)

Tsarenko N.?., Nesterova S.V., Salokhin A.V. Pogonia japonica (Orchidaceae) in the Sakhalin island

Davydov E.A., Tchabanenko S.I., Makryi T.V., Khanin V.A. The second confirmed record of Umbilicaria pulvinaria (lichenized Ascomycota) since its original description in 1914

Volkova S.A., Pshennikova L.M. The leaf epidermis in species of genus Dasiphora (Rosaceae)

Boyko E.V. Trichomes of achenes of Asteraceae. I. Covering hairs

Volkova S.A., Gorovoy P.G. Chromosome numbers of Cnidium (Apiaceae) species from the Russian Far East and Alaska


Turczaninowia - 14 (3), 2011


Pham V.T., Averyanov L.V. Hiepia corymbosa – new genus of Apocynaceae (Asclepiadoideae) from Vietnam

Lazkov G.A., Pashinina T.G. New species of Tulipa and Eremurus (Liliaceae) from Kyrgyzstan

Chkalov A.V. New species of Alchemilla L. from Central Russia

Shaulo D.N., Erst A.S. A new species of Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae) from West Sayan, North Asia

Kobozeva E.V., Gerus D.E., Ovchinnikova S.V., Agafonov A.V. Taxonomic relationships between StY genome species Elymus ciliaris and E. amurensis (Poaceae)

Lomonosova M.N. Chromosome numbers, taxonomy and distribution of Suaeda subgen. Brezia (Chenopodiaceae)

Savinov I.A. Principal trends of morphological evolution in the Celastrales

Sinelnikova N.V., Pakhomov M.N. Morphological variability of Larix cajanderi in Orotuk depression (Kolyma valley)

Feodorova T.A. Phylogenetic relations of the South African species of Caroxylon sect. Caroxylon and Tetragonae (Chenopodiaceae) based on the morphology and nrITS sequences

Khantemirova E.V., Berkutenko A.N. New data on genetic differentiation of common Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) in North-East Asia

Verkholat V.P., Barkalov V.Yu. Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae) – a new for the flora of Russia species from the Far East

Gorbunova I.A., Taylakov A.A. New species of Russulaceae in the mycobiota of South Siberia

Naumenko Yu.V., Makeeva E.G. Golden algae of lake Itkul (Khakassia Republic)

Rodnikova I.M. Materials to the study of lichens from Russky Island and the near small islands (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan)

Shaulo D.N., Myakshina T.A., Shaulo S.P., Erst A.S. Floristic findings in the upper Yenisei basin

Dymina G.D., Ershova E.A. To the methods of assessment of phytocoenoses environment on Ramensky’s ecological scales

Buzunova I.O., Illarionova I.D., Krestovskaya T.V., Mikhailova M.A., Raenko L.M. Type specimens of the Siberian and Russian Far Eastern taxa of Salicaceae Mirb. kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)

Derzhavina N.M., Pokrovskaya Z.M. Biomorphology of sporophytes and ontogenesis of gametophytes of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. (Adiantaceae)

Karpova E.A., Karakulov A.V. Phenolic compounds of closely related Rhododendron species (Ericaceae)

Karpova E.A., Khramova E.P. Chemosystematic aspects of the composition and content of flavonoids of some species of the genus Euphorbia L.


Turczaninowia - 14 (4), 2011


Kechaikin A.A., Shmakov A.I. Two new species of Potentilla – P. khanminczunii and P. rudolfii (Rosaceae) from Altai Republic

Belkin D.L. Genus Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) in Altai mountain country

German D.A. Taxonomical confusions in the Cruciferae of North and Central Asia. I. Alyssum fischerianum and Alyssum canescens

Movergoz E.A., Sinjushin A.A., Zaytseva A.Ya., Lapirov A.G. On the hybrid nature of Ranunculus×glueckii A. Félix ex C.D.K. Cook (Ranunculaceae)

Abramova L.A., Volkova p.A. Floristic findings on the mountain ridge Khamar-Daban (Buryatia Republic)

Kiselyova A.G. New localities of «Redbook species» of vascular plants from islands of northwest part of Sea of Japan

Van G.V., Van V.m. Vascular plants of «Natural landscape monument “Landslide lake Amut ”» and their protection

Dudov S.V. The vascular plants checklist of the rivers Uchur, Dzhana and Maimakan upstreams, South-West Dzhugdzhur (Khabarovsk Krai, Russia)

Durnikin D.?. Ecotopological structure of the flora of basins of southern part of Ob-Irtysh interfluve

Tikhomirova L.I. Investigation of morphogenetic processes in explants of perianth tube of Iris ensata Thunb. under propagation in vitro

Tikhomirova L.I. Comparative analysis of histogenesis and organogenesis in explants of generative organs of representatives of genus Iris L. in culture in vitro

Erst A.A., Erst A.S. In vitro propagation of rare plant Fritillaria dagana Turcz. ex Trautv. from bulb scales

Telyatnikov M.Yu., Mamakhatova V.A. Syntaxonomy of high mountains steppes and tundras of the South-East Altai (semiarid climatic sector)

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