
piątek, 2 marca 2012

Talanta - 89, 2012


Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Extraction and preconcentration techniques for chromatographic determination of chlorophenols in environmental and food samples
Paulo de Morais, Teodor Stoichev, M. Clara P. Basto, M. Teresa S.D. Vasconcelos

Mercury speciation in seafood using isotope dilution analysis: A review
Stéphanie Clémens, Mathilde Monperrus, Olivier F.X. Donard, David Amouroux, Thierry Guérin

Automatized flow-batch method for fluorescent determination of free glycerol in biodiesel samples using on-line extraction
Marcelo B. Lima, Matías Insausti, Claudia E. Domini, Marcelo F. Pistonesi, Mário C. Ugulino de Araújo, Beatriz S. Fernández Band

Electrochemiluminescence immunosensor based on graphene–CdS quantum dots–agarose composite for the ultrasensitive detection of alpha fetoprotein
Zhiyong Guo, Tingting Hao, Jing Duan, Sui Wang, Danyi Wei

Effect of plasma treatment on the gas sensor with single-walled carbon nanotube paste
Ki-Young Dong, Dae-Jin Ham, Byung Hyun Kang, Keunsoo Lee, Jinnil Choi, Jin-Woo Lee, Hyang Hee Choi, Byeong-Kwon Ju

Removal of sudan dyes from water with C18-functional ultrafine magnetic silica nanoparticles
Chunzhu Jiang, Ying Sun, Xi Yu, Lei Zhang, Xiumin Sun, Yan Gao, Hanqi Zhang, Daqian Song

Development and validation of UHPLC–ESI-MS/MS method for the determination of selected cardiovascular drugs, polyphenols and their metabolites in human urine
Sylwia Magiera, Irena Baranowska, Jacek Kusa

A novel label-free fluorescent sensor for the detection of potassium ion based on DNAzyme
Xiaoyu Fan, Haitao Li, Jie Zhao, Fanbo Lin, Lingli Zhang, Youyu Zhang, Shouzhuo Yao

Analysis of linear and cyclic methylsiloxanes in water by headspace-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
E.Y. Companioni-Damas, F.J. Santos, M.T. Galceran

Pharmacokinetics and metabolite identification of a novel VEGFR-2 and Src dual inhibitor 6-chloro-2-methoxy-N-(2-methoxybenzyl) acridin-9-amine in rats by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Yibao Jin, Xudong Luan, Hongxia Liu, Chunmei Gao, Shangfu Li, Deliang Cao, Xiaoyan Li, Zongwei Cai, Yuyang Jiang

Evaluation of pesticide residue contents in fruit juice by solid-phase microextraction and multidimensional gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
Maria Luisa Ruiz del Castillo, Monica Rodriguez-Valenciano, Fernando de la Pena Moreno, Gracia Patricia Blanch

A fast, sensitive, and high throughput method for the determination of cefuroxime lysine in dog plasma by UPLC–MS/MS
Longshan Zhao, Yunli Zhao, Qing Li, Xiaohui Chen, Feng Xiao, Bosai He, Jie Wang, Kaishun Bi

Metabonomic study on the cumulative cardiotoxicity of a pirarubicin liposome powder
Wenjuan Cong, Qionglin Liang, Li Li, Jun Shi, Qingfei Liu, Yi Feng, Yiming Wang, Guoan Luo

Airborne particulate matter (PM) filter analysis and modeling by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) and X-ray standing wave (XSW)
L. Borgese, M. Salmistraro, A. Gianoncelli, A. Zacco, R. Lucchini, N. Zimmerman, L. Pisani, G. Siviero, L.E. Depero, E. Bontempi

Screening of single-walled carbon nanotubes by optical fiber sensing
Celine I.L. Justino, Ana C. Freitas, Teresa A.P. Rocha-Santos, Armando C. Duarte

Simple transmission Raman measurements using a single multivariate model for analysis of pharmaceutical samples contained in capsules of different colors
Yeojin Lee, Jaejin Kim, Sanguk Lee, Young-Ah Woo, Hoeil Chung

Utilization of inverted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by HPLC-UV as a sensitive and efficient method for the extraction and determination of quercetin in honey and biological samples
Elias Ranjbari, Pourya Biparva, Mohammad Reza Hadjmohammadi

Combination of carbon nanotubes modified filters with microextraction by packed sorbent for the NACE analysis of trace levels of ionic liquids in river water samples
M.L. Polo-Luque, B.M. Simonet, M. Valcárcel

Thermally stable ionic liquid-based sol–gel coating for ultrasonic extraction–solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography determination of phthalate esters in agricultural plastic films
Xin Zhou, Xiao Shao, Jian-jun Shu, Ming-ming Liu, Han-lan Liu, Xiong-han Feng, Fan Liu

Simultaneous electrochemical determination of dopamine and ascorbic acid using AuNPs@polyaniline core–shell nanocomposites modified electrode
Limin Yang, Shufeng Liu, Qixiu Zhang, Feng Li

The new approach for captopril detection employing triangular gold nanoparticles-catalyzed luminol chemiluminescence
Qingshuo Chen, Shouli Bai, Chao Lu

Simultaneous and sensitive capillary electrophoretic enantioseparation of three ß-blockers with the combination of achiral ionic liquid and dual CD derivatives
Yue Jin, Cheng Chen, Lingchen Meng, Jitao Chen, Meixian Li, Zhiwei Zhu

Ultra-high sensitive ammonia chemical sensor based on ZnO nanopencils
G.N. Dar, Ahmad Umar, Shabi Abbas Zaidi, S. Baskoutas, S.W. Hwang, M. Abaker, A. Al-Hajry, S.A. Al-Sayari

Selective recognition of arsenic by tailoring ion-imprinted polymer for ICP-MS quantification
Yeuk-Ki Tsoi, Yee-Man Ho, Kelvin Sze-Yin Leung

Bioaccumulation and transformation of methylmercury and selenite using zebrafish (Danio Rerio) larvae as a model
S. Cuello, J. Sanz-Landaluze, Y. Madrid, J. Guinea, C. Cámara

Validation of an analytical method for the determination of ethyl carbamate in vinegars
C. Ubeda, C. Balsera, A.M. Troncoso, R.M. Callejón, M.L. Morales

Conduction mechanism and gas sensing properties of CoFe2O4 nanocomposite thick films for H2S gas
Anjali B. Bodade, Archana B. Bodade, H.G. Wankhade, G.N. Chaudhari, D.C. Kothari

Preparation of hydrophilic carbon-functionalized magnetic microspheres coated with chitosan and application in solid-phase extraction of bisphenol A in aqueous samples
Yingying Geng, Mingyu Ding, Hui Chen, Hai-Fang Li, Jin-Ming Lin

Dissolution of fluoride complexes following microwave-assisted hydrofluoric acid digestion of marine sediments
Jesse M. Muratli, James McManus, Alan Mix, Zanna Chase

Development and validation of a multiclass method for the determination of veterinary drug residues in chicken by ultra high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
Renata Pereira Lopes, Rocío Cazorla Reyes, Roberto Romero-González, Antonia Garrido Frenich, José Luis Martínez Vidal

Development and validation of a fast and sensitive UPLC–MS/MS method for the quantification of six probe metabolites for the in vitro determination of cytochrome P450 activity
Lies De Bock, Koen Boussery, Pieter Colin, Julie De Smet, Huybrecht T’Jollyn, Jan Van Bocxlaer

Rapid screening of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in waters by directly suspended droplet microextraction-microvolume fluorospectrometry
Francisco Pena-Pereira, Isabel Costas-Mora, Isela Lavilla, Carlos Bendicho

Influence of grain topography on near infrared hyperspectral images
Marena Manley, Cushla M. McGoverin, Paulina Engelbrecht, Paul Geladi

Determination of HT-2 and T-2 toxins in oats and wheat by ultra-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection
Michelangelo Pascale, Giuseppe Panzarini, Angelo Visconti

Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry determination of feminizing chemicals in river water, sediment and tissue pretreated using disk-type solid-phase extraction and matrix solid-phase dispersion
Wen-Ling Chen, Gen-Shuh Wang, Jin-Chywan Gwo, Chia-Yang Chen

Development of label-free optical diagnosis for sensitive detection of influenza virus with genetically engineered fusion protein
Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Do-Kyun Kim, Nam Su Heo, Jung Youn Park, Sang Yup Lee

Selective discrimination of small hydrophobic biomolecules based on ion-current rectification in conically shaped nanochannel
Zhijun Guo, Jiahai Wang, Erkang Wang

Analysis of endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in sewage sludge by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Yong Yu, Laosheng Wu

Self-assembled coordination nanoparticles from nucleotides and lanthanide ions with doped-boronic acid-fluorescein for detection of cyanide in the presence of Cu2+ in water
Sirinan Kulchat, Anusak Chaicham, Sanong Ekgasit, Gamolwan Tumcharern, Thawatchai Tuntulani, Boosayarat Tomapatanaget

Grafting of norfloxacin imprinted polymeric membranes on silica surface for the selective solid-phase extraction of fluoroquinolones in fish samples
Yun-Kai Lv, Yong Ma, Xiao-Bo Zhao, Cui-Ling Jia, Han-Wen Sun

Preconcentration and determination of copper in tobacco leaves samples by using a minicolumn of sisal fiber (Agave sisalana) loaded with Alizarin fluorine blue by FAAS
Fábio de S. Dias, Josemário S. Bonsucesso, Lucas C. Oliveira, Walter N.L. dos Santos

Speciation analysis of mercury in natural water and fish samples by using capillary electrophoresis–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
YunQiang Zhao, JinPing Zheng, Ling Fang, Qin Lin, YongNing Wu, ZhiMin Xue, FengFu Fu

Screening analysis of beer ageing using near infrared spectroscopy and the Successive Projections Algorithm for variable selection
Mahdi Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, Seyed Saied Mohtasebi, Maria Luz Rodriguez-Mendez, Adriano A. Gomes, Mario Cesar Ugulino Araújo, Roberto K.H. Galvao

Multi-residue method for the determination of brominated and organophosphate flame retardants in indoor dust
Nele Van den Eede, Alin C. Dirtu, Nadeem Ali, Hugo Neels, Adrian Covaci

Capillary electrophoresis with electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry for the characterisation of degradation products in aged papers
Anne-Laurence Dupont, Agathe Seemann, Bertrand Lavédrine

Development of an immunoassay for terbutryn: Study of the influence of the immunization protocol
Nuria Sanvicens, Begona Varela, Berta Ballesteros, M.-Pilar Marco

Label-free, sensitive detection of Hg(II) with gold nanoparticles by using dynamic light scattering technique
Cen Xiong, Liansheng Ling

Validation of a method for the analysis of 77 priority persistent organic pollutants in river water by stir bar sorptive extraction in compliance with the European Water Framework Directive
F.J. Camino-Sánchez, A. Zafra-Gómez, S. Cantarero-Malagón, J.L. Vílchez

Determination of benzimidazole residues in animal tissue samples by combination of magnetic solid-phase extraction with capillary zone electrophoresis
Xi-Zhou Hu, Ming-Luan Chen, Qiang Gao, Qiong-Wei Yu, Yu-Qi Feng

Development and analytical validation of a multivariate calibration method for determination of amoxicillin in suspension formulations by near infrared spectroscopy
Maurício A.M. Silva, Marcus H. Ferreira, Jez W.B. Braga, Marcelo M. Sena

Separation of ruthenium from environmental samples on polymeric sorbent based on imprinted Ru(III)-allyl acetoacetate complex
Beata Godlewska-Żyłkiewicz, Elżbieta Zambrzycka, Barbara Leśniewska, Agnieszka Z. Wilczewska

Solid phase microextraction, mass spectrometry and metabolomic approaches for detection of potential urinary cancer biomarkers—A powerful strategy for breast cancer diagnosis
Catarina L. Silva, Mário Passos, José S. Câmara

Determination of maleic hydrazide residues in garlic bulbs by HPLC
Claudia Mamani Moreno, Teodoro Stadler, Antônio Alberto da Silva, Luiz C.A. Barbosa, Maria Eliana L.R. de Queiroz

Vesicular aggregate-based solventless microextraction of Ochratoxin A in dried vine fruits prior to liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection
Noelia Caballero-Casero, Sergio García-Fonseca, Soledad Rubio

Quantification of monoamine neurotransmitters and melatonin in sea lamprey brain tissues by high performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
Huiyong Wang, Yu-Wen Chung-Davidson, Ke Li, Anne M. Scott, Weiming Li

One-step synthesis of graphene/polyallylamine–Au nanocomposites and their electrocatalysis toward oxygen reduction
Qixian Zhang, Qiaoqiao Ren, Yuqing Miao, Junhua Yuan, Kaikai Wang, Fenghua Li, Dongxue Han, Li Niu

Analysis of red grape glycosidic aroma precursors by glycosyl glucose quantification
Ma Rosario Salinas, Kortes Serrano de la Hoz, Amaya Zalacain, José Félix Lara, Teresa Garde-Cerdán

Gold nanoparticles as a label-free probe for the detection of amyloidogenic protein
Hai-Jie Zhang, Hu-Zhi Zheng, Yi-Juan Long, Geng-Fu Xiao, Ling-Yan Zhang, Qin-Long Wang, Mei Gao, Wen-Jun Bai

Determination of six sulfonamide antibiotics, two metabolites and trimethoprim in wastewater by isotope dilution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
Nhat Le-Minh, Richard M. Stuetz, Stuart J. Khan

Enhanced nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensing with reduced graphene oxide/ferroferric oxide nanocomposites

Highly efficient quenching of electrochemiluminescence from CdS nanocrystal film based on biocatalytic deposition
Jing Wang, Wei-Wei Zhao, Chun-Yuan Tian, Jing-Juan Xu, Hong-Yuan Chen

Heterogeneous electrochemiluminescence spectrometry of Ru(bpy)32+ for determination of trace DNA and its application in measurement of gene expression level
Liping Shen, Yuming Sun, Jun Li, Li Chen, Lu Li, Guizheng Zou, Xiaoli Zhang, Wenrui Jin

A new 14-membered tetraazamacrocycle-bonded silica stationary phase for reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
Lijun He, Mingliang Zhang, Wenjie Zhao, Jie Liu, Xiuming Jiang, Shusheng Zhang, Lingbo Qu

Development and characterization of an electrostatic particle sampling system for the selective collection of trace explosives
Sebastian Beer, Gerhard Müller, Jürgen Wöllenstein

Use of a Sonogel-Carbon electrode modified with bentonite for the determination of diazepam and chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride in tablets and their metabolite oxazepam in urine
Ahmed Hosny Naggar, Mohammed ElKaoutit, Ignacio Naranjo-Rodriguez, Abd El-Aziz Yossef El-Sayed, José Luis Hidalgo-Hidalgo de Cisneros

Simultaneous separation and determination of trace amounts of Cd(II) and Cu(II) in environmental samples using novel diphenylcarbazide modified nanoporous silica
Akbar Bagheri, Mohammad Behbahani, Mostafa M. Amini, Omid Sadeghi, Mohsen Taghizade, Lida Baghayi, Mani Salarian

XRF, µ-XRD and µ-spectroscopic techniques for revealing the composition and structure of paint layers on polychrome sculptures after multiple restorations
M.L. Franquelo, A. Duran, J. Castaing, D. Arquillo, J.L. Perez-Rodriguez

Sulfur K-edge XANES and acid volatile sulfide analyses of changes in chemical speciation of S and Fe during sequential extraction of trace metals in anoxic sludge from biogas reactors
Sepehr Shakeri Yekta, Jenny Gustavsson, Bo H. Svensson, Ulf Skyllberg

An analytical method for lubricant quality control by NIR spectroscopy
David Zamora, Marcelo Blanco, Manel Bautista, Rufí Mulero, Miquel Mir

Application of bivariate statistics to full wine bottle diamagnetic screening data
S.J. Harley, V. Lim, M.P. Augustine

Amperometric determination of sulfide based on its electrocatalytic oxidation at a pencil graphite electrode modified with quercetin
Yusuf Dilgin, Bayram Kizilkaya, Bensu Ertek, Nuri Eren, Didem Giray Dilgin

Direct recognition and quantification by voltammetry of thiol/thioamide mixes in seawater
Luis M. Laglera, Antonio Tovar-Sánchez

Molecularly imprinted polymer for the specific solid-phase extraction of kirenol from Siegesbeckia pubescens herbal extract
Fang-Fang Chen, Rui Wang, Yan-Ping Shi

Computational design and synthesis of a high selective molecularly imprinted polymer for voltammetric sensing of propazine in food samples
Mohammad Bagher Gholivand, Nashmil karimian, Ghodratollah Malekzadeh

Static headspace analysis using polyurethane phases – Application to roasted coffee volatiles characterization
C. Rodrigues, F.C.M. Portugal, J.M.F. Nogueira

Automatic flow-batch system for the sample treatment and determination of hydroxyproline in sausages
J.A. Belloni, M.S. Di Nezio, M.F. Pistonesi, M.E. Centurión

Cyclic interconversion of methionine containing peptide between oxidized and reduced phases monitored by reversed-phase HPLC and ESI-MS/MS
Yulong Jin, Yanyan Huang, Yunfeng Xie, Wenbing Hu, Fuyi Wang, Guoquan Liu, Rui Zhao


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